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Thermal properties of palm oil 449 The following website and the related articles contain some information about the thermal properties of palm oil.…
I am from Canada and I was wondering if public libraries in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland offer free internet access to travellers and tourists. Thank… 448 At least in Finland they certainly do. All public libraries offer this kind of service and do not ask if you are a tourist or not. Probably the situation is the same in all Scandinavian countries.
Dear Mr. /Ms. Librarian, I am a master degree student in the Tallinn Technology University in Estonia and making some research for my thesis on the history of… 444 There is one lendable copy of the book in Helsinki University Library. It´s a text material, so I think it`s not available via pdf, but You can order the book as an interlibrary loan via some Estonian library. It´s borrowed right now, but it should be free from 3.9.
Looking at maps of Päijänne Tavastia I noticed, near Enonvesi lake in Heinola, that there's a small enclave of Päijänne Tavastia inside Southern Savonia. The… 443 I found an Internet site, that contains some knowledge about the history of the Enonvesi-region and it's villages, As far as I understand, part of the area has belonged to the cultural region of Häme from early on, the fiscal authorities and the nearest church have been in Häme. That could probably be the explanation to the fact that thist part, called Paadenmaa, still belongs to Päijät-Häme and not to South-Savonia. There is a contactform on the pages of Enonkylät ry, they could possibly give you more accurate information,
I'm looking for Auni Nuolivaara's book "Paimen, piika ja emäntä". Which libraries of Finland can I read it? 443 Several public libraries have this old book still in their collections. At least Helsinki, Joensuu, Oulu, Rovaniemi and Tampere city libraries have this item. If you come to Finland, it should not be difficult to borrow a copy of this one. But if you need an international interlibrary loan, you need to start asking for it in your local library, wherever it is. Heikki Poroila
I am trying to find out if this book is translated to English og Swedish; Manuo Niskanen; Niilo Oravainen - Lapin kuningas. Niilo Oravainen was my forefather… 441 Mauno Niskanen lives in Jyväskylä and visits Lappland and is interested about Lappish items. This book is not translated into English, it's only in Finnish. Niskanen writes in this novel book that Oravainen real mother was a Sami woman from Suikki family in Pakasaivo, Muonio. You can read about him in Swedish here: Några konungens fogdar under 1500-talet / Nordlander, Johan. Norrländska samlingar ; Häftet 12 (III:2).Julkaisutiedot: Stockholm : C .E. Fritzes, 1933 There is also the family book about Oravainen family-tree: Lapinvouti Niilo Oravaisen jälkeläiset : sukututkimus / Leinonen, Margit. - Kemi : M. Leinonen, 2013. - 505, 324 s. Only in Finnish.
Could you please guide me which children and adult library is the nearest to Roninmeantie. 427 The nearest public library to Roninmäentie in Keltinmäki Library (Keltinmäen kirjasto). Here is an english language link to the opening hours and contact informations of Jyväskylä City Library: Please bring an ID with a photo (i.e. passport), when applying for the membership.
I would like to print out some papers for my daughters school work. Is this still possible? I live in Pasila and prefer to use the Pasila library, Töölö… 427 Yes, it is still possible to print papers in all the libraries you mentioned. At the moment the libraries are open with restricted services. It is possible to borrow and return loans, pick up reserved materials and also to use customer computers, printers and copying machines for a short time. In Helsinki city library every customer has a quota of five printouts for free every three months. In order to print more, you have to pay money to your printing account. The price of the printouts apart from the five free pages is 40 cents per page.
List of libraries 426 You can find Finnish Libraries in the Finnish Library Directory, here
I'm looking for my roots, and I would like to know if it's possible to have a death's certificat for my gr gr uncle ? He's dead 31 /01/ 1908 at Vaasa. He was… 425 Hello You can contact Statistics Finland and The National Archives of Finland to find more about your uncle's death and ask if they can find his death certificate. Vaasa's church registry office can also help you. I'll leave contact information to all of these here. The links should lead you to English versions of the sites but if they don't you can change the language from the top of the pages. Statistics Finland The National Archives of Finland Vaasa church registry office email:
Terve, I would like to ask that if I borrow a book from Oodi or any library in Helsinki region do I have to return it to Oodi, or I can return book to any… 425 You can return the book in any Helmet library. More information about using the library here,
Sirs, I am writing you from Serbia and I wonder if you can please help me to find out what are the models of traditional publishing? What types of publishing… 422 Hello, I´m sorry but i don´t think the Helsinki City Library either can help so very much from distance in searching after specific textbooks according to the general standpoint in your question. But i think the link below can be to some help for further reserach: Best regards.
