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I was trying to reserve a CD from a band named Unit 4 +2, and there didn't seem to be a way to do it. There doesn't appear to be a "Request It" button at this… 251 Right now the only copy of the CD has been taken aside for some repair operation (I cannot see the reason). Unfortunately you just have to wait and hope that eveything goes well and the CD is soon again in circulation. If that happens, you see the possibility to reserve it as well. Heikki Poroila
The development of the public libraries in Finland and the Helsinki area: How Finnish libraries came to be spaces for commons? 251 Modern libraries in Finland, the Helmet area, and Helsinki specifically, have been described as living rooms for the citizens. We loan out various material, but also offer services on location, and organize events for and by the city residents. At a Helmet library one can loan out a blood pressure monitor, a radon meter, or a power drill. At the library you can use a computer, a 3D printer, or a sewing machine. Events vary from reading fairy tales for children, to reading groups, to music and movies. This development has been gradual. While library concerts organized by the library music clubs were crowd magnets already in the 1960s (Laakso 2010, 375), and listening to music with headphones became the most important form of activity in…
Can I somehow send a fax from your library? 250 Hello! In Helsinki you can send a fax eg in Töölö library, Topeliuksenkatu 6, tel. 09-31085025. You can send a fax only in Finland region. Also in following libraries: Herttoniemi, Itäkeskus, Jakomäki, Kannelmäki, Kontula, Käpylä, Laajasalo, Malmi, Munkkiniemi, Oulunkylä, Puistola, Pukinmäki, Rikhardinkatu, Suutarila, Tapanila, Tapulikaupunki, Töölö, Vallila and Viikki. If you want send a fax to abroad, you can do that in Tikkurila library (main library in Vantaa), Stockmann department store or Elisa shops.
I have a Helmet and an Arcada library card. To borrow a book from Varastokirjasto, should I use the… 250 You can order a book from the National Repository Library by using the Helmet ILL form: More information about interlibrary service in Helmet libraries:  
I want to know about the inter-library loan for Russia. 249 Helsinki City Library Interlending Department delivers loans to libraries abroad. In order to send material we need an interlibrary request from your local library. Please visit your nearest library and ask about the possibility to make the request. The payment depends on the type of the material. Our email-adress is Helsinki City Library / Interlibrary loans Box 4100 00099 THE CITY OF HELSINKI Phone +358 9 310 85433 Fax +358 9 310 85434
Do you have fax machines available at Tampere City Library? 247 I'm sorry to inform You that we don't have fax machine for public use. Would You like to use Our Internet services instead? Is it possible that You send Your papers in an attachment file by email. We have scanners, Internets and personal assistance in our Netsquares in Sampola and in Hervanta. More information on page and
Could you recommend a book about dogs? 247 There are lots of books about dogs and pets in general, especially in English language, so it may be a bit difficult to recommend one book without knowing more details about needs and interests. Are you considering your first dog and needing some basic information about dog breeds and dog care? Most bigger libraries in Finland should also have some English-language books about dogs. Online bookshop has many lots of book reviews written by customers and also lists by customers where they recommend the books they have found to be most useful. One such list is available online here:… lists might be useful especially if you're looking for…
I am currently traveling outside of Finland for a longer time and would like to borrow an electronic book in Swedish, but I forgot my library card at home in… 247 Ask the Librarian is not a library, it's a national reference service. You have to contact one of the HelMet libraries to proceed with your wish. Contact information can be found here. Heikki Poroila
I'm interested in the chess club. I see its opening hours are 2-4pm on Mondays. Are there other opening hours? 245 In Helsinki Central Library Oodi the chess club is only on Mondays2 - 4 PM.  In Lauttasaari Library there is a chess club on Wednesdays 5 - 8 PM. It is organized by Lauttasaari chess club and it is open to everyone. In Tapulikaupunki Library there will begin a chess club in the end of January 2023 on Wednesdays 5 - 7 PM.…
I am searching for library study programs in or around Helsinki for international students who don’t have a degree in this field. I wish to become a librarian,… 243 You can find all educational possibilities from the (, unfortunately just in Finnish: At least in Universities of Turku and Oulu there it is an possibility to study also in English. For more information please contact the academy you are interested in.
Dear Sir /Madam I am Masoumeh Omid , master student of library and information science University of Tehran ,IranI am writing to guide you for my thesis. That… 243 In Sello Library - as well as in other Espoo City Library Libraries as well - Customers can register themselves for a user of Celia -services. Celia offers plenty of services for visual impaired people. See In the past the audiobooks were outloaned from a physical Library building as Compact discs, but nowadays the audiobooks are served via net directly to the customer.
