(Hello)! I am an MSLIS student at Simmons College in Boston, MA, USA who is doing an area study project on Finland and its libraries/library and information…


Moi (Hello)!
I am an MSLIS student at Simmons College in Boston, MA, USA who is doing an area study project on Finland and its libraries/library and information science field. I visited Finland briefly last summer and was fortunate to go to the Klaukkala Kirjasto during my stay. I became interested in learning about Finland and its libraries and am lucky to study them as part of my "International and Comparative Libraries" course. While I am finding a number of helpful articles, books and websites - like this very nice portal site - I am wondering if you have any suggestions or opinions for me to consider.


Last updated

How nice that you are interested in Finnish Libraries. You have found our website, which contains information about Finnish Libraries and specially public libraries. The site of Finnish Library Association is off course important. Maybe you will find interesting information about Finnish public libraries in Helsinki City Library site, http://www.lib.hel.fi/en-GB/ . Public libraries statistics can be found in a database here, http://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/en-GB/ . The National Library Website can be of interest http://www.nationallibrary.fi/index.html , maybe you also could visit the site of the Department Information Studies in Tampere university http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/infim/english/index.html . I did'nt quite understand what kind of suggestions you were interested in: sites to visit or perhaps themes for studies? If you are interested in themes to study, most of our material is in Finnish language and thus a bit difficult to work with. Maybe you would be interested in the National Digital Library -project, it's site has information in English, http://www.kdk2011.fi/en . Or perhaps you are interested in referece services, Ask a Librarian has an archive with english questions and answers you could study, http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/newest/ , http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/archive.aspx . There is an interesting reference service in the North, Lapponica - Northern infomartion service, that specializes in questions about Lapland, the North Calotte and the Barents region, http://intro.rovaniemi.fi/Lapponica?formid=lapff&sesid=1134381018&ulang… .

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