I want to recommend the library to purchase books. I heard about this service. But I do not know where I can do it. Could you help me? Thanks. |
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You can make make an acquisition request for an item Helmet Libraries collection are missing:https://helmet.finna.fi/Feedback/Form/AcquisitionRequest |
90 täyttävä isovanhempani muistaa 50 -luvun lopun tai 60 -luvun alussa Seura-lehdessä olleen kirjoituskilpailu tai vastaava, jossa lukijat saattoivat lähettää… |
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Pasilan kirjastossa pitäisi olla varastossa vanhoja Seura-lehtiä. Niitä ei saa kotilainaksi, mutta niitä voi pyytää kirjaston henkilökunnalta luettavaksi lehtienlukualueelle. Täältä löytyvät Pasilan kirjaston yhteystiedot: https://helmet.finna.fi/OrganisationInfo/Home#84924Voisikohan haastattelu löytyä helpommin kysymällä suoraan Seura-lehden toimituksesta, täältä löytyvät yhteystiedot: https://seura.fi/toimituksen-yhteystiedot/Oletteko yrittäneet etsiä kappaletta Fenno - Suomen Äänitearkiston haulla? Kokeilkaa hakea Eila Pellisen nimellä, sillä tulee lista kappaleita, joita esittänyt ja niissä tarkemmat tiedot sanoittajista ja julkaisuvuosista, voisikohan etsimänne kappale löytyä sieltä? Tässä linkki hakuun: https://fenno.musiikkiarkisto.… |
Is it possible to donate books in Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian and Ukrainian to Pasila Library? |
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It is possible to offer books that are in good condition as donations to Helmet libraries. However, there are two things to keep in mind here:First, the books aren't donated directly to any particular library — rather, the books "float" between all the libraries of the organization, so even if a book is initially received by, say, Pasila library, the book might well end up in the shelves of various other libraries in the area.Second, the library only accepts the books it judges there would be sufficient demand for, so the library might be somewhat picky when it comes to book donations — the main reason for this is is the fact that the library has to remove thousands of books every year from its collections in order to make room for new… |
I would like to view the number of book borrowers in “each” public library of Helsinki for the year 2019 |
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The public libraries of Finland release each year public data about all kinds of things at https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/.The data can be sorted so that you can see the data of all the Helsinki libraries collectively, but unfortunately you can't see data of each individual library (e.g. Pasila library, Oodi library, etc...). If you are interested in the data relating to the number of borrowers and loans of the public libraries of Helsinki collectively in 2019, you can find it here: https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/?orgs=400&years=2019&stats=104%2C110%2C111#resultsAs of now, the data relating to each specific library has to be extracted from our library system manually, and if you are interested in such data, you can try contacting… |
I'm looking for a regional variation of the lullaby, "Tii tii tikanpoika..."sung in the area around Sysma where my grandmother was born in 1879. I learned it… |
37 |
In 2022 somebody asked a question, regarding the same song. Here is the answer: I am looking for the Finnish lyrics to a lullaby about a bad shepherd boy who stole a child's turnip. Thank you! | Ask a Librarian (libraries.fi) |
I saw the Stormskerry Maja film yesterday and wonder if any of Anni Blomqvist's books are available in english ? |
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Unfortunately, none of Anni Blomqvist's novels have been translated into English. |
I am a FI-EN translator and I'm looking for a Finnish idiom dictionary, a Finnish equivalent of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms. Do you know whether such a… |
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There is no monolingual dictionary of Finnish idioms as comprehensive as The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms available. The only similar book would be Naulan kantaan : nykysuomen idiomisanakirja (Otava, 1993). Though not quite what you are looking for, the phrasal dictionary Suurella sydämellä ihan sikana : suomen kielen kuvaileva fraasisanakirja (Gummerus, 2008) covers many Finnish idioms.You might also find the following bilingual dictionaries useful: Suomi-englanti idiomi- ja fraasisanakirja (Art House, 2007)Bird in the hand is worth kymmenen oksalla : 50 Finnish/English idioms in English and Finnish (WSOY, 2002)Parempi pyy pivossa kuin two in the bush : 50 Finnish idioms in English and Finnish = 50 englantilaista idiomia suomeksi ja… |
We are collecting library usage statistics from different cities and hope you could help us with following question: As of the… |
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The Finnish Public Libraries Statistics can be read online, https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/index.php?lang=en
Here is the table created with choices Helsinki City Library, Collections, 2023, https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/?orgs=400&years=2023&stats=183#results |
Good morning. I would like to use library in the weekends but it was close. How can I go inside? |
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Pihtiputaa's library belongs to Keski libraries, so the rules for using the Jyväskylä city library's self-service libraries are the same at Pihtiputaa's library.
The rules of use state:
Self-help library is a library that customers can access even when the staff is not present, for example in the evenings and on weekends.
Information on the opening hours of self-service libraries in Jyväskylä can be found in libraries
from the website.
Log in to the self-help library with a valid Keski library card and PIN code. You can get a library card and PIN code from all Keski libraries during their service hours.
The library card and PIN code are personal. Each customer logs in with their own card, with the exception of a child under… |
Hope you're doing well:) I've moved to Finland about a year and a half ago and I've been actively trying to find Finnish films with English subtitles, but it's… |
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There are a number of Finnish films with English subtitles available in DVD and Blu-ray formats. Many of these are included in the Helmet libraries collection. Below you can find a sample of these films from different genres and eras. You can browse for more here.
Aleksis Kiven elämä
Back to the USSR - Takaisin ryssiin
Harjunpää ja pahan pappi
Heinähattu ja vilttitossu
Hevi reissu
Hyvä poika
Ihmisen osa
Kaikki rakastavat
Kanelia kainaloon, Tatu ja Patu!
Linnaisten vihreä kamari
Menolippu Mombasaan
Mies vailla menneisyyttä
Minä ja Morrison
Miss Farkku-Suomi
Niskavuoren… |
I have got a card Helmet, but have not got at the same time pin-code. How I can get pin-code and start to use my card? |
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You can get the PIN code by visiting the library or mobile library in person. A valid ID card with a photograph and personal identity number is needed.
https://www.helmet.fi/en-US/Info/Using_the_library/Library_card_and_loa… |
Will there be ukulele class in Eastern Helsinki? |
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At the moment there are no ukulele classes or ukulele groups in East Helsinki helmet-libraries.
In Espoo libraries you can find ukulele groups at different levels:
I had a bill for books but I paid it. My kids forgot three books during vacation abroad and I paid full price. Yet the sum still shows on my account. I have… |
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After the compensation is paid it takes approximately a week or two until the data gets off of your libraryaccount. This is because first the debt collection agency must inform the library and second the library's debt collection departement manually takes out the paid material from your account. |
Are there violins to practice or barrow in any of the metro region libraries? |
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Unfortunately, no libraries in this area have violins in their collections. |
I was wondering if there are public kitchen facilities except Oodi. How can I reach that information? |
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Yes there are. You will find them at https://varaamo.hel.fi/ in Helsinki and at https://varaamo.espoo.fi/search in Espoo. Just use keyword kitchen. |
Where can i find the location that shows all available playstation and switch games? |
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You can search console games in Helmet catalogue https://www.helmet.fi/en-US. Use Advanced search and as keyword * and select as format console game. In the result list selection At the library shows You games which are at the moment available in some Helmet-library. By logging in with Your library card number and pin code You can make reservations to get games into Your nearest library. |
What steps should I take if a book I loaned out is now damaged and cannot be returned? |
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Hi! Contact a Helmet library directly to discuss how to proceed. If the book is damaged and no longer viable for returning, it must be compensated with the purchase price. Usually it's also possible to arrange compensation with a new copy of the book.
You can find instructions in the Helmet Troubleshooting FAQ. |
What does it mean, "Laitoskirjastoja"? Is it a central library or it is a small library service point? Or something else? |
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It is a small library service point.
The link is an article translated into Russian from the Finnish Wikipedia about institutional libraries, that is laitoskirjastoista.
The Helsinki City Library has a few institutional libraries, the books of which are mainly intended for use by the institution's customers, but others can also borrow from them.
The second link tells about two institutional libraries in Helsinki.
https://tinyurl.com/laitoskirjastohttps://tinyurl.com/potilaskirjastot |
I'd like to know about the budget of Oddi Library. I am a student studying library and information science in Korea. I'd like to know about the budget of Oddy… |
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It seems there is no public access to the budgets of individual libraries but they are easily revealed by asking the right person. Library Director of Oodi Anna-Maria Soininvaara told that they are using approximately 3 600 000 euros to the staff this year. For books, however, there is no separate budget because in Helsinki we have a so called floating collection. It means the whole collection is shared between all libraries and therefore there is a common budget for all material, except for magazines and newspapers. For those Oodi's budget is about 40 000 euros.
It is possible to check Finnish libraries' budgets by a city level but not by a single library unit on the site Finnish Public Libraries Statistics . Those statistics only reveal… |
I have a library card. I wanted to know, if the library of Helsinki also offers snowshoes and how I can find them in the catalogue? |
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You find the snowshoes in Helmet catalogue if You make a search with the Finnish word "lumikengät". Then You refine the search result with "object" and You find that there are snowshoes available in several libraries.
Lumikengät Snow shoes in Helmet Libraries |