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I'm looking for the results (more complete than possible) of these ski races: 28/03/1967 15 km men Ruka spelen, 19/03/1967 15 km men Puijo spelen, 20/03/1969… 773 Ruka 1967 - 15 km 1) Ole Ellefsäeter, Norway                                               55.43 2) Bjarne Andersson, Sweden                                         56.06 3) Anatoli Akentjev, Soviet Union                                    56.31  4) Reinar Hjermstad, Norway                                          57.05 5) Assar Rönnlund, Sweden                                            57.12 6) Odd Martinsen, Norway                                               57.49 7) Vjatseslav Vedenin, Soviet Union                                58.14 8) Martti Määttä, Finland (Kuhmon Kiva)                         58.23 9) Gjermund Egger, Norway, and     Osmo Karjalainen, Finland (Kuusamon Erä-Veikot)    58.50 11) Walter Demel, Federal Republic of…
I live in Singapore and would like to become a member of Finnish libraries. I am only interested in digital content and I find your web page design is superb!… 310 I am sorry, but to be able to receive a library card in Finnish libraries you need an address in Finland. You can see for example the user regulations of Helmet-libraries here:…
I stay in Tapiola and wanted to take some urgent print outs and I use the Tapiola library. I want to know if the printer is working now, as it was not working… 532 The printer is back in shape. Welcome to print.
I have problems with my laptop so I´m looking to rent a laptop as a short term solution. Is this possible at the library in Jyväskylä or do you know a place… 517 Jyväskylä Main Library and all branch libraries have customer PCs with access to a word processor. The PCs can be booked in advance, at the Main Library on tel. (014) 266 4123, and at branch libraries by telephoning the library in question. Red more.. In the following address in the internet they promise to rent laptops. Look in English.…
I've just got a library card from the Kannelmaki public library in the Helmet network. I don't quite understand how the interlibrary loan fees work. For… 360 You can order an item as an interlibrary loan from elsewhere in Finland or abroad, if the item is not available in the collections of any HelMet library. The service is subject to a charge. If You reserve material for exampel from Pasila to Kannelmäki it is not interlibrary loan. Reservation from other Helmet Libary is free of charge.……
Where do i get information about name of clothes which is worn in different degree of temprature like during +20, +10,-0,-10 and -20 373 Tricky question! I would personally look for the answer in different hiking guides. You might want to browse through a few books before finding the right one. Why not start with "The ultimate hiker's gear guide", which can be found in the Helmet libraries: If you want to search the Helmet database yourself, you can use the search term "erätaidot" as a starting point. This is also a subject found on various hiking pages online. Try googling terms like "hiking" and "different temperatures". This page lists a few suggestions for several weather conditions:
May I please know how and where can I access the latest information about the refugees and migrants in Finland and in particular in Turku? Thank you. 501 Statistics on asylum and refugees are compiled by the Finnish Immigration Service:… Information on immigrants living permanently in Finland can be found on Statistics Finland's website: Information on immigration can also be found on Statistics Finland's statistics on migration:   Please note that the statistics compiled by the Finnish Immigration Service and Statistics Finland are not comparable. Asylum seekers and refugees will show in Statistics Finland's population statistics only if they have been granted an asylum and have a permanent place of residence. Also, there is…
I would like to ask if it is possible to reserve a book if now it is not in the library, so as when it comes back I could be sure to get it. Thank you! 883 You can reserve material either at the library or in Your record at To make a request Yourself You need to have a PIN code. You will receive a notice concerning reservations ready for picking up by a letter or email, or by ordering a text message subject to a charge. If You don't have yet a personal Helmet library card, You can get at any Helmet library or mobile library…
Would there be a document on core competencies (competency index) for library/information professionals for Finland and/or European Union) - in English if… 395 We have a new Public Libraries Act in Finland. In section 17 states about competence and leadership so: "(1) Public libraries shall have a sufficient number of qualified staff trained in library and information services and other staff. Staff members in expert positions shall have a suitable higher education degree, unless otherwise required by the nature of the position. (2) The director of municipal library services shall have a suitable Master’s degree, leadership skills and good familiarity with the duties and operations of libraries." Every country has the law of their own. Please ask about the competencies from the library…
I am trying to find out if this book is translated to English og Swedish; Manuo Niskanen; Niilo Oravainen - Lapin kuningas. Niilo Oravainen was my forefather… 453 Mauno Niskanen lives in Jyväskylä and visits Lappland and is interested about Lappish items. This book is not translated into English, it's only in Finnish. Niskanen writes in this novel book that Oravainen real mother was a Sami woman from Suikki family in Pakasaivo, Muonio. You can read about him in Swedish here: Några konungens fogdar under 1500-talet / Nordlander, Johan. Norrländska samlingar ; Häftet 12 (III:2).Julkaisutiedot: Stockholm : C .E. Fritzes, 1933 There is also the family book about Oravainen family-tree: Lapinvouti Niilo Oravaisen jälkeläiset : sukututkimus / Leinonen, Margit. - Kemi : M. Leinonen, 2013. - 505, 324 s. Only in Finnish.
