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Can you please tell how i find a friend of mine living in oulu. But I have lost their address. 1554 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Väestörekisterikeskus (Population Register Centre) The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 (only in Finland) The mailing address of Population register centre is Kellosilta 4 PL 7 00520 HELSINKI URL:
In 1960's a Helsinki Finland Journalist/Author wrote a short story entitled "The Princess" - non-fiction about his wife (first name Gunner - last name I can't… 2895 It is the question of the Finnish-Swedish journalist and writer Gunnar Mattsson (b.1937). After The Princess he wrote a sequel to the story (Prinsen, 1966). It is a description of the first year of his little son. In his autobiographical novel Kungen (1971) he revealed the dark sides of the life of an best selling writer.His story about her wife was an international success, it was translated into thirty languages and also a film of the story was made. Unfortunately he had to struggle against a very serious drinking problem and he died relatively young, at the age of 52 in 1989. His wife Seija recovered from her long illness and worked as a nurse in Helsinki. However, the side effects of the radiotherapy had been injurious to her heart and…
Do you know the mailing address for the Sunny Bus Company? I would like to send a thank you note to one of their drivers following a recent tour. Thank you! 1063 The mailing address is: Aurinkobussit Oy Sunny Buses Vanha Porvoontie 246 FIN-01380 Vantaa e-mail:
I would like the contact information for a record company in Finland: Sportin' Life Records. Thank you. I want to order a CD from the company. The CD is … 702 The band Trouble Bound Cospel was in Bad Vugum, it is an Internet store for records. Bad Vugum B O X 3 6 2, 9 0 1 0 1 O U L U, F I N L A N D phone / fax: + 358-(0)8-274 910 e-mail: Outside Europe the Postage and packaging is -250g USD 4 and -500g USD6.
Is there any newspaper articles about Heikki Klemetti? Also anything else. Any known relatives. Doing family tree. Thank you for any help 559 Heikki Klemetti, a finnish composer, was born in Kuortane February 14th 1876. His father was Herman Klemetti and mother Eva Lovisa Vettberg. He married Armi Hämäläinen (born April 12th 1885) in 1908, she was a daughter of Lauri Hämäläinen and Emma Fredrika Kekoni. Heikki Klemetti died in Helsinki August 26th 1953. More information about Heikki Klemetti can be found on the following web-site of Finnish Music Information Centre There are articles about Klemetti in finnish, I didn't find any in english. You can find information about Finnish Family History Research on
Family history. 180 The website adress to Finnish Genealogical Society is . You'll find more links on that site.
What is polytechnic rankings in europe from technology and business? and what is postion of finnish polytechnics and universties in the world? 352 I asked the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council (FINHEEC) ( if there is some official board that ranks European polytechnics and universities. They told me that there is no such board. That is, there are no official ranking lists that compare polytechnics of Europe. I have found university ranking lists produced by different institutions for a few separate European countries. They are (Universities of Germany) (Universities of Norway)… (Universities of Great Britain) (…
Can you suggest where can i find specialized publications relating to security equipment manufacturers or access control industry. 177 Finnish companies can be searched in Blue Book company director: > Select Security > Search > Free text search. Search terms: alarm devices; access control; burglar alarm devices. A leading Finnish company in the field is Securitas Tekniikka Oy. Their home page on the net ( ) is only in Finnish, but their record in Blue Book is also in English (… ). Internet address worth checking:, title of the site: Alarms and Security Devices. Google search engine ( ) gives relevant links with the above search terms, also terms like security…
I am looking for Finland's Employment Contracts Act in English. The number for the act is 320/1970. Can you send the web site or send it as an attachment to… 657 Unfortunately I could not find the act in English either. Finland being a bilingual country all the legislation is both in Finnish and Swedish, not necessarily in English. Now, I wonder, whether you are interested in this old act from 1970 or prefer an up to date statute. The fact is that the Employment Contracts Act has been totally revised. The new act 55/2001 came into force June 1, 2001 and replaces the act 320/1970. You can find it in Finnish or Swedish in , but of course it needs to be translated. The Library of Parliament is specializing in legislation, so I guess they might be able to help you. Their e-mail is: kirjasto
I want to know which are the correspondents for JOHN - masculin and feminin - with any variations in Finnish langage. 635 Here follows some of the most ordinary ones (corresponding for John in Finnish): Masculin: Jani, Janne, Johannes, Jon, Joni, Jonne, Jonni, Jouni, Juha, Juhana, Juhani, Juho, Jukka, Jussi Feminin: Janika, Janina, Janita, Janna, Janni, Jenna, Jenni, Johanna, Jonna
We are looking to verify the name of a 20th century Finnish artist. The drawing in question was done in charcoal, and is of a nude female. The signature of… 572 Olemme tarkistaneet hakuteoksesta Kuvataiteilijat 1991 kaikki P-kirjaimella alkavat sukunimet: ei yhtään taiteilijaa, jonka ristimänimi olisi Armas. Sen sijaan R-kirjaimella alkavista löytyi yksi Armas: Kaarlo Armas Raunio, syntynyt 20.4.1911 Helsingissä. Hänellä on ollut näyttely USA:ssa vuonna 1972, paikkakunta Lakeover Bedford Hill. Tämä ehdotuksemme on tietenkin arvailua, mutta jos Raunio ei sovi kokonaisuuteen, niin kysykää uudelleen. - Possibly the artist you are searching is Armas Raunio, b. 20.4.1911 Helsinki.
