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I have a 13 year-old girl who seems to be interested in history. Do you have any recommendations for good titles in Finnish? 140 Kirjasampo-service has made a list of historical novels for youngsters in 2017, which concentrates on books about Finnish history and only has titles published after 2000. It has some titles from authors like Maijaliisa Dieckmann and Leena Laulajainen, who have written several books on different periods of history even before that date. Espoo city library librarians Hakala and Valtonen have made the included pdf-list of books about history this spring. Hope she finds interesting reads from these!      
I am thinking about buying a Kindle. My husband saw in reviews that I can't use the library ebooks with one. A friend said you can. Am I able to? 203 Unfortunately Kindle is incompatible with library’s e-books, as it uses Amazon's own file and digital copyrights protection formats. Please check and especially Paragraps E-book readers.  
I am Kongju National University freshman. (Kongju National University is in South Korea) And My major is… 86 1. There are 135 library buses in Finland. 2. By law, every municipality in Finland is required to offer library services. So there are 282 main libraries and 436 branch libraries, and 12 hospital libraries. 3. In a survey made in 2017 about how people spend their free time, 83% of women and 70% of men had read at least one book in a last six months. 10% of those who answered the survey had read ten (or more) books in six months. I'm sorry, but the rest of your questions are too hard. Please contact Finnish Library Association for more information  Library statistics in Finland can be found in  The survey about free time was made by Statistics Finland,…
Dear Gentlemen, I am searchig for a Finnish book that has been out of order for a long time. It is a book about Hollywood comics Laurel & Hardy. The author is… 175 The book "Surullisen hahmon ritarit" by Sauli Pesonen is in collections of some libraries in Finland. You can see the libraries from the datebase Finna: You can ask an opportunity to interlibrary loan from your own library. Now all the libraries in Finland are closed during the corona epidemic and unfortunately all our services are not functioning as normal.     
I can't renew the book i have checked out online because it is on hold. but it is due april 6 which during the virus shut down period. so please help me take… 95 In Helmet-libraries no loans are due when libraries are closed.  Loans will not be due between March 16th and April 19th 2020. If the loan has not been renewed in due, library will extend the due date by two weeks. We shall re-evaluate the situation after Easter. In addition, the library will extend the loan period for loans due from 20 January to 15 March 2020. There is no overdue fee for extending the loan period.  However, there are exceptions for material that is overdue and therefore in recovery.  If your loan has expired before January 20, 2020, it is in recovery and the loan cannot be renewed. Please contact your local library via email or by telephone to check the situation.  
I have books on hold and others that I have taken for loan. My question is what happens now with the closing down the Libraries? I still need this books that… 162 In Helmet libraries the loan periods do not expire during 16.3. – 19.4.2020. If you have not returned the loans by the due date, the loan period will be lengthened automatically. While the libraries are closed, you cannot pick up your holds. The reserved materials will be kept waiting for pick-up for a couple of days after the libraries are reopened.
,I have one book that want to be renewed online but 130 Unfortunately, you cannot renew the loan, because another customer has reserved the book. But luckily for you, because of the corona epidemic, the due dates of all loans expiring today have been postponed by two weeks. So, now the due date of your loan is 30.03.2020.
I am taking the Helmet Reading Challenge for the first time this year. It is great way of choosing what to read and reading books that I would not normally… 244 Here are some suggestions for Sámi or Sámi language books that are translated in English: Beyond the wolf line : an anthology of Sami poetry (1996) is a collection anthology of several Sámi writers. Roađđi / Rosa Boreal / Boreal Rose : Contemporary Sámi Poetry (2016) is a multi-author collection of contemporary Sámi poetry. It includes poetry in Sámi, English and Spanish. Trekways of the Wind (1994) and Greetings from Lappland (1983) are anthologies by the most famous Finnish-Sámi poet Nils-Aslak Valkeapää. The White Stone (2011) by Kirste (or Kirsti) Paltto is a children’s book about loneliness. In between worlds (2016) is a fantasy novel by Norwegian-Sapmi author and artist Máret Ánne Sara.   Unfortunately it's quite…
Dear sir or madam, I am an student of Library and Information Science from Spain and I am doing a research about public libraries comparing their active… 219 I'm not quite sure, what your question was. If you are looking for a library strategy, we have a guideline for public libraries (the previous one was called strategy),…, which contains the stress points in our library activities. If you are looking for Helsinki City Library strategy, it was updated 2015, but since the city organization has changed the library is a part of the city strategy, Helsinki City Strategy,…. The former one stated that vision for the library was to enrich the thoughts and ideas of, to offer knowledge, skills and stories and that way to create a new citizens society. I couldn…
I am interested in Library work opportunities in Finland, however i am from Lesotho and have studies Diploma in Library and information studies in Lesotho 182 You find information about conditions of eligibility from the websites of Opetushallitus (Finnish National Agency of Education): In the websites of ( you can find open vacancies just now:  
I applied a HelMet library card in 2013. After a long term pause, I would like to start borrowing books again. However I cannot log in with the card number… 255 Your customer record is not in our register anymore. Probably You haven't  used the card for some years, so the record has been deleted. You ought to visit any Helmet library to get a new card. Take Your ID card with You. Library card pre-registration:
I have a Helmet and an Arcada library card. To borrow a book from Varastokirjasto, should I use the… 272 You can order a book from the National Repository Library by using the Helmet ILL form: More information about interlibrary service in Helmet libraries:  
I have a 3years certicate in library science,i am looking to find a short course in finnish to enable me work in the library as support . please how can you… 99 Hello, Courses in finnish are available at several institutions and Private enterprises. The adult education branch at Helsinki city is a good starting point. After achieving a certain level you can ask about kieliharjoittelu, or language traineeship at the Helsinki  or Espoo city library.……      
Dear Ladies or Gentlemen, I am an Austrian Radio correspondent and search for a quiet room for an interview for one hour on Thursday. Do you have a room in… 193 Hello! It depends on which town u are travelling into Finland. For example in Helsinki there is many libraries that have conference and meeting rooms u can reserve. Don´t hesitate to visit and ask! Best regards,  
My name is Mika and with a couple of friends we have developed where users easily can get information where they can among other things borrow… 186 If i understood correctly, you are searching for a possibility to find materials, especially games, in every (public) libraries in one "catalogue". There is, which contains a great part of Finnish library materials, but not quite all of it yet. You can see how Finna looks like here, Finna has an own developers-Wiki, Maybe you can find the information you need there, or at least contact persons. You can send mail to An other way to find library materials in one search is the metasearch of, Here the problem is that since the metasearch searches on different databases with different kinds of solutions in…
I will be starting kids programming club. Thinking if I can do it in Iso Omena library. I need a room once every week. Could you help me to organize this. 260   You could contact the Big Apple Library directly. Email address is Reservations can also be made at Good luck for Your project!
I will try and hopefully have found the appropriate resource. Are you able to find the address of our friends. 98 Väestorekisterikeskus (Population Registry Centre) can possibly help you in locating your friend. The contact information can be found here Contact information,
I am looking for materials regarding a man named XX. He is a performer in the early 1900s and did do shows around the world. I… 87 The famous artist you are searching for is said to have donated all his belongings to Blekinge Läns Museum, see   
Good morning, My name is Alfonso Morillas, and I am writing from Spain to ask you a question. I'm looking for fiction books, written by authors or your country… 202 Here are some fiction books about football by finnish authors - Amerikkalainen / Meri Kuusisto: - Zombie / Jari Järvelä: - San Siron uneksija / Jukka Pakkanen: - Huuhkaja lentää aurinkoon / Pauli Kallio, Pentti Otsamo: - Futistarinoita / FC Kynä: - Pallomaapallo : haikuja jalkapallon MM-kisoista / Markus…
Dear all, our 9 year old daughter has lost the library card. How can we get a new one? Is it possible to lock the lost card? 100 Please contact the library to lock the card You can get a new card in your nearest library.