Do you know of a children's version of the Kalevala written by Mauri Kunnas? How would I purchase it in the US?


Do you know of a children's version of the Kalevala written by Mauri Kunnas? How would I purchase it in the US?


Last updated

The Book is called the Canine Kalevala.
The following information was found in the Library of Congress Online Catalog
(adress= :
The canine Kalevala / Mauri Kunnas, Tarja Kunnas ; [translated and adapted...
LC Control Number: 93855806
Type of Material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Brief Description:
Kunnas, Mauri.
The canine Kalevala / Mauri Kunnas, Tarja Kunnas ; [translated and adapted from the Finnish by Tim Steffa]. Koirien Kalevala. English
Helsinki : Otava, 1992.
[30] p. : col. ill. ; 30 cm.

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