Are you asking about the classification systems in the libraries? If not, your answer is not possible to answer in any way. Even if we talk just about library classification systems, 100 years ahead is too much to predict anything. But if there are still organized collections of documents in 2118, some kind of classification is most likely still needed. Even if the libraries and the data bases are not anymore conducted by humans but by machines, there must be ways to analyze the documents according to their contents. The complexity of the data in 2118 probably means, that today's classification systems are not enough, much broader and more complex systems will be needed.
To take just one example, music, which is my area of expertise, one…
Unfortunately we don’t have specific information about Winter war’s volunteer troops, for example name lists of soldiers. But we recommend to contact Finnish National Archives ( The straight e-mail address is kansallisarkisto.sornainen [at] (Former Military Archives). In these archives they have quite a detailed lists and statistics about Finnish war history and troops. We believe that they can help and give more advice in this matter.
Library of Congress is no doubt the best source of information concerning your iquiry.
Here are some websites you can hopefully find activities for you or ask more:
Wellcome also to the Hyvinkää city library:
Unfortunately, The startup owner's manual is available only as an interlibrary loan - we don't have a copy of our own. As interlibrary loans can sometimes turn out costly, you may be interested to know that the book is directly available at the TAMK library (Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu) in Kuntokatu 3.……
I assume you want to use Word for Windows word processor software with Windows 3.1 operating system and that you are using the version 6 or earlier of Word for Windows, so the proper guidebooks should cover these earlier versions of Word for Windows:
Word for Windows 1.x,
Word for Windows 2.x and
Word 6 for windows.
Notice that there isn't any version 3.1 of Word for Windows, whereas windows 3.1 was a major operating system still used by many people including you.
These books are still available in public libraries of the capitol region and match your requirements:
Lichty, Tom: Desktop publishing with Word for Windows for version 2
Tyson, Herbert: Microsoft Word for Windows revealed
There is a book in Helsinki University Library: Nurmi, Jari:
Karl August Hilden 1853-1924: helsinkiläinen vaikuttajapappi. 1979. This Karl Hilden was a priest and I believe and hope that he was the person you are searching.
There are very few publications concerning Digital Services
of Finnish Libraries 2004-2006, but i hope the next articles will help you to find some information about digital services:
5. (articles: Hormia-Poutanen, Kristiina: Digital library users and usage patterns in Finland. Kortelainen, Terttu: Informetic viewpoint to national digital library material.
I'm sorry for answering you so late. Helmet chat comes into view just when it's open. In this summer the opening hours are mon-thur 12-17 and fri 12-16:
Yasuko Morimoton japaninkielisiä Kalevala-käännöksiä löytyy jonkin verran Suomen kirjastoista, mutta tätä versiota ei näytä löytyvän:…
Tämä on otsikkonsa "Karewara (bassui)" perusteella lyhennelmä ja sisältää vain otteen Kalevalasta. Lähettämissänne kuvissa ei ollut mainintaa vuosiluvusta. Ainoa kuvissa näkyvä vuosiluku on Yasuko Morimoton esittelyssä. Siinä kerrotaan että hän on syntynyt 3. maaliskuuta Meiji-aikakauden 35. vuonna eli vuonna 1902.
The public library is an institution provided usually by a state, city or municipality. Public library services are provided equally for all citizens or inhabitants of a certain area (state, city, commune etc.) regardless of age and economical, social or cultural background. The aim is to give people access to knowledge, information, education, recreation and experience by means of literature, audio- or audiovisual recordings, IT-services and different forms of personal information service. Public library services may also include occasional art exhibitions, educational presentations, musical or literary performances and so on.
In practice, this means that the library users may borrow books and other material from a library or read/listen…
For replacing a lost or damaged library card Helmet libraries charge three euros. In case of a card of person under 15 years the fee is two euros.
Here are some suggestions for Sámi or Sámi language books that are translated in English:
Beyond the wolf line : an anthology of Sami poetry (1996) is a collection anthology of several Sámi writers.
Roađđi / Rosa Boreal / Boreal Rose : Contemporary Sámi Poetry (2016) is a multi-author collection of contemporary Sámi poetry. It includes poetry in Sámi, English and Spanish.
Trekways of the Wind (1994) and Greetings from Lappland (1983) are anthologies by the most famous Finnish-Sámi poet Nils-Aslak Valkeapää.
The White Stone (2011) by Kirste (or Kirsti) Paltto is a children’s book about loneliness.
In between worlds (2016) is a fantasy novel by Norwegian-Sapmi author and artist Máret Ánne Sara.
Unfortunately it's quite…
Don't worry, this is just the right place to ask questions!
The copyrigt legislation in Finland requires the library to pay for the possibility to lend out movies. This is why the Finnish libraries are not allowed to lend out donated movies.
Many libraries have a place for recycling books, records and movies. You can leave your Twin Peaks DVD's to your closest library, if they have this service available. If not, you can ask the nearest one.
Heikki Poroila
Current instructions for self-service printing in Helsinki City Library:
The PaperCut self-service printing is available for your own device and the library computers. Both allow you to print 5 pages in 3 months free-of-charge - subsequent printouts cost €0.40 each. You can load credit to your card for the additional printouts at the customer service point.
Printing from the library’s customer computer ASKO: log in with your library card number and PIN code. Please save the printable files from your USB stick or email to the ASKO computer and double-click them in order to open them in their native programs to print. After you've pressed "print" (you can lock your ASKO to continue working after printing) log in to the light-blue-…
Kumppanuus tarkoittaa Ståhlen ja Laennon (2000) mukaan sekä yrityksen ulkoisia yhteistyösuhteita että sen sisäistä toimintakulttuuria, joissa toimijoina ovat ihmiset, ja joiden varaan myös kumppanuus rakentuu. Kumppanuus ei ole myötäsyntyistä, ja siksi sitä pitää rakentaa kuten johtajuuttakin, johon kumppanuuden taito sisältyy.
Strategia –sana itsessään viittaa sodankäyntiin, josta se on lainattu liikemaailmaan ja sitä kautta se on rantautunut myös kirjastomaailmaan. Käsitteenä strategia voidaan ymmärtää läheisenä toimintatapana
Strateginen kumppanuus yhdistää tietoresursseja siten, että kumppanit saavuttavat merkittävää strategista etua itselleen. Strategisessa kumppanuudessa molemmilla osapuolilla onkin tasavertaiset roolit, jotka…
During the self-service hours, there is no staff in the library but the premises are monitored using technology like cameras. In a self-service library, you can borrow and return materials, use customer computers, read magazines and newspapers, work or have meetings. A wireless network is available. The staff service hours and self-service hours are listed on each library’s website.
Hämeenlinna main library, Hauho and Nummi libraries in Hämeenlinna and Tervakoski library in Janakkala have self-service hours. You will need Vanamo library card and pin code to get into these libraries. You have to log in with the entrance unit at the main door.
All our customers over 15 years of age are able to use Hämeenlinna main library during the self-…