I work at a nursing home and most of the residents have got memory illness. I need help finding materials that would be useful with them for daily activities…


I work at a nursing home and most of the residents have got memory illness.
I need help finding materials that would be useful with them for daily activities. Could be like nature or for days when the flag is raised up in Finland.
Also games.



There is activities for seniors with memory disorders online e.g. on Muistiliitto´s website: https://www.muistiliitto.fi/fi/tuki-ja-palvelut/luettavaa-ja-tekemista

Library materials you can search from Helmet.fi . Keywords: ikääntyneet, virikkeet, muistisairaat, muistisairaudet

Library´s Lukulähettiläs project team has produced book tips and lists of literature suitable for elderly and others with disabilities: https://www.helmet.fi/fi-FI/Tapahtumat_ja_vinkit/Uutispalat/Ryhdy_lukulahettilaaksi(173038)

Easy reads for different purposes you can search with keyword "selkokirjat". 


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