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I am a French librarian. I would like to know the percentage of Finnish people visiting libraries. Thank you. 180 Hi! In 2002 there were 12.76 libary visits/inhabitants and 47.02 % of inhabitants were borrowers. You'll find the statistics of Finnish libraries in this address: (>english)
I would like to know about essentials for successful business communications in Finland. What kinds of things do you have on that? 259 You can do a search for example in the National Bibliography of Finland . First click Search. "Business communications" means "liikekirjeenvaihto" in finnish, so write that in the Search for -box. Choose Subject(browse)-search and click Search. You'll get 65 titles in the headings list. Click the number 65. Now you'll get the list of the titles in front of you. Most of them are in finnish. If you want only those in english, click Post limit on top of the list. Now you can choose the language: english. Remember to click Set limits. Now you'll get 14 titles in front of you, all of them are in english. You can also try "liike-elämä and viestintä". So write liike-elämä - viestintä in the Search for -box…
My family and me live in Germany. Actually there is no possibility to get books in Finnish language here. As I want to grow up my little son bilingual I really… 639 Kirjojen tilaaminen Suomesta onnistuu hyvin. Ehkä kattavin luettelo verkkokirjakaupoista löytyy Hämeenlinnan kirjaston Makupalojen sivulta: Selkeimmät tilausohjeet sekä monipuolisimmat valikoimat ja maksutavat ovat suurimmilla kirjakaupoilla, katso esimerkiksi: (English: ) Tältä sivulla on linkkejä erilaisiin lastenkirjallisuusluetteloihin: , esimerkiksi Helsingin kaupunginkirjaston Lasten sivujen lukuvinkkeihin:
How do public libraries in Finland differ from those in the U.S. 609 You can find information about finnish public libraries in this link: (Information about Finnish Public Libraries). You probably know already the facts about public libraries in the U.S., but here are a couple of links about those too:…
I am trying to find about colleges in Finland for international student who speaks english only. 533 Here is a list of the universities of Finland in english:
I am looking for plans and instructions for building a kayak named Kiva 2 (K2) that were published in a magazine titled Joka Poika. Any help would be… 237 Unfortunately we did not find the plans and instructions for building the Kiva 2 (K2)-kayak. The magazine Joka Poika is not listed in our databases, so we could not find it either. But when we searched the internet for information about this subject, we found the following two links, which might be useful to you. We hope that they help you to find what you're looking for:
I would like to know, in statistical documents related to demography (in Finland), what are the definitions of "ethnicity" and "race", and the detailed… 839 Instead of “ethnicity “ and “race”, in Finland citizens are classified by citizenship. The website of the bureau of statistics, Finland, has all the relevant information concerning your inquiry. From StatFin -Online service select Population Census then Population by citizenship and then select the variables. Here is a statistic table made according your inquiry, population by citizenship in Finland at 31.12.2000. The web-address is:…
I am looking for some sources regarding the british, german and french visitors to Albania during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. 1046 Unfortunately we do not have the information you are looking for. However, below are a couple of potentially useful e-mail addresses in Albania. Parliamentary Library of Albania E-mail: Committee for Development and Tourism: E-mail:
Hyva paivaa! I've noticed that you hold a copy of a video of Kalevi Aho's opera AVAIN. Could you please tell me where did you get it and how can I buy a copy… 1192 Dear Sir! You asked about a video recording of Kalevi Aho's opera "Avain". It is a recording that was made in Savonlinna Opera festival in year 1986 by Finnish broadcasting company, Yleisradio (YLE). YLE Export Department has a special service for libraries and educational institutions called "YLE Tallennemyynti" which produces video and audio cassettes of Yleisradio's TV and radio programmes. Since this service is not commercial and is aimed to serve the above mentioned institutions, I would suggest that You read more about its operation from the english pages of Yleisradio: Please note that you can choose the language of the pages by clicking "In English". While there are restrictions for private…
This is a student finding a book Business Administration by Appleby Robert C.1994 I checked in Porvoo,it is not available. If it is ok here. I will come to… 959 The book you are searching is Modern business administration / Author: Appleby, Robert C. Publication: London : Pitman, 1994. It can be found in Helia Porvoo POINT library Opistokuja 1, 06100 Porvoo(09) 1489 0690, that is Helsinki Business Polytechnic library in Porvoo. The book is on loan from the Porvoo library, but please leave a reservation from your Porvoo polytechnic library. Unfortunally Helsinki City Library doesn't have the book at all. Also the polytechnic libraries in Helsinki metropolitan area doesn't have the book at all.
