Could you send us information on exact location of Himanka "Himango" Finland


Could you send us information on exact location of Himanka "Himango" Finland


Last updated

The Himanka commune is the northernmost commune in West-Finland province. It is part of the Central-Ostrobotnia county and Kokkola countydistrict.

The densely populated area is in an intersection of main road 8 and Lestijoki.

http://www.himanka.fi/ (the homepage of Himanka commune, unfortunately only in Finnish.)

In http://www.kolumbus.fi/kalajoen.matkailuinstituutti/tervetuloa.html You'll see the location of Himanka in Finland's map)

If You want to get more specific map try http://www.kartta.nls.fi/karttapaikka/eng/home.html

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