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I am looking for a book mostly regarding to fabric pattern, layout and color. May I get more information about book available in that specific topic? 4881 Helmet libraries do have the following books in english: Baugh, Gail: The fashion designer's textile directory : the creative use of fabrics in design (London 2011)*fin New textile design (Köln 2010)*fin Dawber, Martin: New fashion print (London 2008)*fin Colchester, Chloë: Textiles today : a global survey of trends and traditions (London 2007)*fin Gillow, John: African textiles : colour and creativity across a continent (London 2009)*fin Fogg, Marnie: Print in fashion : design and development in textile fashion (London 2006) http://www.…
Dear librarians I'm a journalist in Switzerland, writing an article about libraries in Finland. I have a few questions to ask: 1. Finland has about 930 public… 4784 The figure (930) you suggested is correct and does not - as you rightly surmised - include any of the university or research libraries or those of other institutes of higher education. As to the reason why Finnish people read as much as they do, it is very difficult to give any definitive answer. However, the nature of the Finnish education system which relies heavily on the services provided by the public library system may go some way of explaining the phenomenon. In other words, children learn to use libraries at a relatively young age. All this emphasises the fact that reading as such has always been highly valued in Finland. Also that fact that parents read to young children during the long and dark winter may likewise be a…
I am writing a book about the history of the throws, i.e. shot put, discus, javelin and hammer. At this time I am asking questions about the historical… 5765 There is an interesting book about the history of this sport in Finland, which contains also some history of the javelin itself. It’s name is Suuri suomalainen keihäskirja, es. Siukonen Markku, Pulakka Martti and Ahola Matti. Gummerus Jyväskylä 1991. Since the book is published in finnish, i try to find the most important infomation for you. Before the year 1907 the javelins used could differ a lot, also there were no common rules for throwing. In London 1908, where Eric Lemming won the javelin, the rules of the english Amateur Athletic Association ( AAA) were used. According to them, the javelin had to be 2,6 meters long and weigh 800 gr. It had to been wooden and have an iron point, and in the middle it had to have an ”handle” made by…
I'd like to ask you about the publisher's website of the following book. Arttu Manninen, Wege nach Wiborg: zum deutsch-multilingualen Sprachkontakt in Wiborg… 5926 The book is a master's graduate thesis written at Tampere University, department of Germanic philology, 2000. The website of Tampere University is You can contact the secretariat of the department by email
I'm a student at Foreign Languages Faculty. I must find information on the following topic "Linguistics and translation".It's about the relation between the 2,… 4974 If you are searching the Helmet Web Library ( you have to use Finnish or Swedish subject terms. By using the subject terms kielitiede (linguistics) and kääntäminen (translation) you get the following titles entries: Kielen ja kulttuurin saloja: In honorem Pirjo Kukkonen 5.9.2009, Helsinki, Semiotic Society of Finland, 2009 (texts in Finnish, Swedish and English); Translation Universals : do they exist? Amsterdam/Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, cop. 2004; Tolkien, J.R.R. : The monsters and critics and other essays, London: HarperCollins 1997; Kieli ja tietokone: AFinLand vuosikirja 1996, Helsinki, Soveltavan kielentutkimuksen keskus (English, Swedish, Finnish). By using the subject terms kielitiede (…
You have changed the format of your site recently,so I am not able to renew the books I borrowed.Instruct me how I can do it online.Your new site is useless to… 10043 Sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the new HelMet. We are going to develop it further. You can renew your loans so: Login through HelMet web library The Login-link is top and in the middle of the website. You need your library card number and pin-code. Now you can see your loans. There is a renew-link in the left side of the loan. Choose the loans you are going to renew and click Renew selected loans -link. Answer "Yes" to the question "The following item(s) will be renewed, would you like to proceed?" Now you can see the new due date of your loans.
ARBA , Walford's , D.+B.Rare Book , D.+ B. Special Collection , World Cataloge , Publisher Directory. What are them? I need information about them. 11401 ARBA is American Reference Books Annual: Walford's is a guide to different kind of reference material: World Catalogue is the world's largest network of library content and services: Publisher Directory is a directory of information about publishers. D.+B. Rare Book and D.+B. Special Collection are unfamiliar to me, but I think they are book catalogues.
I am a member of the library. My library card is getting expired on 14-Dec-2012. How do I renew my library card. What is procedure. 9803 It’s very easy to renew your library card. Just go to your local HelMet Library, and take your ID card or passport with you. There you can ask the library staff to renew your card by showing your library card and ID card or passport. If you have a Finnish social security number (“henkilötunnus”), they can add it to your library card, and after that there is no need to renew the card. If you don’t that number, you will have to renew your card in the future, too. You can find all the HelMet Libraries and the contact information at Welcome to renew your card!
I am a librarian from National Taiwan University Library. We received some journals from "Centre d’échange des publications scientifiques" for free of charge… 7752 The address of The Exchange Centre for Scientific Literature (Tieteellisen kirjallisuuden vaihtokeskus) is Mariankatu 5, 00170 Helsinki. It is probably the right place for you. You can find contact information and also the website from the below:
What is the reason for learning classic literature today? 3339 There is no simple way to explain why one should read classical literature. Indeed, the knowledge of classical literature is useful in more ways than one. Here are a couple of points worth pondering. First of all, we have to make a distinction between classical literature and the so called classics, the former pertaining to ancient Greek and Roman literature in all its forms and later literature such as, for example, 18th and 19th century world literature. Let us assume that the question concerns European heritage. So in the following, we refer with classical literature refers mainly to the great masterpieces of the Greek and Roman civilizations. However, we have to remember that both Greeks and Romans owed much to the preceding Egyptian…
What is Bertrand Russell's view of Religion? And what is his view of Christianity? Did Russell believe in religion and did he believe in God? Did he accept… 2452 You have asked us very demanding questions. Unfortunately as a public library reference enquiry we have neither time or capacity to give answers to these kind of large questions. The idea of our service is mainly to help in information search. You can start searching from Internet with some search service. Good one is I searched with words "Bertrand Russell" (note quotation marks!) and found a very useful Internet site to begin with . There you find f.ex. books written about B.R.
