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Are there any books by Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov in Finnish language available for borrowing from the library?? Thanks 598 I didn´t find any books by Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov in Finnish. I tried to search in where is Frank Multisearch for all the finnish libraries. Also I searched in Google without success.
I was looking for solid evidence that would explain when the President vetos a law (bill, congress can over ride it with a 2/3 vote, but from the day the the… 596 There's a site maintained by the U.S. Government that tells about the Presidential Veto Procedure: They say on that site that "Most often, however, if a vote or other action is to occur, it will take place within a week or two of the veto being cast." There's much more to it, of course, please read the whole text. You certainly get a better answer to your question if you send it to the Ask Librarian -service of the Library of COngress:
I'm very interested in working in one.of.your libraries. I have been a preschool teacher for many years. Currently I'm finishing my masters in school… 595 Glad to hear that you are interested in librarywork. You can apply for unpaid internship. You can contact the regional library service manager. Entresse Library: Mikko Kaunisto 046 8773566 Iso Omenan Library: Juha Lilja 043 826 8746 Tapiola Library: Olli Louhimo 046 8772679 and Sello Library:Anu Miettinen 046 877 3414
What is the first stamp in the world? 593 The first postage stamp is the Penny Black, which was issued by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland on 1 May 1840. You can find more information about Penny Black here:
I'm a member of Helmet and I've been told that some of the libraries hire out power tools. I've been onto the database and my local library doesn't provide… 593 You can find all the tools and other objects provided by the Helmet libraries using the Helmet search . The problem for you here might be that all library materials, objects included, are catalogued in the Helmet database in Finnish. If you use the Helmet search for finding objects, choose Advanced search, type * (i.e. one asterisk, meaning "all") in the search field, and choose "Object" from the dropdown menu for Format. This is the search result you will get:*%29%20f%3Aq__Orightresult__U?lang=eng&suite=cobalt . In this list there are all the objects for borrowing from Helmet libraries. To find an electric sander you ought to know the…
I lost my helmet card. What have to do? 592 Hello,  You can get a new library card at any Helmet library by showing your ID card (with a photo) to the library personnel. At the library they can also check out, if your lost library card is maybe found, and can be fetched from a library somewhere.  The cost for a new card is 3 euros for adults, and 2 euros for children. Note, however, that you can also borrow books with an ID card, from the desk if there's personnel present, and if you are a registered customer. It is also possible to get a virtual library card to your smart phone by installing an app called Taskukirjasto, but you need to know your library card number and pin code in order to use it. With Taskukirjasto you can also renew your loans, make reservations etc. 
Good morning! Please, help me to find a literature for this topic: "Analysis of state's regulation methods of sea transport by the example of ferries in Baltic… 591 It is very difficult to find literature concerning your question, but you can browse for example the Google with the following search terms: state regulations baltic sea area “sea transport”. Here are a couple web-addresses which deal with the subject:
Would you please be so kind as to let me know what the official abbreviations are for Finnish months? For example is the letter k required and then a period,… 591 Abreviations for months in Finnish are tammik., helmik., maalisk. and so on with k and dot. K is the first consonant of the second part of a compound and dot is for the omitted part of a compound. Source: Nykysuomen sanakirja, osa 5, Lyhenteet, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Porvoo, 1989, p. 299.
I am looking for new and general books about the Finnish town Raisio ( ). For example books with pictures, about its history and other… 590 Via the Internet site of Raisio, (shor information in German,… ) you can find a link to the Raisio City Library, and to it's collections, . I found there following books in finnish history (Raisio + historia): Raisio juhli 700 vuottaan historiallisissa merkeissä : suojoesta nykyaikaiseksi kaupungiksi Raisio : Raisio-Seura, 1993 (HUOMAUTUKSET S. 3: Rahaisesta Raisiosta No 15/1993 Kotiseutukokoelmassa. Moniste.) Kivikoski, Ella, Raision historia 1. / Ella Kivikoski ; Oja, Aulis ; Mäntylä, R.A. Raisio : Raison historiatoimikunta (1960) Mäntylä, R.A. Raision historia 2. Raisio : Raision…
I'm from Brazil and I have do a academic work and Did can you answer any questions about reference service? Supposed I need a book, a book about the museum in… 588 Here below is the website of The Viking Ship Museum in Norway (Oslo): There is also a viking ship museum in Danmark (Roskilde): You can find books published by this museum here:… Here is also some books about viking ships: - The Viking Ship / Gareth Williams - The Viking Longship / Jørn Olav Løset - The age of the Vikings / Anders Winroth Maybe there is something useful for you also in these websites:…
How many books does the Seinäjoki city library hold? 584 Our collection includes 252 487 volumes of which 209 004 are books.
I would like to ask if there is a difference between finnish polytechnics and vocational schools. 584 Different types of vocational training can be attended after completing the basic education (comprehensive school) whereas the polytechnic schools belong to the upper secondary education options which are attended after the higher school. There is a good diagram about the finnish school system at the following address: You can read more about the finnish education system in English at various Internet sites. Use Google and the search terms “finnish school system” or “finnish education system”.