I'm not sure is this the right place to ask , but do you happen to know if and where it is possible to buy "pikku prinssi" in German? 241 If the book you're asking for isn't found in the stores, ask the staff if it can be ordered for you. I checked websites of the two big bookstore chains, Suomalainen kirjakauppa and Akateeminen kirjakauppa, and according to their internet stores there are available prints of "Der kleine Prinz". Akateeminen promises to have it in 1-2 days, via Suomalainen kirjakauppa it takes 2 weeks. Contact the stores for more info.
I will be starting kids programming club. Thinking if I can do it in Iso Omena library. I need a room once every week. Could you help me to organize this. 240   You could contact the Big Apple Library directly. Email address is Reservations can also be made at Good luck for Your project!
Dear Librarian, I have returned the books that I had borrowed. Why they are not cleared from my account and I need to pay for them? This has happened quite a… 240 Hi!  I am deeply sorry that your returning progress hasn´t been working as it should. I recommend you to call to your local library and find out what happened there. Here we don´t solve out client´s loaning and returning issues because of the information security.  All libraries have machines where you can borrow and return your loans. Librarians will advice you more about these things at your local library. You can check information, locations and phone numbers from libraries here: 
My last name is Mantta with the dots over the a’s. What is it’s meaning? Thanks 240 The name Mänttä is also an old place name, which is nowadays a town in Finland. The place name Mänttä comes from an old house which Tuomas Niilonpoika Mäntsä (1570–1618) founded in Keuruskoski in the wilderness of Sääksmäki: I found two different theories about the name's meaning. One theory is that the word is derived from old Swedish word "mäntare", which means person who process leather or does tanning. So it is possible that the first person with that name was a professional tanner. Other theory is that it might derive from German name Menze. Tuomas Niilonpoika Mäntsä (Mänttä)'s family has their own society, which might interest you also: References: Mikkonen…
I am looking for a published work of the play written by Adolf Paul called "King Christian II" (König Kristian II). I believe it was published around 1898. … 238 König Kristian II : Schauspiel in fünf Akten was published by Lübeck : Lübcke & Hartmann, in 1899. A second edition was published in 1903 by Breitkopf & Härtel. This is said to be a new and complete german edition. A swedish edition, Kung Kristian den andre : skådespel i fem akter was also publised in 1899 by Alb. Bonnier. These books belong to the national collection of the finnish national library, the Helsinki University Library, and can only be read there in the reading rooms. You night be interested in purchasing this book and then a list of Antiquarian booksellers night be useful. Please see below,
Why do you have books that are fom uncompleted series? I mean you have Jane Casey's The reckoning The last gril The kill and After the fire, but not The… 238 I cannot answer for Jane Casey case especially, but in general there are at least three reasons, why a library collection does not necessary have all the books from a series. 1. The series has been complete, but during the years copies have been lost or stolen and new copies have not been purchased. 2. If the missing ones are the newest in the series, they are probably not yet in the collection but will be there later. The customer may always ask for the situation. 3. In some cases the staff does not know, if a book is part of a series or some parts of the series are already out of print, when the library would like to buy them. The customers of HelMet libraries can always make an acquisition request. The library is just happy if the…
I am looking for plans and instructions for building a kayak named Kiva 2 (K2) that were published in a magazine titled Joka Poika. Any help would be… 237 Unfortunately we did not find the plans and instructions for building the Kiva 2 (K2)-kayak. The magazine Joka Poika is not listed in our databases, so we could not find it either. But when we searched the internet for information about this subject, we found the following two links, which might be useful to you. We hope that they help you to find what you're looking for:
I am searching for an painter: H. Daalgard. He has painted among other thinds an oil painting with storymy sea and ships. Can I find any biographical… 237 The painter H.Daalgard is unfortunately unknown to us. Wenzel Hagelstam, one of our specialists on antique did not recognize the name either. He advised you to direct the question to the Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers in Denmark.
: My partner and I were wondering if our local libraries accept book donations in Finland. We have books in other languages (Spanish, Swedish, English) that we… 237 Hi! Basically yes, but it depends so much on the exact titles you have to offer. If the library (system) already has enough of that title, the answer is always "thanks but no thank you!". Especially when we are dealing with books in other languages than Finnish most of the smaller libraries are probably not willing to be active at all. If possible, visit the main library in Pasila and ask for the staff of the Multilingual Library or send them e-mail at or make a phone call (09) 3108 5402 And please remember that this is the moment of the year, when most professional librarians are on vacation! 1-2 months later everything is easier... Heikki Poroila