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What is a hink pink for see-through doe? 207 A hink pink for a see-through doe is a clear deer.
Is there any archival photoalbum about finnish life (before WWII) in the Russian part of Karelia? 155 Photos from Karelia befor the Second World War are not hard to find. There are many photos on the Internet, in the museums and in the archives, and there are numerous books on the subject in all public libraries. The best places for you to go in Helsinki are: The Karelian Association The National Board of Antiquities Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura(The Library of the Finnish Literature Society) The National Archive Try these libraries: the National Library of Finland and the Genealogical Society of Finland You may however want to specify the…
Why does the reservation for computerstations not being followed? I always have reservations in one of the computers but everytime that I go someone is using… 228 If You have reserved a computer and someone is using it, You can go to him/her and say that You have reserved the computer and now is Your turn to use it. It often happens that the person who had reserved the previous time uses the computer until the next person comes. If You still have problems to access the computer You have reserved please approach the library staff.
I search french text on litterature of the 19e century, on-line and free? Could you help me? Thank you, A. Genest. Y 189 I hope I understood your question right: your interest lies on 19th century litterature in generally and you are not looking for texts belonging to French literature only? The best literature sites in French seem to concentrate on French or francophone literature. It could help me if you defined your question a bit. Are you interested in a special language area or a certain literary movement? What is the level of your studies? Here are some links for you to start with. I would be glad to answer you again after getting some more details. Revue d'Histoire du Dix-Neuvième Siècle (périodique en ligne) - interesting articles on the 19th century literature, from some articles only abstracts Society of Dix-Neuviémistes -…
We have a patron who would like to borrow a book that appears to only be available from a library in Finland. Is it possible to borrow from a library, what… 157 You can send an interlibray loan request to Helsinki City Library. Our email-adress is . You can pay the loan with IFLA-vouchers or International Coupon Réponse. Helsinki City Library / Interlibrary loans Box 4100 00099 THE CITY OF HELSINKI Phone +358 9 310 85433 Fax +358 9 310 85434 Email
I'm currently doing a research study about the french "roman de Florimont" ; do you know if it's possible to find an on line or edited version of it? Thank you… 528 I have searched the Internet and several library catalogues. The French National Library ( has a big digital library ( There are also medieval romances, but, unfortunately, not "Roman de Florimont"). The only version of "Roman de Florimont" practically available seems to be the following edition: Aimon de Varennes, "Florimont: ein altfranzösischer Abenteuerroman; zum ersten Male mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen, Namenverzeichnis und Glossar unter Benutzung der von Alfred Risop gesammelten handschriftlichen Materialen herausgegeben von Alfons Hilka". The book has been published in Göttingen 1932. The text is in French; only the introduction is in German. Several libraries in Europe own the book, so it should be…
I'm a student engineer, looking for drawings of transportation devices by Leonardo da Vinci ; do you know where I could find them? Thank you by advance! 974 Try these sites on the Internet for Leonardo's drawings:… and and Instituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza at We also have a cd-rom called "Leonardo the inventor" in the public libraries that might interest you.
I come from Taipei, Taiwan. I am a student learning about department of library and information science and study on the Fu Jen Catholic University. For… 273 The Culture and Media Division of the Ministry of Education in Finland maintains the data in the Finnish Public Libraries Statistics Database. The address is Additional library statistics are to be found on the Statistics Finland webbsite under the address First click on Finland in figures and then on Culture and the media, and finally on Public libraries. Good luck with your work!
I'm beginning a thesis on anthropometrical history. Could you help me for my bibliography? 182 In Helmet catalogue of Helsinki region public libraries( one can find one work using the search term anthropometry: Sheldon, W. H.: The varieties of human physique : an introduction to constitutional psychology / by W. H. Sheldon with the collaboration of S. S. Stevens and W. B. Tucker, New York : Harper, 1940. Then there are two more close to the subject: Sheldon, W. H.: The varieties of temperament : a psychology of constitutional differences / by W. H. Sheldon with the collaboration of S. S. Stevens, New York : Harper, 1942; and Kretschmer, Ernst: Körperbau und Charakter : Untersuchungen zum Konstitutionsproblem und zur Lehre von den Temperamenten / von Ernst Kretschmer, Berlin : Springer, 1951. In Linda, the catalogue of…
What were the cultural and historical influences on itailan opera around 1700-1800? 1367 Töölö Library Music Department/Helsinki 30.3.04 Hello! All opera stems from Italy - and according to this fact there is a vast variety of books and writings. Your question is very interesting and challenging and I try to give you some ideas where to find the information for your study and also I can outline some characteristics of Italian opera which I found when I looked up to answer your question. I have mainly used these two: 1) The New Grove Dictionary of Opera. Volume 2. (searchword is "Italy" and you can find very accurate and meticulous articles on different centuries in Italian opera) -usually this encyclopedia is in bigger libraries which have separate music departments. 2) Digital database in the web:…
I would like to know if it would be possible to obtain a complete list of all the libraries in Finland. We would like to make these informations available in… 554 A complete list of all the libraries in Finland can be found under the following link: The webpage includes both public and research libraries.
Could you help me please! i'm looking for old photo's of finnish proffesions. Old pictures about men working on a railroad or making a tunnel..or something… 256 I am sorry, we don't have photos in our collections. I'd ask You to contact to National Board of Antiques,please.
Do you have any middle eastern dancing groups in Porvoo? 129 Finnish Dance and Production Companies can be found under this link: For more information contact The Finnish Dance Information Centre:
Your Library's organization has changed as of 1st March 2004. Could you send new organization chart to me as soon as possible. Thanks. 464 The organization chart of Helsinki City Library has been updated on our websites:
Do you have any recipes with reindeer blood as an ingredient? 204 There are two books that both have a recipe of blood dumplings, which are made of reindeer blood. The books are Arctic à la carte and Tapio Sointu's Lapland à la carte. You can ask for them at your nearest library.
Is it possible for people to survive in air that is completely dry? 506 Human beings cannot survive without water. If you spend any amount of time in zero humidity, whether in an extremely hot desert, in an extremely cold artic region or in space, you would need protective clothing, which would keep your dehydration in check. You would also need an ample and constant supply of water or any other drinkable, non-poisonous liquid. For further information, go to your nearest library and read on the topic from a comprehensive book on biology.
I am from Afghanistan (Pashto speaker) living in Helsinki and we have so many Pashto speaker families here, but unfortunately there is no book in the library… 1070 Thank you for your concern! According to the acquisitions and cataloguing department of Helsinki City Library, the purchasing of books in Pashto is quite complicated. However, we have managed to get some material. The books are available after they have been processed for circulation (transliterating etc.).
As an American, I would like you to provide me with the lists of contacts publications you have in your country such as contact magazines/newspapers for… 163 Unfortunately I couldn't find any of those lists you required, but here are some useful websites for you:
Do you have any books or journals that have information on aids in Kenya or people leaving with aids in Kenya? 1051 Tampere City Library has limited resources to acquire medical literature in English, so we have only general books on aids in our collection. Tampere University Library - -has better book and journal collections in both medical and sociological fields. Here are some book names You can ask from the Tampere University Library : Author : Odiwuor, Wycliffe Humphrey Title: HIV/AIDS and primary education in Kenya : effects and strategies Stockholm : Stockholm University, 2000 and Author Odiwuor, Wycliffe Humphrey Title: The impact of HIV/AIDS on primary education : a case on selected districts of Kenya Stockholm : Stockholm University, 2000 They also have several different databases You can use at that…
What is the answer to this hink pink? an intelligent award 217 An intelligent award = wise price ?