I am oversee student. I need some information about Finland such as location, political system and current political events in Finland.


I am oversee student. I need some information about Finland such as location, political system and current political events in Finland.


Last updated

Finland is situated in northern Europe between the 60th and 70th parallels of latitude. A quarter of its total area lies north of the Arctic Circle. Finland's neighbouring countries are Sweden, Norway and Russia, which have land borders with Finland, and Estonia across the Gulf of Finland.

Finland is a rebublic. More information is to be found for example from the homepage of Parliament of Finland ( http://www.eduskunta.fi/ ).

In Virtual Finland ( http://virtual.finland.fi/ ) You'll find among others a short history about finnish parliamentarism ( http://virtual.finland.fi/finfo/english/components.html )

Current political event worth mentioning is the municipal election in October this year.

Here are some more links that You might find useful:

http://www.stat.fi/index_en.html (Statistics Finland)

http://www.tpk.fi/english/ (President of the Republic of Finland)

http://www.valtioneuvosto.fi/vn/liston/base.lsp?k=en (Government of the Repuclic of Finland)


http://www.yle.fi/uutiset/ (News, Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE)

http://www.helsinginsanomat.fi/english/ (International edition of the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat)

http://pandora.lib.hel.fi/mcl/english/index.html (MultiCultural Library (MCL) is a web service for immigrants updated by
Helsinki City Library and Cable Book Library.)

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