I would like to know, in statistical documents related to demography (in Finland), what are the definitions of "ethnicity" and "race", and the detailed…


I would like to know, in statistical documents related to demography (in Finland), what are the definitions of "ethnicity" and "race", and the detailed classification of the different possible choices for the race (examples : South American, South-asian, etc.). I would need to compare these definitions and classification with those that we can find in canadian statistics about demography. I thank you very much for your collaboration.


Last updated

Instead of “ethnicity “ and “race”, in Finland citizens are classified by citizenship. The website of the bureau of statistics, Finland, has all the relevant information concerning your inquiry.

From StatFin -Online service http://statfin.stat.fi/statweb/start.asp?LA=en&lp=home&DM=SLEN select Population Census then Population by citizenship and then select the variables.

Here is a statistic table made according your inquiry, population by citizenship in Finland at 31.12.2000. The web-address is: http://statfin.stat.fi/StatWeb/table.asp?TT=2&LA=en&DM=SLEN&PA=Taulu02e…

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