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Where could I find Internet address of companies offering postal mail services, such as mailboxes in Helsinki? Thank You 527 If you wish to find out where there are post offices in Helsinki, or anything else about the postal services offered by the Finnish post company, please send an e-mail to the Finland Post Ltd, whose e-mail address can be clicked in their Internet page (in English): I am sorry if I have misunderstood your question, in which case please try to rephrase it and ask again.
Rolf Nevanlinna prizes 568 You can find information on the Rolf Nevanlinna prizes on the Internet. For example use Google ( and search for "Rolf Nevanlinna prize" or "Rolf Nevanlinna palkinto". Both searches return many links to Internet sites that mention the prize. The web site for Fields medals and Rolf Nevanlinna Prize ( tells the history of the Rolf Nevanlinna prize and gives information on the prize winners.
Do you hold a list of the publishing companies in Helsinki? Would like to know who the top 5 publishing companies are in Helsinki, Finland. 899 The Finnish publishing companies can be found on the internet It's a bit hard to rank them, but here is the ranking list The WSOY Group is Finland's largest publishing house and the market leader in general literature and educational materials: The Edita Group: Gummerus Kustannus Oy Otava publishing company and Weilin+Göös Oy Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi Some of the publishing companies homepages contain the information only in finnish. If you are looking for publishing companies which specialise on some area, e.g. medicine then then the ranking list would be would be…
Dear librarian, I would like to find the book I once have seen in some collection but never have find in any bookstore or e-directory. That is an album of… 334 May be you have this book in mind: Leikola, Anto: Taiteilijaveljekset von Wright - Suomen kauneimmat lintumaalaukset. Otava, Helsinki 1986. ISBN 9511092316. It is available in most Finnish libraries. The fith edition (year 2000) is on sale in bookstores. Here are some adresses to bookstores which you can contact by Internet: Or may be you mean this book: Linnut / veljekset von Wright. Tammi, Helsinki, 1993. ISBN 951-31-0157-6. It is much larger book, 534 pages, with drawings of brothers von Wright. It is available in Helsinki City Library, but only as a reference book in Main Library.
I would be comming to HUT as a Phd student. i would like to join to join this public library for borrowing books. Could you please give me information on how… 559 Espoo city library gives information in adress . You can choose English language and You'll find links "Using our service", "Libraries" etc.
Would like information and a picture of Finlands first president, Karlo Julo Stahlberg? 543 The easiest way to get information about and a picture of Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg (note the spelling, Ståhlberg with so called swedish o) is from Internet. I used Google search engine , searched the name as a phrase "Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg", and found some useful pages: (National Biography of Finland, large article and a good picture of young Ståhlberg; easiest way to search is to browse "index of biographies"). (good picture)… (information in English) (statue of pr. Ståhlberg in…
I am interested in the comparision of the Standard of Living between Finland and the UK, e.g. cost of rent, cars, day-today living etc. Could you send me… 852 You will find a lot of information of living in Finland in the book of Victoria Pybus Live & work in Scandinavia (1995). A useful site is the Guide for moving to Finland of the Finnish Labour Administration If you are interested in general information of the Finnish society and way of living you'll find it e.g. in Virtual Finland of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. For statistical information of Finland there is the Finland in Figures on the site of the Statistics Finland (in Finnish) or (in English) Links to sites for basic information for foreigners and…
Where does the last name "Leija" come from? Is it from Finland? 3685 Word "leija" is a Finnish word indeed. In English it is translated as "a kite". The noun "leija" comes from the verb "leijata" or "leijua" (to flow). In the old or dialectal Finnish language "leija" can also mean "a bridal veil". Leija is not a very much used word as a surname but surely it can be used. In the telephone catalogue of Helsinki there is only one person with the family name Leija. Leija can also be used in compound family names such as Leijavuori (a rough translation: Kite Mountain). There is no record of Leija as a first name.
What are the major cities of Finland? 625 Mikäli kysymyksesi tarkoittaa, että haluat tietää, mitkä ovat Suomen suurimmat kaupungit, on vastaus: 5 suurinta kaupunkia väkiluvun perusteella ovat: Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere, Vantaa, Turku. Voit lähemmin tarkastella asiaa nettiosoitteesta . Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja on hyvä lähdeteos. Siinä on myös mm. kaupunkien ja kuntien pinta-alat. Suomen eri läänien tärkeimmät kaupungit ovat lääninhallituksen sivuilla osoitteessa .
In 1996 a novel by Juha Tapio was published, in Finnish, about "Frankenstein" coming back in the 20th century. Is there an English translation of this novel… 491 Unfortunately, according to the Finnish national bibliography, Juha K. Tapio's novel "Frankensteinin muistikirja" has not been translated into any other language.
I am a librarian in the USA and would like your assistance. I am looking for a Finnish citizen who used to live at an address in Helsinki. Is there a reference… 730 Hi! I checked the name of the person whom you asked in your query and could not find him on the Helsinki telephone catalogue. In Finland people who move should inform their new address to a local magistrate that keeps a register. The Helsinki magistrate's contact info is: Helsingin maistraatti Albertinkatu 25, P.O. Box 309, 00181 Helsinki Tel. +358 9 695 441 Telefax +358 9 6954 4330 E-mail: You can also contact Directory Assistance at +358 100 13 or +358 118. This service has all the telephone and mobile phone numbers throughout Finland and it is available 24 hours.
Could you let me have a brief description of the legislative system in Finland? e.g. if it is a codified system and so on? 571 There is a presentation of the Finnish legal system on the www-site of the Ministry of Justice Finland After the ratification the law has to be published in the Statutes of Finland for to come in to force. You can search and read the translations of the Statutes in the FINLEX database The law in force is also found in Finnish and in Swedish in the publication Suomen Laki (The Laws of Finland) annually published by the the Finnish Federation of Layers. If you are interested in the legislative work of the Finnish Parliament you will find some information on the www-site Besides the printed volumes the parliament documents are published in the…
In what library system you are working? 605 The Helsinki City Library uses GeacPlus library system. The producer of thi system is Geac Benelux BV and you will find more information about this company at
How are stock options taxed in Finland? 757 In Finland stock options are taxed as taxable income. In termines sales you are not allowed to assume the price of the option when you bought it. However, you are allowed to deduct the price at which you bought the option plus your expenses in buying and selling. You will find the English web pages of the Finnish Tax Administration at
Which libraries subscribe to The Times Periodicals 631 You will find The Times in the following branches of the Helsinki City Library: Itäkeskus library, the main library and Rikhardinkatu library. Of these libraries, Itäkeskus keeps the periodical one month and both the main library and Rikhardinkatu library three months. You can request yourself more than 3 months older copies at Rikhardinkatu library. You can search any periodical or newspaper in the Helsinki City Library from the Lib-Press periodicals database at also in English.
Is there an online street map of Helsinki I can access on line? 751 You will find an online map of Helsinki in the Internet pages of Helsingin Sanomat. This is a free service. The site address is and when you click the word 'KARTTAPALVELU' (ie. the map service in Finnish) you will get access to various maps of Finland including that of Helsinki. You just select Helsinki and you can search any street in Helsinki. The correct spelling of Kaivopoisto is Kaivopuisto.
Is the brand HAIMI or the designer Yrjo Kukkapuro famous for furniture in Finland? 693 Yrjö Kukkapuro is one of Finnish classics in furniture design. The book Scandinavian Modern Design 1880-1980 (New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1982, p. 151) says about him: "Nurmesniemi's high-polished steel and leather chairs and Yrjö Kukkapuro's bold swivel armchair made of metal and welded plastic turned Finnish furniture design toward a decisively international style." The book Finnish reflections (Finnish title Heijastuksia Suomesta, Helsinki, Kirjayhtymä, 1981, p. 86-88) presents Kukkapuro's armchairs in a large two-page colour photograph, with the text "Yrjö Kukkapuro is one of the best-known Finnish furniture designers; his creations have virtually achieved the status of classics. …" Periodical articles in English: Helkama, Iris: The…
I am looking for a copy of A book by Risto Vilmusenaho. The name of the book is Siikajokilaakson historia. Can you help Me find A source where I can buy A copy? 259 You can buy the book by Risto Vilhusenaho Siikajokilaakson historia 2 in the Local Government Office of the municipality of Siikajoki. The price is 216 mk. I'd advise You to contact directly the office, , e-mail: , tel. (08) 2113411, fax. (08) 2113403.
Mistä saa perukirja-lomakkeen (Netin kautta)? 85209 Tässä muutama Internetistä löytyvä perukirjamalli ja -lomake. Suomen lakioppaan malli (rtf) Helsingin Perunkirjoitustoimiston malli (html) Lisää tietoa ja malleja: Esimerkiksi seuraavissa kirjoissa annetaan neuvoja perunkirjoitusta varten: Puronen, Pertti: Näin teet perukirjan itse, 1999 ja Aarnio, Aulis: Perunkirjoitusopas, 1997. Lisäksi kirjakaupat, Jämsänkoskella Rusetti, myyvät perukirjalomakkeita. Seuraavissa asiakirjamallikirjoissa on hyvät esimerkit: Asiakirjamallit, Petri Järvensivu - Jussi Kalliala - Pekka Kolppanen - Kalle Kyläkallio - Mari Lampenius - Heikki Uotila. Alma Talent 2018 (up) ja…
I am seeking a book written by Arvi Makkonen in 1963 titled "Moottorisahaopas". If you have this book, I would like to learn how I could borrow this book… 211 "Moottorisahaopas" by Arvi Makkonen is available in the stacks of Helsinki main library.You can come to the main library or ask in the nearest library. You need a library card or if you don't have one, please take an identity card with you.