I'd like to ask you to find find articles and books about festival tourism in Europe 421 Your question is very wide ... Here are a few links to make the subject narrower: Google has scholar search:,5&as_vis=1,5&as_ylo=2018&as_vis=1&q=festivals+in+european+countries and some statistics: Worldcat is an…
I would like to ask whether there is the book Bible in the main library of Joensuu? I want to borrow it if there is one. Kiitos paljon, 416 Yes, there are some. You can see the situation from the website below:…
Can the catalogue 'Mind-Building' of the Finnish Pavilion for the Architectural Exhibition 2018 be physically purchased? 413 Architecture Information Centre Finland informed me that there is only a very limited amount of the catalogue printed and they are primarily meant for the exhibition's use in Venice. They try to pass some on to the libraries that are involved in it, but at least for now you can't unfortunately buy the catalogue anywhere.
Is it possible to lend from the library some kind of audio tape/cd with finnish conversation to practice listening of finnish language at home? 411 We have both audiotapes and cd- and cd-roms to lend. Here are some names of those items. Our best collection is in the main library Metso (address : Pirkankatu 2). Please, ask the librarians to help You. Please take this list with You. 1.LAURANTO, Yrjö : Kiva nähdä : puhutun kielen harjoituksia 2. BERG, Maarit : Kato hei : puhekielen alkeet 3.HEIKKILÄ, Satu : Hyvin menee : suomea aikuisille 4. HÄMÄLÄINEN, EILA :Suomen harjoituksia 5. KARANKO, MArjatta : Tottakai 6. LATOMAA, Sirkka : Mitä kuuluu? : suomen kielen kuuntelu- ja ääntämisharjoituksia 7. LENEY, Terttu : Finn talk :neljä, viisi, kuusi... 8. SILFVERBERG, Leena : Supisuomea 9. AALTIO, Maija-Hellikki : Finnish for foreigners 1-2 : oral drills and many others basic and intermediate…
To whom it may concern, I am now completing my M.A. thesis on Nordic Women's Life-writing and trying to find the English version of Selma Lagerlöf’s Ett… 409 I couldn't find the books you asked for in any library in Finland but both books can be found in Stockholm, Sweden. "The diary of Selma Lagerlöf" is available in Stockholm City Library and you can make an interlibrary loan for that book. "Memories of My Childhood" can be found in Kungliga Biblioteket (National Library of Sweden) but it seems the book can be used only in the Reading Room. You can also send your question to a swedish "Ask a Librarian -service" Bibblan svarar:
Kindly let me have a list of books on the contemporary general history and anthropology of Finland, in English. Statistics also is most welcome: as to the… 407 Here are a few books where you can find general information about Finland: - Facts about Finland (several editions) - Finland. A cultural guide, ed. Pirkko-Liisa Louhenjoki-Schulman – Kaius Hedenström. 2003 Keuruu. Landscapes of Finland. Heikkilä, Tapio- Timonen, Risto. Keuruu 2003. Finland. - The Northern Experience, New Europe, and the Next Millennium. Helsinki 1999. - De Vries, André, Live and work in Scandinavia: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Oxford 2002. There are also a few interesting Internet-sites available and . Statistics Finland publishes Cultural Statistics yearbook. The newest version is from 2001. Please look at the following link:…
Which library has this book? Pentti Ajo. European motor insurance and victim protection:finnish insurance training and publishing company ltd, 2002 404 We don't have this book in Vaasa. If you come to the library, we can order the book from another library in Finland. The book is available for example in Turku university library and Oulu university library.
I am an international researcher working at Aalto University on the use of storytelling to improve the health and well-being of seniors. We are developing a… 400 In Helsinki City Library, the best person to contact first would be the Chief Pedagogical Information Specialist Lea Kuusirati: She can guide you from there.