Me and my daughter (6 years old) will be in Finland/Helsinki in August. Could you be so kind to provide me the below mentioned informations; 1. we would like… 584 Here are some ideas for learning Finnish in Helsinki: - Language cafés and discussion groups in Helmet Libraries (Helsinki Metropolitan Area Librar-ies)… - List of the Helsinki City Libraries and the addresses you’ll find at the following site - Cafe Lingua in Helsinki - Conversation Exchange Helsinki - Here are some other face-to-face language exchange sites…
How do u make a successful mobile library? 583 Tampere City library - Pirkanmaa regional library has got Netti-Nysse, it is Tampere Way to say Internetbus. Some articles of Information Science Abstracts. Mobile library services: Australia trends. A. Kenneally C. Payne Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services 13 (2) Jun 2000, p.63-71. il. tbls. Refs. Tampere mobile library service part 2. A. Kyostio Service Point (72) Sep 1998, p.34.Launching a mobile: New mobile library at last!. D. Allanach D. Hamilton Service Point (68) Feb 97, p.23, 25. State Library of Queensland has got a mobile libraries mailing lists and mobile library literature reading list http://www.slq.qld.…
Chinese history about money 583 Some interesting links in Internet about the topic you asked. I hope that these will help you. Please, ask more, if you need more information. The history of early chinese money: Coins of Ancient China: Ancient China to Modern Times:
Are there any books on the histories of the following airlines: Finnair. Any information on these books is greatly appreciated. Please reply when you have any… 582 Here are some books about Finnair in English language: Haapavaara, Heikki: Time flies : Finnair 75. Finnair 1999 ISBN 951-98041-1-0 Heavenly fare from the kitchens and cellars of Finnair/Anna-Maija Tanttu [et al.] ; Otava, [1998] ISBN 951-1-15633-0 Wegg, John: Finnair : the art of flying since 1923. Finnair [1983] ISBN: 951-99450-3-2 Contact your library to get these books as interlibrary loans. Have you visited Finnair's homepage? There is much information about Finnair - for example their annual reports, history, statistics etc. :
Hella Wuolijoki's "Niskavuoren Heta" - all about this female Finnish writer. 575 There are some articles about Hella Wuolijoki in English. I found these: Lounela, Pekka: Hella Wuolijoki : a woman of contrasts. In journal Books from Finland. 1979 p. 120-183 Tarkka, Pekka: Open wide gates. In journal Books from Finland. 1991: 4: 226-227. Hawkins, Hildi (transl.): Hella Wuolijoki : a versatile talent : 1886-1954. In journal Books from Finland. 1986: 2, p. 90-95 Koski, Pirkko: Hella Wuolijoki, 1886-1954. In Modern drama by women 1880s-1930s : an international anthology. London, Routledge 1996 Koski, Pirkko: Introduction. Portraits of courage : plays by Finnish women. Helsinki, Helsinki university press, 1997 There is also a monograph concerning films based on Wuolijoki's plays: Koivunen, Anu: Performative histories,…
Which countries have the biggest number of Nobel Prize winners in literature fields? 575 A quick counting in Wikipedia made a result of 12 prizes for USA, 9 to France, Germany and UK, 7 for Sweden and 6 for Spain and Italy. For an more accurate information check pages of in or Wikipedia
We are looking to verify the name of a 20th century Finnish artist. The drawing in question was done in charcoal, and is of a nude female. The signature of… 574 Olemme tarkistaneet hakuteoksesta Kuvataiteilijat 1991 kaikki P-kirjaimella alkavat sukunimet: ei yhtään taiteilijaa, jonka ristimänimi olisi Armas. Sen sijaan R-kirjaimella alkavista löytyi yksi Armas: Kaarlo Armas Raunio, syntynyt 20.4.1911 Helsingissä. Hänellä on ollut näyttely USA:ssa vuonna 1972, paikkakunta Lakeover Bedford Hill. Tämä ehdotuksemme on tietenkin arvailua, mutta jos Raunio ei sovi kokonaisuuteen, niin kysykää uudelleen. - Possibly the artist you are searching is Armas Raunio, b. 20.4.1911 Helsinki.
I'm Brazilian and I am totally impressed about Finland. I want to have more contact to Finland, so if you could tell me some Books about Finland I might thank… 574 Concerning your request about books about Finland, I here found you some books consisting, history, finnish society and architectual sights. Finland : a cultural guide / Pirkko-Liisa Louhenjoki-Schulman, Kaius Hedenström [Kantele] : Aava Books, 2005 (Vammala : Vammalan kirjap.) ISBN 952-5490-00-9 Finland / Roger Connah/ London : Reaktion Books, 2005 ISBN 1-86189-250-0 Art in Finland from the Middle Ages to the present day / [Bengt von Bonsdorff .. et al.] ; [translation: Hildi Hawkins, Jüri Kokkonen [Helsinki] : Schildt, 2000 ISBN 951-50-1116-7 Towards a networked Finland : the Information Society Council's report to the Finnish government : february 2005 / [English translation by Hanna Liikala] [Helsinki] : The Prime Minister's Office,…