The largest fablab / makerspace of the Helmet (Helsinki metropolitan area) library network will be opened in December 2018, when the new central library Oodi opens in Helsinki city centre, with a wide range of tools such as a laser cutter, sticker printer, heat press, sewing machines, overlock sewing machines, embroidery machines and badge machines. Oodi has its own website at
If you wish to visit Oodi or interview the staff, you can find their contact information at
Until then, the largest fablab/makerspace facilities provided by Helmet libraries are probably found in Espoo (Sello, Entresse, Iso Omena, Tapiola). These libraries provide for example 3D…
This website isn't built by SeCo-group. The site, has a semantic "inside", and has been built together with the group by,
Ask a Librarian is built entirely by It was published for the first time 1999 and has been active in different kinds of technical solutions ever since. The most recent update was in the end of the year 2017, when our site was moved to a Drupal site. is responsible of the organisation of the answering, the contents of the archive, the site, it's development and techniques. The questions are answered in libraries. We have over 70 libraries answering in the Ask a Librarian -service.
Ask a Librarian had a…
You must first renew or return the loans.
Only then will you be able to pay the accrued fines.
You can also renew your loans by telephone. Instead of a card number, you can use your social security number.
If the books are reserved, they can not be renewed.
I cannot answer for Jane Casey case especially, but in general there are at least three reasons, why a library collection does not necessary have all the books from a series.
1. The series has been complete, but during the years copies have been lost or stolen and new copies have not been purchased.
2. If the missing ones are the newest in the series, they are probably not yet in the collection but will be there later. The customer may always ask for the situation.
3. In some cases the staff does not know, if a book is part of a series or some parts of the series are already out of print, when the library would like to buy them.
The customers of HelMet libraries can always make an acquisition request. The library is just happy if the…
You could contact Vaestorekisterikeskus (Population Registry Centre), they should be able to help you in locating your friend, Phone service i available only in Finland, but you can find contact information and an e-mailaddress in this page, .
Unfortunately I couldn't find The Diplomat magazine in any of the biggest libraries in Finland.
The Diplomat isn't available in helmet-, vaski-, porsse, nor helka-libraries. I also checked Frank-multisearch, and I didn't get any hits.
You can make a acquisition request here:
Hi! Basically yes, but it depends so much on the exact titles you have to offer. If the library (system) already has enough of that title, the answer is always "thanks but no thank you!". Especially when we are dealing with books in other languages than Finnish most of the smaller libraries are probably not willing to be active at all. If possible, visit the main library in Pasila and ask for the staff of the Multilingual Library or send them e-mail at or make a phone call (09) 3108 5402 And please remember that this is the moment of the year, when most professional librarians are on vacation! 1-2 months later everything is easier...
Heikki Poroila
On the website of the Finnish Immigration service there is information about the requirements for residence permits and citizenship in Finland. Information is available also in English:
Finnish Immigration Service
A Finnish citizen can apply for citizenship for a minor child in his/her care. A child is minor is he/she is under 18 years of age and unmarried. It is not allowed to apply for citizenship for a child who is already an adult. You can read about the criteria for obtaining citizenship on the following webpage:
Finnish citizenship/Finnish Immigration Service
You can find the requirements for residence permit on the following webpage:
Residence permit/Finnish…
Architecture Information Centre Finland informed me that there is only a very limited amount of the catalogue printed and they are primarily meant for the exhibition's use in Venice. They try to pass some on to the libraries that are involved in it, but at least for now you can't unfortunately buy the catalogue anywhere.
In Helsinki City Library, the best person to contact first would be the Chief Pedagogical Information Specialist Lea Kuusirati: She can guide you from there.
Your question is very wide ...
Here are a few links to make the subject narrower:
Google has scholar search:,5&as_vis=1,5&as_ylo=2018&as_vis=1&q=festivals+in+european+countries
and some statistics:
Worldcat is an…
If you're visiting Turku city libraries on normal opening hours then you don't need to bring any printing paper with you. It then costs 20 cents per page to print (i.e. 40 cents per double-sided printing). The price is the same whether you print in color or in black and white.
If, on the other hand, you are visiting one of the branch libraries during its open hours when there's no staff present, then you actually do need to bring your paper with you. At this situation there's no additional fee for printing of course.
I asked the results from the Sports Museum of Finland (Suomen urheilumuseo: ). They have the archive of Suomen hiihtoliitto: Unfortunately they don't have the results of the year 1967. Here are their contact information if you want to ask more: urheilumuseo(at)
Several public libraries have this old book still in their collections. At least Helsinki, Joensuu, Oulu, Rovaniemi and Tampere city libraries have this item. If you come to Finland, it should not be difficult to borrow a copy of this one. But if you need an international interlibrary loan, you need to start asking for it in your local library, wherever it is.
Heikki Poroila
Many libraries in Helmet area have a book exchange service. You can take your books for example to Kallio, Pasila, Vallila, Rikhardinkatu or Library 10. However, the libraries prefer to take in only a few books at the same time, so if you plan to bring lots of them, please contact the staff in advance. Hopefully your books will find a new home!
In 2016 there were 137 book mobiles in Finland, 6 675 088 items were borrowed from the book mobiles, and there were 10 414 book mobile stops in the country, . More library statistics can be found in the Finnish Public Libraries Statistics, . There is a mobile library site, but helas, it's only in Finnish, There is a contact person, however, you could write to, Heli Itkonen-Vesa ( and ask for more detailed information. There is a nice video about mobile library activity and cooperation in northern Finland, Lappland, in…
There is a small publication about the parks in Seinäjoki "Seinäjoen puistot ja viheralueet" published by the city of Seinäjoki in 2015. There is a short text concerning the Mannerheim Park and statue. You can find this publication on the website of the city of Seinäjoki:
There are also too older booklets that might be useful for your project. Unfortunately they are not in digital form.
Ahti Mäntylä: Seinäjoella sijaitsevien sotiimme liittyvien sotamuistomerkkien kertomaa, 2000 (What the war memorials in Seinäjoki tell us)
Hilkka-Maija Keskinen: Seinäjoen patsaita, 1992. (Statues of Seinäjoki)
Right now the only copy of the CD has been taken aside for some repair operation (I cannot see the reason). Unfortunately you just have to wait and hope that eveything goes well and the CD is soon again in circulation. If that happens, you see the possibility to reserve it as well.
Heikki Poroila