Unfortunately libraries usually can't take old journals. When the libraries will open again normally, You can leave the journals in any ot the libraries, which have a recycling shelf (Kirjakierrätyspiste). You find the list of those libraries here https://www.helmet.fi/fi-FI/Kirjastot_ja_palvelut
Yasuko Morimoton japaninkielisiä Kalevala-käännöksiä löytyy jonkin verran Suomen kirjastoista, mutta tätä versiota ei näytä löytyvän:https://www.finna.fi/Search/Results?lookfor=morimoto+yasuko&type=AllFie…
Tämä on otsikkonsa "Karewara (bassui)" perusteella lyhennelmä ja sisältää vain otteen Kalevalasta. Lähettämissänne kuvissa ei ollut mainintaa vuosiluvusta. Ainoa kuvissa näkyvä vuosiluku on Yasuko Morimoton esittelyssä. Siinä kerrotaan että hän on syntynyt 3. maaliskuuta Meiji-aikakauden 35. vuonna eli vuonna 1902.
I am sorry but it's not possible in Vantaa libraries during covid -19. If you print official papers you can do it in Vantaa info https://www.vantaa.fi/administration_and_economy/vantaa_information/van….
You can find books for babies in Helmet libraries by the term "paksulehtiset kirjat" (books with thick pages), and then choose books in English language, if you like. You can find them here:
Also a key word "toddlers" could be useful:
You can make an acquisition request by filling in the form below:
There are no Persian alphabet games in Helmet Libraries, but with some books You can teach Persian alphabets. You find those book in Helmet search wit words persian kieli aakkoset.
It looks like Humalistonkatu has the numbers 1-13 in Karjaa, which would mean that the address has changed. Unfortunately the Address service by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency is only available from Finland. I would suggest free address search services, like fonecta.fi.
Books about Russian or Soviet films can be found from shelf 77.4971 in Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen libraries and from shelf 777.951 in Helsinki.
All libraries but Kauniainen have a floating collection now, which means that when a book is returned to a library it stays there, instead of being sent to a home library. So if you mean that a certain library used to have a great collection, it may now have been spread between several libraries.
These pages you can find visitors and loans:
Choose download at right side so you get excel file.
If you search by word collections you can get different book and other collections.https://hri.fi/data/en_GB/dataset?vocab_geographical_coverage=Helsinki
Unfortunately, I cannot give an answer here. You should contact the Oodi library directly. Contact information https://www.helmet.fi/en-US/Libraries_and_services/Helsinki_Central_Lib…
There are books in the Persian language available. At Helmet SEARCH FOR ITEMS you just write PERSIA and then at left side refine by language you choose Persian. Then you get list of books in Persian language. After that you can refine more, like Fiction or Non-fiction.
Thanks for your positive feedback. I think the Espoo City Library is also a nice place to work.
The library in Espoo has a wide range of employees. Some of us are library professionals, some are youth instructors or teachers, some are other professionals who have popped into the library. We also have a lot of short-term employees: trainees, apprentices and men performing civilian service. We are constantly getting to know new people, ideas and ways of working. In addition Library.fi organizes training for all librarians in Finland.
We have to tell us a lot about our work as we guide new employees. At the same time, we can evaluate our ways of working and try to improve working methods. The different departments of the library have…
Helmet-Libraries are not closed, they have been open all the time this year,
but services are very limited:
- Retrieval of material from the reservation shelf and from the limited selection and theme shelves at the lending machines.
- Necessary, fast transactions with computers.
- Pre-booking and self-service with a lending machine as the primary service.
- If necessary, assistance and advice at the service desk.
- There is an obligation to use a mask in transactions. (Does not apply to people with a medical condition using a face mask.)
You can pick up Your Helmet library card any time after You have made the pre-registration. Actually the pre-registration is not necessary, but You will get your library card quicker by filling the registration form beforehand.
Take a valid ID card with you. You can pick up your library card from any Helmet library.
To obtain a Helmet library card and PIN code You must visit Yourself any Helmet library. So You can not get a library car by post or online.
In case You'll have the possibility to visit any Helmet library and still want to have a library card You can fill in a library card pre-registration.
You have to have a degree on information and libraries studies in university.
In Finland you must be completed information studies about third of you examination.
In Finland you can work in libraries without having degree in information studies, but to be librarian you should have those studies in university.
We have been asked about working in libraries before.
We do'nt in our service contact persons, but if you have a telefonnumber, the country code for Finland is +358. In Countrycode.org you can find the number, you should dial to call abroad from your country, https://countrycode.org/finland
You can search the Helmet database for different types of items in the Helmet library collection. Go to helmet.fi and to Advanced Search. Direct link:
Choose the type of item from the drop-down menu Format.
In Keyword, type * to display all items in the selected format or a more specific search term.
Click Search.
I found only one article called "The Reminiscences of Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan", in which at least one trip to Finland was mentioned. Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan visited Finland in 1913, and he went through all the lakes up to the north. He also shot rapids in Ulea river (Oulu-joki in Finnish). The link to the article is available here:
There is also this website https://zafrullahkhan.weebly.com/ but with the quick browsing I didn't find any mention of trips to Finland.
You can get a new library card at any Helmet library by showing your ID card (with a photo) to the library personnel. At the library they can also check out, if your lost library card is maybe found, and can be fetched from a library somewhere. The cost for a new card is 3 euros for adults, and 2 euros for children.
Note, however, that you can also borrow books with an ID card, from the desk if there's personnel present, and if you are a registered customer.
It is also possible to get a virtual library card to your smart phone by installing an app called Taskukirjasto, but you need to know your library card number and pin code in order to use it. With Taskukirjasto you can also renew your loans, make reservations etc.