Aloitin juuri työskentelyn Tallinnan suomalaisessa koulussa ja haluaisin tietää, olisiko esimerkiksi Helsingin kaupunginkirjastolta mahdollista saada… 390 Kirjastokortin myöntämiseen tarvitaan Suomessa oleva osoite, joten valitettavasti ulkomailla asuvan ei ole mahdollista saada korttia ja oikeutta aineiston käyttöön. Kortti tarvitaan myös e-kirjojen lainaamiseen, eikä erillistä lisenssiä niitä varten ole. Alla olevasta linkistä tietoa Helmet-kirjastojen kirjastokortista:…
I am looking for a book in english about the finnish plant. Any help would be appreciated. 367 Hello! These ones you can find from Helmet-libraries……
I'm looking for my roots, and I would like to know if it's possible to have a death's certificat for my gr gr uncle ? He's dead 31 /01/ 1908 at Vaasa. He was… 428 Hello You can contact Statistics Finland and The National Archives of Finland to find more about your uncle's death and ask if they can find his death certificate. Vaasa's church registry office can also help you. I'll leave contact information to all of these here. The links should lead you to English versions of the sites but if they don't you can change the language from the top of the pages. Statistics Finland The National Archives of Finland Vaasa church registry office email:
Me and my daughter (6 years old) will be in Finland/Helsinki in August. Could you be so kind to provide me the below mentioned informations; 1. we would like… 585 Here are some ideas for learning Finnish in Helsinki: - Language cafés and discussion groups in Helmet Libraries (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Librar-ies)… - List of the Helsinki City Libraries and the addresses you’ll find at the following site - Cafe Lingua in Helsinki - Conversation Exchange Helsinki - Here are some other face-to-face language exchange sites…
I have borrowed one book from Nikkila(Sipoo) library and i would like to renew it but i can't. Its webpage is also closed. Any… 351 They are opening a new system, Helle libraries, and that is why Porsse is closed. Helle netlibrary isn't opened yet, but you can renew your loans by telefone, 09 2353 6003.
I am looking for book that help me in preparation of the exam, the exam is related to Finnish license to practice medicine in Finland. the exam will be in… 627 At least the following books deal with clinical examination and might be useful for you (they can all be found in the Turku city library): Kliinisen tutkimuksen etiikka : opas tutkijoille ja eettisille toimikunnille (2015). Kliinisen tutkijan opas (2000). Kliininen hoitotyö : sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito (2012). Potilaan tutkiminen (2009). Kliinisen fysiologian perusteet (2012). Toimintakyky : arviointi ja kliininen käyttö (2004). Sairaan hyvä lääkäri (2012). Lääkäriksi (2007).
I am looking for a book in finnsih language learning for adults, I made a reservation for one to pick up in Tapiola, which is closer to my home. Will I have… 641 Booking is free from Helmet Library collections. Can choose pickup and return site freely. Also returning to another city is free if the material is owned by the Helmet Library.
Do you know any activities/animations for or with people with mental or psychic disability happening in librairies in Finland? Do you know anything to raise… 794 There are some projects that have studied this topic exactely. One was in Pori, for personlig who have suffered psychic problems and alcoholism, contact Asko Hursti, on this matterää, here some information, but it is in Finnish. Another one in Lapland, Kittilä, about disabled and elderly people, contact,, for disabled in Middle Finland Vesanto,, contact These both focus on hearing, reading and activities. In Mikkeli the scope is on digital skills for people with problems in mental health http://hankkeet.…
I am trying to find the words to two poems by Finnish poet Arvi Kivimaa. They are called "Rajan Lapsi" ja "Rajan kansa". I was wondering if they have been… 519 ”Rajan lapsi” and ”Rajan kansa” under the title Etuvartiokansa (Suomen rajaseutujen asukkaille omistettu) by Arvi Kivimaa (1904 - 1984) were first published in anthology ”Sotatalvi : runovalikoima” (1940, Otava). You find the poems also in the collection of selected poems by Arvi Kivimaa: ”Airut : valittuja runoja vuosilta 1925-44” (Otava 1947) and ”Arvi Kivimaan kauneimmat runot : tekijän toimittama valikoima (Otava, 1958).All these are available in the HelMet-libraries. Sotatalvi : runovalikoima (Otava, 1940)
I wonder if you can tell me where I can hang a card / poster advertising a public lecture sponsored by my church. Where are the good old fashioned bulletin… 341 In Sello library in Leppävaara we have a bulletin board for customers: