Library 10 is located at Postitalo, which used to be the main post office of Helsinki. The building is not anymore owned by Posti but it still contains a post office on its ground floor. The post office has been commonly known as "Helsinki 10" because the postal code for city center of Helsinki is 00100. Library 10 is located on upper floor of "Helsinki 10". That’s why the name "Library 10" was chosen.
There are no age limits for visiting library in Jyväskylä. With parent’s permission children are allowed to visit the library by themselves at any age.
Basically each library can decide which titles are used for the members of its staff. The title 'erikoiskirjastonhoitaja' is used mostly in public libraries. As far as I know, in Helsinki City Library the title is usually translated into English as 'specialized librarian'.
Just like librarians ('kirjastonhoitaja') and information specialists ('informaatikko'), specialized librarians are required to have a university degree in librarianship. The salary of a specialized librarian is a little higher than that of a librarian and a little lower than that of an information specialist. The middle salary of specialized librarians in Finnish public libraries in October 2013 was 2478 € per month (…
The average salary of a full-time librarian in Finland (both sexes, municipal libraries) has been 2583 e/month in 2014.
The table (Finnish) -->…
Please search for more info :… (English) (English) (Statistics Finland - Home)
You can book a meeting room via "Book a computer or a workplace" -service. Select the library, click "Worksplace" and You can choose a room to book.
I am sorry, but in order to get a library card in HelMet-system, you have to visit the Helsinki metropolitan area personally and prove your identity. Your address in the card can quite well be in Kajaani.
In future we probably will have more equal system in the whole country and then this will be easier.
There aren't any digital reference services in Finland managed by high school libraries, most of the school libraries are quite small and they haven't organized co-operational service either. Some school libraries work together with public libraries, for instance Hätila library, and they offer our Ask a librarian on their webpages. Some school libraries offer information service by email. This reference service, Ask a librarian, is managed by public libraries in Finland and is also targeted to high school students as well as every other citizen.
There are other ask-services in Finland operated by libraries, you can find a list here,… ,…
In Finnish libraries, there are only few volunteers, and it’s usually necessary that they can speak Finnish. I don’t know if there have been any EVS volunteers in Finnish libraries, but you are free to try by contacting libraries. Each library has its own volunteering policy, so you should send email those libraries you are interested in. You can find contact information for Finnish libraries at
we hope that books that one donates are in a good condition. If we have that book already many peaces, we don't take it. You can take it back when you come to the library. We don't send it back.
If you want post your donation to Jyväskylä library, the address is:
Jyväskylän kaupunginkirjasto - Keski-Suomen maakuntakirjasto
Vapaudenkatu 39-41
40100 Jyväskylä
Write a letter also, so we know your purpose. Thank you!
It’s ”Mää, mää, lammas kulta” by Suonio (a pseudonym of Julius Krohn, 1835–1888). You can find the Finnish poem at or in “Tunteellinen siili ja muita suomalaisia eläinrunoja” (WSOY, 1997).
First a link to a publication, which you may find interesting…
Net resources:
- Ministry of Education; Libraries in Finland
- Ministry of education;Library network in Finland
- The National Library of Finland
- School libraries in Finland (Article)
Best way to do this is to contact libraries directly, as every library decides of their events independently. You can find the contact details in the HelMet-homepage.
I am certain that most of the libraries in Espoo would be interested in having a story time in English!
There is a little Wikipedia article about Islam in Sweden:
Here you have also a book about Islam in the Nordic and Baltic countries:
Islam in the Nordic and Baltic countries / edited by Göran Larsson (2009)
Here is a review of it:…
This book is in collections of some university libraries and in the library of Parliament:…
There are requirements based on the Finnish Library decree. You can find that at…, Section 4. In nuthell, 70 per cent of the personnel should have an education suitable for library. 45 per cent should have “a university degree comprising or supplemented with higher education studies in library and information sciences of a minimum extent of 60 ECTS points” or “a polytechnic degree comprising or supplemented with higher education studies in library and information sciences of a minimum extent of 60 ECTS points”.
According to KVTES (a collective agreement;, a basic salary for a librarian in municipal libraries is…
Hi Fiona,
I'm afraid there is no written history of Jyväskylä City Library available in English. In our website there is a brief history written in Finnish:
Maybe you can translate it and find the facts you need? There is also a comprehensive study about Jyväskylä City Library available:…
Please contact us for further information if needed.
There are some Finnish courses online. You can find them via Infopankki. Infopankki is a website published by City of Helsinki:…
Here are some children´s weblinks with reading tips and booklists. (Sorry, but in Finnish only)
Kuvakirjat eri aihepiireistä…
Board games for children in HelMet libraries………
There is a book name Sokkopingis / Merja Jämsäläinen, Jaakko Tiittanen ; [julkaisija: Näkövammaisten keskusliitto, 2004].
The book is located in the following libraries:
Turun yliopiston kirjasto
Turku kauppakorkeakoulun kirjasto
Oulun yliopiston kirjasto
Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjasto
Frank Multisearch
You can ask interlibrary loan request in your library.
Sokkopingiksen säännöt
International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) Showdown rules
(Kansainväisen Näkövammaisten Urheilujärjestön sokkopingissäännöt)