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From MIchigan USA. I am trying to locate a long lost friend who was a foreign exchange student with me way back in 1979. . I have not seen him in 23 years… 1479 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Väestörekisterikeskus (Population Register Centre) The telephone number is 0600 0 1000 (only in Finland) The mailing address of Population register centre is Kellosilta 4 PL 7 00520 HELSINKI URL: A good way to find lost friends is the Facebook. You could also try there.
Can you help me find an antiquarian bookstore in Finland which specializes in astronomy? I am looking for a copy of the 1952 book AVARUUDEN VALLOITUS, by Willy… 304 I hope these websites will help you find the book you are looking for.
Where can I find information regarding companies in an industry? 186 Oletko hakemassa tietoa teollisuusyrityksistä Suomessa? Vai etsitkö pelkästään hakemistoja, joissa olisi telekommunikaatio- ja elektroniikka-alan yrityksiä? Hakemistoja on olemassa useampiakin. Niitä löytyy Oulun kaupunginkirjaston tietokannasta esim. yhdistämällä asiasanat yritykset ja hakemistot. Muutamia, joissa on myös toimialakohtaisia hakemistoja: - Sininen kirja : talouselämän suurhakemisto (on myös netissä ja demon saa ilmeisesti viikoksi käyttöön ilmaiseksi ) - Kompass - sarja, josta löytyy tietoa mm. Suomen, Baltian, Ruotsin, Saksan, Venäjän yrityksistä - Yritystele 2002 : valtakunnallinen yrityshakemisto. Mikäli etsit tietoa elektroniikka-alan…
Do you have a recipe or instructions how to make viili starter (pohjapiimä) from ingredients available in the U.S.? 291 In Finland there are two kinds of viilis:the short and the long one, which is more "stretching". For the short viili You can make the starter. Look at: and --->information sheet --->Ferments. But for the long viili it is more difficult. You could ask for more information from Valio. The Internet adress is:
What do the finns serve(food) while celebrationg. and what do they celebrate 506 Hi, there's a good site about "Finnish feast or festival days and foods": At the main page you reach more information about Finnish gastronomy. Here's some recipe links:
I want to view issues of Eeva Neule magazine on line. Can you explain how I can do that please? 783 It seems like Eevaneule-magazine has been published only from 1971 to 1986. In the Helsinki City Library storage we have years 1977 - 1982. They are original paper magazines, there is no on-line version available. You can contact the publisher A-lehdet, in order to find out more about the magazine and its history (e-mail: ).
Please send any information pertaining to unemployment rate in Finland and its affect on the economy. 1024 Have you visited webpages of Finnish Ministy of Labour Click "press release and statistics" and then " Employment bulletin". In pages you`ll find information of unemployment rate in Finland from February 1998 to October 2001. Figures in the beginning of 1990`s you`ll find in Statistics Finland Click "Finland in figures" and "labour market". There you can also find other information concerning you problem. Then you can try e.g following Finland-links:…
I am trying to find a woman who came to the United States in 1974 as an exchange student for a year. She was from Helsinki. I know she was studying to be a… 799 Public has got a staff search for Finnish public libraries The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Population Register Centre (Väestörekisterikeskus) P.O. Box 7 (Kellosilta 4), 00521 Helsinki, Finland Tel. +358 9 229 161, Fax +358 9 2291 6795
What is the best source of information when I need to know about electronic forms (e.g. those made with Word 2000)? 639 It seems that it would be best to acquire some html-editor program, like FrontPage or Dreamweaver and study related literature. They contain basic knowledge about electronic forms. The same goes with intranet which can be realized in so many ways that it cannot be answered here. You can search related information from library databases (e.g. Plussa in public libraries, with subject words: ”intranet”, ”sähköiset lomakkeet”, ”FrontPage” and ”Dreamweaver”.
Need some information regarding how long it will take to go to college for criminal law 728 In Finland you can study law in the university. Degrees offered by the University on Helsinki Faculty of law can be found at How to apply - International Students' Guide to the University of Helsinki can be found at To apply for admission for a Bachelor's or a Master's degree programme you must submit an application form to the university. The closing date for applications is January 31. The studying time depends on how fast the student is able to study and which degree the student is taking. For most students the studying time will be several years.
Where could i find the author and title of three entries found under the subject aids? 1220 You can search items in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries' common bibliographics database Plussa Select the search type for subject heading and type aids. Also select display material in english. Here are some examples Duesberg, Peter: AIDS--the good news is HIV doesn't cause it. Rimer, Robert A.: HIV+--working the system. Johnson, Earvin: What you can do to avoid AIDS.
