Is there any place for the citizens to borrow the books in addition to the public/school libraries? For example, Japan, is a bit complicated. Most of community…


Is there any place for the citizens to borrow the books in addition to the public/school libraries? For example, Japan, is a bit complicated. Most of community centers and youth & child centers have this function. In Finland, Is it correct that people borrow the books only in public libraries and school libraries?


Last updated

Many other libraries in Finland are also open for general public: National Library, University libraries, many special libraries (e.g Library of Parliament, Library of the Genealogical society in Finland - though only refence, Migration Institute of Finland etc.), so, no, it is not correct to say that people lend books only in public or school libraries, many use the services of other libraries too. In addition it is of course possible that you can borrow books in clubs and organisations you are a member of (e.g. student organisations). You can browse Finnish Libraries in our Library Directory.

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