Good morning from Barcelona, I would like to know ho many bookmobiles are in Finland and, if it is possible, could you tell me where can I find more…


Good morning from Barcelona, I would like to know ho many bookmobiles are in Finland and, if it is possible, could you tell me where can I find more information about them?
Thank you very much


Last updated

In 2016 there were 137 book mobiles in Finland, 6 675 088 items were borrowed from the book mobiles, and there were 10 414 book mobile stops in the country, http://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/index.php?orgs=1&years=2016&stats=100 . More library statistics can be found in the Finnish Public Libraries Statistics, http://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/index.php?lang=en . There is a mobile library site, but helas, it's only in Finnish, https://www.kirjastot.fi/kirjastoautot. There is a contact person, however, you could write to, Heli Itkonen-Vesa (heli.itkonen-vesa@jns.fi) and ask for more detailed information. There is a nice video about mobile library activity and cooperation in northern Finland, Lappland, http://now.libraries.fi/mobile.html in the site Finnish libraries now http://now.libraries.fi/ . Another document in English about Finnish Library policy is Library for Citizens, https://www.kirjastot.fi/sites/default/files/content/yleisten-kirjastojen-suunta-2016-2020-web-en.pdf . The book mobile services are present there as a much needed part of the library services. Since Finland is a very large country and the distances can be long, the book mobile plays an important role in the country.

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