What were the cultural and historical influences on itailan opera around 1700-1800? 1369 Töölö Library Music Department/Helsinki 30.3.04 Hello! All opera stems from Italy - and according to this fact there is a vast variety of books and writings. Your question is very interesting and challenging and I try to give you some ideas where to find the information for your study and also I can outline some characteristics of Italian opera which I found when I looked up to answer your question. I have mainly used these two: 1) The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. Volume 2. (searchword is "Italy" and you can find very accurate and meticulous articles on different centuries in Italian opera) -usually this encyclopedia is in bigger libraries which have separate music departments. 2) Digital database in the web:…
Dear responsable i like ask you about if i can occuped a poste on your library please send me if you are intersting my regards 832 Here are websites that lists (in Finnish) open library vancancies and jobs in Finland: You can also approach libraries directly:
Dear friends, would you, please, help me to find out any Master of Divinity level program in any of the Finnish seminaries or universities that would be needed… 1529 The Faculty of Theology at University of Helsinki provides higher education in theology. Besides the University of Helsinki, there are only two institutions of higher education in Finland where theology can be studied: the Swedish-speaking Faculty of Theology at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, and at the University of Joensuu in Eastern Finland. In order to study theology you should contact University of Helsinki and from there you can get information if it is possible to study from abroad. The Faculty has good contacts with theological faculties in Scandinavia, the Baltic States, Western Europe and North America. Contact Information is Faculty of Theology P.O.Box 33 (Aleksanterinkatu 7) FIN-00014 University of Helsinki Finland. The…
I am a French student and I want to know if we can speak of a liturgical unity in the Church of England in the 1960s - 1970s. Did all the parishes use the same… 1805 In the beginning of the 1960s the Church of England had only one official liturgical manual, the Book of Common Prayer (edition 1662, with some later additions). Many pastoral and theological reasons (archaic language, new knowledge about old liturgical and patristic texts, new emphasizing of Holy communion as a centre of liturgical life etc) required the revision but consensus was not reached. The Anglo-Catholic party presumed that BCP 1662 had dismissed the old genuine tradition of the pre-Reformation English Christianity, the evangelicals regarded it as too Roman Catholic. In 1927-1928 the organs of the Church had drafted and sanctioned a moderate revision of Prayer book but the enterprise was defeated by the Parliament. The event…
I asked 3 musical friends the following and I share the answer I received from one of the friends: I was thrilled to get my 'Finnish Fix' at FinnFest 2008… 1927 As the musician you asked said, the Finnish birchbark flute is a recorder, or a fipple flute, not a transverse (cross, German) flute. Here you can see a very good picture of a birchbark flute: (scroll down, the right picture is third down). Rauno Nieminen has made the birchbark flute in the picture. He has a small company where he builds acoustic instruments. Here are his contact information: (his net pages are, unfortunately, only in Finnish, but no doubt you can e-mail in English)(in his e-mail address "etunimi.sukunimi" means "first name.last name", that is, you put rauno in the place of "etunimi" and nieminen in the place of "sukunimi…
I'd like to know about the Irish great famine in the 1840s. Also, I want to know about the causes and symptoms of potato blight. 1474 The great famine of Ireland took place in 1845-1849, and it is said that about a million people died of hunger during those years. In the early 1840's around a third of Irish people depended on the potato as their main source of food, and thus the destruction of the potato harvest because of potato blight in 1845 launched a catastrophe. More information about the famine: Potato blight is a potato disease caused by a fungus. Its origins are in America, from where it spread to Europe by a shipment of seed potatoes destined for Belgian farmers in 1845. Potato blight first affects the leaves and later the actual…
I'm a librarian of South korea. I have a plan to an overseas trip on 2012. So I would like to know the information of international conferences or symposiums… 1211 We have the honour to organize the IFLA conference in the year 2012 in Finland. In this following link you will find conference information, , plus the satellite meetings of the IFLA conference, . I hope you will attend!
Dear sir /madam 1. i want list of quality school books and magazines and where to obtain with reasonable cost on net or otherwise pescribed by international… 6333 First I would like to acknowledge that this answer is provided by a librarian at the Helsinki City Library (in Finland). We do not have specialized information on the international baccalaureate curriculum, school libraries or software for school libraries. We can therefore only give recommendations for where you can find the exact answers. 1. To acquire an accurate answer to your first question I suggest that you visit the International Baccalaureate website ( You can e.g. log on to their Online curriculum centre ( or send in your question through their information service, 2. For information on the most popular school library software I suggest…
What is Ask a librarian service? what is the relevance of the service Ask a librarian? where or what source can i find information regarding Ask a librarian… 1713 Ask a Librarian is the joint digital reference service of Finnish libraries. It’s situated in the site, the national library portal for Finnish libraries. is produced by the Central Library for Public Libraries in Finland, which is Helsinki City Library and it’s financed by the Ministry of Education. The Ask a Librarian started in the year 1999. Answers are given in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ask a Librarian has a public archive, where answers are stored and can be used by other information seekers. The archive also exists in three languages, . The question is sent in via a web form, the answer is delivered to the email-address given by the customer.…