Dear librarian, I would like to find the book I once have seen in some collection but never have find in any bookstore or e-directory. That is an album of…


Dear librarian,
I would like to find the book I once have seen in some collection but never have find in any bookstore or e-directory. That is an album of birds with text and pictures (beautiful drawings) of brothers von Wright. It could be printed in 1980-ies or early 90-ies. Could you, please, tell me the full name of the book and if there is any place in Finland were I could order it. Thank you in advance.


Last updated

May be you have this book in mind: Leikola, Anto: Taiteilijaveljekset von Wright - Suomen kauneimmat lintumaalaukset. Otava, Helsinki 1986. ISBN 9511092316. It is available in most Finnish libraries.
The fith edition (year 2000) is on sale in bookstores. Here are some adresses to bookstores which you can contact by Internet:

Or may be you mean this book:

Linnut / veljekset von Wright. Tammi, Helsinki, 1993. ISBN 951-31-0157-6. It is much larger book, 534 pages, with drawings of brothers von Wright. It is available in Helsinki City Library, but only as a reference book in Main Library.

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