What is the best book - in english - describing the Winter War of 1939 between Finland and Russia. Seeking volume describing heroic and brave efforts made by… 528 It's difficult to name the best one, but here is 3 newest ones that we have in our collection: Trotter, William R.: A frozen hell: the Russo-Finnish winter war of 1939-1940. Chapel Hill (N.C.): Algonquin books of Chapel Hill, 1991. Van Dyke, Carl: The Soviet invasion of Finland 1939-40. London: Franks Cass, 1997 and by an Finnish historian: Vehviläinen, Olli: Finland in the Second world war: between Germany and Russia. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002.
Where can i find Fazer liquer fills candy? 630 You can find Fazer Liqueur Fills and other Fazer candies in Fazer Web Store where you can also order the products. The service is available also in English. The products can also be ordered abroad, the pagage will then come in priority mail.
I am an undergraduate student from Tallinn, Estonia. I am preparing to write my BA diploma and I am looking for all the possible information I can find on the… 1061 Everyone can visit Finnish public (and university) libraries. Library services are basically free, but for example overdued loans, printing and copying are charged for. A library card is not necessary when visiting a library, and there is no entrance fee. In Helsinki City Library printouts and photocopies cost 0,20€ each. You´ll find contact information in our website . Welcome to Helsinki City Library!
When I resarch a book, the result is written that "Location" of the book is "Hki central stack 1" . What does this mean? Where is "Hki central stack 1"? 746 'Hki central stack 1' is the central stock (store) of the Helsinki City Library. It is located in the Main library in Pasila.
For my masters dissertation I am researching into how Public Libraries classify adult fiction books.I would be interested to know how Finnish libraries… 708 Hello! Finnish public libraries use genres when classifying adult fiction. Most used way is to separate few well known genres from the fiction stock. In Kallio branchlibrary we have separated crime (detective novels), horror, science fiction, fantasy, romance, war, humor and hunting (fishing & hunting)novels. Rest of the books are normally on the self, and e. g. translated literature and finnish literature are on the same shelf. Some libraries might use more genres e.g. Kuhmo library. It´s not common to classify the whole fiction stock. Content description and subject indexing of novels helps in fiction retrieval. I couldn`t find scientific material in english. Here in one web-dissertation. It is in finnish, but there is an english…
Do you know anything about Children Books made by children's labour? Specially books pop up, all are made in Asia (China) and i'm worried that they're build by… 635 There is the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre which based in Florence and is the main research arm of UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, helping to shape the organization's human rights agenda for children. The Centre has provided solid data on the changing needs of children in both developing and industrialized countries. Its strong focus on children's rights has helped UNICEF and its partners promote a new global ethic for children based on their fundamental human rights. Address: UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre Piazza SS. Annunziata 12 50122 Florence ITALY Switchboard: +39 055 20 33 0 Fax +39 055 24 48 17 Email Address: Since you ask this question from Italy it might be a good…
I am a kantele player/song writer in the United States. Can you tell me where I can find Finnish folk tunes and songs that are in the public domain? I would… 1421 In virtual Finland Websites Anneli Asplund has written a page The Kantele - Finland's national instrument . There you can listen to the famous kantele player Timo Väänänen playing the kantele as Realaudio. He is playing Mid the Hills of Karelia and The Governor's Polska, which are traditional finnish folk songs. There are also a list of recorded kantele music on CD. It is possible to make a distant loan request for these CDs through your nearest library. For folk tunes and songs, you can also ask Folk Arts Centre. The email address is or Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, i.e. Association for Finnish literature, Violinmaker Jussi Laasanen…
Could you send us information on exact location of Himanka "Himango" Finland 736 The Himanka commune is the northernmost commune in West-Finland province. It is part of the Central-Ostrobotnia county and Kokkola countydistrict. The densely populated area is in an intersection of main road 8 and Lestijoki. (the homepage of Himanka commune, unfortunately only in Finnish.) In You'll see the location of Himanka in Finland's map) If You want to get more specific map try
I want to every details about buddhism 159 Here is couple of links via Google-search There is a lot of information of buddhism and it is quite complex religion, too. You have to just browse all kind of information to get what you want. Books you can find by contacting your nearest local library and using different library catalogues, also in internet.
Based on the very important info in "Further information" field: Can you please tell me what are the least costly options for me here in Finland, as a Finnish… 173 The commune is responsible for the public health services. The private sector supplements the public health services. (In some cases the patient is justified to get a little refund from the Social Insurance Institution (Kansaneläkelaitos) if he / she has used private sector health services). The health centre of the commune takes care of the primary health care. By law the duties of the health centre are: • to take care of the health counselling and national health education, for example contraceptive advice. • to arrange the common physical examinations and screenings. • to take care of the child welfare- and maternity clinics. • to arrange the school-, student- and occupational health care • to arrange dental care • to arrange the health…