All I need is information on "Immigration policies." I have to write an 800-1000 word essay using research to back my argument. 864 The Finnish Ministry of Labour migration affairs briefly on immigration to Finland and migration affairs links The Finnish Ministry of Finance Citizen's guide for immigrants and emigrants Metropolis - Journal of International Migration and Integration You can search items in the Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries' common bibliographics database Plussa here are some examples: Matinheikki-Kokko, Kaija: Challenges of working in a cross-cultural environment University of Jyväskylä 1997. Segal, Aaron: An…
I want to visit Finland this winter to learn why your country is excelling ours in digital technology. Do you have any advice for me/. Do you recommend any… 817 General information about Finland and also about information technology in Finland you can find in Virtual Finland There is at least tree organisations, which you could check out: *Sitra, the Finnish National Fund for Research and Development *Tekes, the National Technology Agency *Fintra These organisations have publicatins also in Internet for excample: Quality of life, knowledge and competitiveness Premises and objectives for strategic development of the Finnish information society more you can find in their pages. Ministry of Trade and Industry and…
Are there any books on the histories of the following airlines: Finnair. Any information on these books is greatly appreciated. Please reply when you have any… 578 Here are some books about Finnair in English language: Haapavaara, Heikki: Time flies : Finnair 75. Finnair 1999 ISBN 951-98041-1-0 Heavenly fare from the kitchens and cellars of Finnair/Anna-Maija Tanttu [et al.] ; Otava, [1998] ISBN 951-1-15633-0 Wegg, John: Finnair : the art of flying since 1923. Finnair [1983] ISBN: 951-99450-3-2 Contact your library to get these books as interlibrary loans. Have you visited Finnair's homepage? There is much information about Finnair - for example their annual reports, history, statistics etc. :
I am looking for this article: Aarne A. Koskinen "1960 Ariki, the first born. An analysis of the Polynesian Chieftain title. The Folklore Fellow Communication?… 847 The book can be found in Finland from HELKA - Union Online Catalogue of the University of Helsinki Libraries Tekijä(t): Koskinen, Aarne A. Nimeke: Ariki the first-born : an analysis of a Polynesian chieftain title / Aarne A. Koskinen Julkaistu: Helsinki : Suomalainen tiedeakatemia, 1960-1961 Ulkoasu: 191, 155 s. Sarja: (FF communications, ISSN 0014-5815 ; n:o 181-182) Interlibrary loans are given between libraries, please contact your nearest library or Helsinki University Library interlibrary loan department email: . Helsinki University Library pricelist for interlibrary loans…
What are the words of your National Anthem? Thank you. 1173 Finlands national anthem is called "Maamme", that is "Our Land" in English. The song is composed by Fredrik Pacius and the lyrics are written by J. L. Runeberg (originally a poem in the Swedish language; Finnish translation by Paavo Cajander). Nowadays everybody sings it in his/her mother tongue, but as 93 % of the Finns have Finnish as their mother tongue, the Finnish version is heard more often. Here are the Finnish words: Oi maamme, Suomi, synnyinmaa, soi sana kultainen! Ei laaksoa, ei kukkulaa, ei vettä rantaa rakkaampaa kuin kotimaa tää pohjoinen, maa kallis isien. Sun kukoistukses kuorestaan kerrankin puhkeaa; viel lempemme saa nousemaan sun toivos, riemus loistossaan, ja kerran laulus, synnyinmaa, korkeemman kaiun saa. Originally…
What are the six major rivers of Finland? Thank you. 2337 The longest river in Finland is Kemijoki in Northern Finland (length 483 kilometers, catchment approximately 51.400 square kilometers). Other long rivers are Iijoki (330 km), Ounasjoki (298 km), Kitinen (278 km), Muonionjoki (230 km) and Luiro (227 km). Source of information: Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2000.
Do libraries in Finland have an obituary index that I might request an obituary from the late 1800's to middle 1900's? I do not have a death date, just a name… 188 To my knowledge the libraries in Finland do not have obituary indexes. You may be able to get a photocopy of a obituary if it has been printed in a newspaper. Most libraries have their local newspapers on microfilm. I suggest you contact your library and ask them to help you through the interlibrary lending system. At first you really should try to find out the death date. It is essential if you want to find the obituary. Most libraries have access to parish records on microfilm. On the net you can find and search information about Finnish parishes: .
I am looking for information about web forms and web usability 774 Here’s some information about webforms and web usability: Links: (including some downloads) Books (available in libraries): Heslop, Brent : HTML publishing on the Internet for Windows Nielsen, Jakob : Designing Web usability Tyler, Denise : Macromedia Flash 5
How do I renew online? 507 You can renew your loans twice online. Go to our home page… and choose "loans". Then you have to give your customer identification code (your library card) and password in order to sign on (if yo don't have a password yet, you will get it from any library in Turku City Library). Now you can renew your loans by selecting the loans you want to renew and clicking on "renew selected loans". The renewed loans are placed at the end of the list.