I can't renew the book i have checked out online because it is on hold. but it is due april 6 which during the virus shut down period. so please help me take…


i can't renew the book i have checked out online because it is on hold. but it is due april 6 which during the virus shut down period. so please help me take away the late fee. thank you.



In Helmet-libraries no loans are due when libraries are closed. 

Loans will not be due between March 16th and April 19th 2020. If the loan has not been renewed in due, library will extend the due date by two weeks. We shall re-evaluate the situation after Easter.

In addition, the library will extend the loan period for loans due from 20 January to 15 March 2020. There is no overdue fee for extending the loan period. 

However, there are exceptions for material that is overdue and therefore in recovery.  If your loan has expired before January 20, 2020, it is in recovery and the loan cannot be renewed. Please contact your local library via email or by telephone to check the situation.  

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