I would like to know if there are digital reference services, such us "Ask a librarian", and managed by school libraries whose target is the educational…


I would like to know if there are digital reference services, such us "Ask a librarian", and managed by school libraries whose target is the educational community of high schools.


Last updated

There aren't any digital reference services in Finland managed by high school libraries, most of the school libraries are quite small and they haven't organized co-operational service either. Some school libraries work together with public libraries, for instance Hätila library, http://hykinkirjasto.weebly.com/ and they offer our Ask a librarian on their webpages. Some school libraries offer information service by email. This reference service, Ask a librarian, is managed by public libraries in Finland and is also targeted to high school students as well as every other citizen.

There are other ask-services in Finland operated by libraries, you can find a list here, http://www2.kirjastot.fi/fi-FI/kysy/kysypalvelut/#Muita_suomalaisten_ki… , 3 of these are services by university libraries, namely Tampere, Jyväskylä and Aalto-university.

You can find more information about Finnish School Libraries in the pages Finnish School Library Association http://suomenkoulukirjastoyhdistys.fi/eng/ .

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