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I was wondering when the studios and the music rooms in the new central library Oodi will be available for reservations? Thank you:) 89 Sometime during the spring, hopefully as soon as March, but the construction is still on going, so we can’t say for sure.
Is there a paper cutter (guilotine) in the Oodi library already? If not, what other libraries in Helsinki would have that? 266 There ist a papercut guillotine for customer usage in library Oodi. You can use it without reservation, upon request.
Where I found informations about school libraries of Finland? 1041 In Finland municipalities are not obligated to have school libraries. Most schools have a library although they may be outdated and have a rather modest collection. Many schools cooperate with the public library. Some municipalities have their own information literacy curriculum which schools and libraries have compiled together. Accordingly to the National Core Curriculum for Basic Education organizations like museums, sport facilities, art centra, public libraries are seen as learning environments. For more reading on the subject: Finnish National Agency for Education Curricula and qualifications > General upper secondary education link: National Core Curriculum for General Secondary Education Intended…
Where can I find the film Miesten vuoro with English subtitles, for rent or purchase? 1551 Documentary film Miesten vuoro (2011) by Joonas Berghäll ja Mika Hotakainen is available in Helmet Libraries. The film has subtitles in English. The Dvd is at the moment on shelf in several Helmet Libraries. You can check the availability in the Helmet Web Libary. You can make a request and the dvd will be sent to the library you have selected as quickly as possible.;jsessionid=208EAC1C149C076AFCB35E7100BFB68A?lang=eng&suite=cobalt
Can I return the books from one library to another? Thank you. 629 You can return the material to any Helmet library during its opening hours.…
I am looking for book about the pipes and the fitting pipes can i find any books about that because i started studying (ammatti) as ( putkimies ) so please… 196 Your question is so specific that i would suggest you ask in your school library or your teachers for help. In public libraries i found searching with putkiremontti this book Home plumbing manual / Andy Blackwell, 2012, with putket several guidebooks about standars by Suomen standardoimisliitto SFS ry:  Teollisuuseristys = Industrial insulations. Suomen standardisoimisliitto SFS ry | 2016; Viemäreiden sisäpuoliset saneerausmenetelmät = Renovation of drains and sewers with no-dig methods / [julkaisija:] Suomen standardisoimisyhdistys SFS2014; Teollisuusputkistot = Industrial piping : materiaalit, valmistus ja tarkastus = materials, manufacturing and inspection / käsikirjan sisällöstä vastaava toimialayhteisö: METSTA Metalliteollisuuden…
Can I Practice AutoCad in library computer? I mean does library computers have autocad facility??? 679 Unfortunately there are no workstations with AutoCAD available in Helmet libraries. The new central library Oodi will provide some 3D modelling software when their makerspace facilities open, but apparently AutoCAD will no be included. More information on Oodi can be found on their website at However, Aalto Fablab, at Aalto University in Otaniemi, Espoo, provides CAD workstations with AutoDesk Fusion 360 and other software. Aalto Fablab is mostly used by Aalto University students and staff, but they have open access days every now and then. You can contact them by sending e-mail to fablab[at]
I need the address of friends in York England 344 Your question came to Finland, . Unfortunately, we have no access to addresses in York, other than searching in the Internet. I found, it's possible to search for a person there, . To make a search, you have to buy credits. You could try using Google, surprisingly often addresses can be found that way. Facebook is a place where you can easily find old friends also from abroad. Royal mail seems not to have an address database, . You could also try contacting the City council, . Contact information here, or a local library in York, for instance Acomb…
I am looking for great books by Finnish authors who identify as female. I'm looking for a diverse range of books: from fiction to non-fiction; books written a… 757 This is of course a question where the method of defining who is significant can vary. There are a lot of book and authors, but i start here with a few and hope that my colleagues will continue the list.  The first name that comes in mind is Minna Canth who lived 1844-1897 and was a very significant female writer and a champion of equal rights, translations of her work can be hard to find, but here are three that I found in one of our former answers: Sanoi Minna Canth - Pioneer Reformer, Extracts from Minna Canth's Works and letters. Edited by Ritva Heikkilä. Porvoo 1987. Sivut 141-280.Anna-Liisa. Portraits Of Courage. Plays by Finnish Women. Edited by S. E. Wilmer. Helsinki1997.The…
Can tourist borrow books from the library? 242 You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card,…. So if you are staying for a longer period and you have an address, you can.
Why is there not a FREE telephone directory for Finland ? I can not pay the Fee for a search because it's impossible to do so from where I am. 196 Providing a public list of telephone numbers (a telephone directory) is a commercial business. There has never been one free catalog for whole Finland, but the local telephone companies did make their own catalogs for a long time and these were given free to the people who owned a share of the company. The last printed catalog in Helsinki area was pubished 2017. Heikki Poroila
Looking for a friend of mine 467 Väestorekisterikeskus (Population Registry Centre) can possibly help you in locating your friend. The contact information can be found here Contact information,
I would Like to start taking Finnish language classes that are directed at foreigners and would like to start taking such classes immediately. Are there any… 628 Jyväskylä City Library does not arrange language courses. Please, take contact  Jyväskylän kansalaisopisto, Adult Education Centre or Monikulttuurikeskus Gloria, Multicultural Center Gloria
I am currently traveling outside of Finland for a longer time and would like to borrow an electronic book in Swedish, but I forgot my library card at home in… 250 Ask the Librarian is not a library, it's a national reference service. You have to contact one of the HelMet libraries to proceed with your wish. Contact information can be found here. Heikki Poroila
How can I reserve this book to Laajalahti library in Espoo? Flow : the psychology of optimal experience / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 190 If you have the 4-digit PIN code plus your own library card, you can make a reservation directly via this link*fin (there are already two reservations waiting for Munkkiniemi library to get their copy, so anyway you have to wait). If you do not yet have the PIN code, you have to visit some of the HelMet libraries and get one. You can make a reservation in library anytime. Heikki Poroila
I'm a Finnish student from Spain and I found the English edition of Fred Karlsson's Finnish grammar. I know that a Spanish version was published but I can't… 499 The Spanish version of Fred Karlsson's Finnish grammar is Gramática básica del finés (Suomen peruskielioppi, traducción y adaptación: Ursula Ojanen et al., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid : Siglo XXI, distr., 1991, ISBN 84-7477-306-7). The book is available in some university libraries (Helsinki, Turku, Oulu and Jyvaskylä) and as well in some public libraries. You can check the availability of the item for example in Finna or in Frank Metasearch Fennica  
I’m working on my master thesis with the goal of creating a fablab in germany. I saw that you have 71 libraries and in some of them you provide 3D printers or… 189 The largest fablab / makerspace of the Helmet (Helsinki metropolitan area) library network will be opened in December 2018, when the new central library Oodi opens in Helsinki city centre, with a wide range of tools such as a laser cutter, sticker printer, heat press, sewing machines, overlock sewing machines, embroidery machines and badge machines. Oodi has its own website at  If you wish to visit Oodi or interview the staff, you can find their contact information at Until then, the largest fablab/makerspace facilities provided by Helmet libraries are probably found in Espoo (Sello, Entresse, Iso Omena, Tapiola). These libraries provide for example 3D…
Asun ulkomailla, onko minulla mahdollista saada lainausoikeuksia? 278 Valitettavasti e-kirjastomme toimii vain Helmet kirjastokortilla. Kortin saamisen ehtona on osoite Suomessa.
Is this website built by Semantic Computing Research Group from Aalto University?Would you like give me some more information abou this website,please. 276 This website isn't built by SeCo-group. The site, has a semantic "inside", and has been built together with the group by, Ask a Librarian is built entirely by It was published for the first time 1999 and has been active in different kinds of technical solutions ever since. The most recent update was in the end of the year 2017, when our site was moved to a Drupal site. is responsible of the organisation of the answering, the contents of the archive, the site, it's development and techniques. The questions are answered in libraries. We have over 70 libraries answering in the Ask a Librarian -service. Ask a Librarian had a…
Aikamatka Sysmän Historiaan is the name of a DVD film BUT I want to know the year and director. Can anyone supply them? 229 The director of the film is Janne Vanhanen and the documentary is probably made 2014. At least first screenings were then.