Where can i find finnish childrens email adress???? 605 have collected email search engines One of the email search engines in Finland is this… Unfortunally this service is only in finish. It might be that in these services you have to search by persons name and it doesn't allow you to search by age.
I would like to find information about the history of Esplanadi (Helsinki) 749 There seems to be only one book in English about Esplanadi: "The Esplanade during the 19th century--Helsinki" by Henrik Lilius, 1984 (ISBN 87-85176-20-6). This work is primarily a pictorial production. It has color reproductions of original tinted project plans and black & white reproductions of original monocrome project plans. The photographs show what form the Esplanade did in fact take during the 19th century. The following address… has an article about Esplanadi as well.
Do you know of a children's version of the Kalevala written by Mauri Kunnas? How would I purchase it in the US? 731 The Book is called the Canine Kalevala. The following information was found in the Library of Congress Online Catalog (adress= : The canine Kalevala / Mauri Kunnas, Tarja Kunnas ; [translated and adapted... LC Control Number: 93855806 Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.) Brief Description: Kunnas, Mauri. The canine Kalevala / Mauri Kunnas, Tarja Kunnas ; [translated and adapted from the Finnish by Tim Steffa]. Koirien Kalevala. English Helsinki : Otava, 1992. [30] p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm.
Would you please recommend an English translation of the Kalevala I could obtain in the US? 1539 Please contact the Library of Congress (adress= ). There You can find at least this edition of the English translation of Kalevala: The Kalevala : an epic poem after oral tradition / by Elias Lönnrot ;... LC Control Number: 89179615 Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.) Brief Description: [Kalevala. English.] The Kalevala : an epic poem after oral tradition / by Elias Lönnrot ; translated from the Finnish with an introduction and notes by Keith Bosley ; and a foreword by Albert B. Lord.Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1989.lvi, 679 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
What is a Microfiche? 543 Microfische (mikrokortti in finnish)is a flat piece of film containing microphotographs of the pages of a printed text or document. You can read microfische only with special kind of device.
Need information on national flower. Bird? Animal? 708 Finland´s national nature symbols are
Which government office in Finland determines design standards for bicycle paths (width, traffic separation, signage, snow clearing, etc.)? 625 Please visit the site of Network of Finnish Cycling Municipalities: . There are some useful addresses at the end of the page. Email address of the co-ordinator Tapio Linna is . In Helsinki the municipal organ is Traffic Planning Division in City Planning Department. The pages are unfortunately only in Finnish and Swedish: . One of the contact people is Antero Naskila
Where can I find the following book? Hansen and Nielsen "The Economic Analysis of the EU" McGrow-Hill, 1997 186 There is a book "An Economic Analysis of the EU" by Drud Hansen, Jörgen available in the library of Turun kauppakorkeakoulu. I suggest that you visit the library in Pasila and ask them to borrow the book for you from Turku. You can also ask the book from the library of Yleisradio, open mon-fri 9 am-6 pm, tel (09) 148 015 619, but they might not want to help you.
I am looking for material (books, cassetes, videos, CDs etc) for studying Danish (the language) on my own. Could you kindly tell me where would it be… 698 There are some Danish courses in English in the public libraries: Jones, W. Glyn : Colloquial Danish--a complete language course. 1998 Danish phrase book / compiled by Lexus Ltd with Gert Ronberg. 1998 Garde, Anna: Danish dictionary--English-Danish--Danish-English. 1995 | Scandinavian phrase book & dictionary. 1995 Elsworth, Bente: Danish--a complete course for beginners . 1994 The availability of these courses you can check in this Internet adress: