Suomen kielen asiasana aiheillesi lienee verkkokauppa.
Pääkaupunkiseudun aineistotietokanta antaa asiasanalla verkkokauppa rajattuna suomen kieleen kolmisenkymmentä viitettä. Libplussasta näet myös teosten saatavuustiedot.
Helsingin yliopiston kirjastojen tietokanta HELKAsta löytyy verkkokauppa asiasanalla kymmeniä viitteitä. Haukuja voit itse tehdä osoitteesta:
Yliopistokirjastojen yhteistietokanta LINDA antaa samaisella verkkokauppa asiasanalla yli 60 suomen kielistä viitettä, joista osa on tutkimuksia: esim. Elektronisesta kaupasta eLiiketoimintaan, toimittaneet Pirjo Järvelä ja Markku Tinnilä, Tekes, 2000 tai Verkkomainonta Suomessa / Pirjo Järvelä, Mika Raulas LTT-…
You can find Fazer Liqueur Fills and other Fazer candies in Fazer Web Store where you can also order the products. The service is available also in English. The products can also be ordered abroad, the pagage will then come in priority mail.
You should visit the library in person and take ID card with you. We'll then continue your registration and the renewals will function again. Sorry for your trouble!
Find your library:
Helinä is a popular variation of Helena. It has the same origin as English Helen = Greek Helene, feminine of Helenos "the bright one, shining one".
Finnish writer Santeri Ivalo used Helinä in his historical novel "Juho Vesainen" 1894.
Helinä also means tinkle.
Although several books have been written on your disseration subject, the hybrid library, we do not seem to have many books readily available. At this moment there's one book, Glen E. Holts "Customer self service in the hybrid library" available on the shelf in the Helsinki City Library.
You can read about the finnish vision of the hybrid library in the Ministry of Education's Library strategy 2010. The publication can be found under the address
There are also several articles about hybrid libraries in EBSCO, a full text database that you can find in most libraries in the Helsinki region.
You should also check what there is to be found in LISA, the Library and Information Science…
You will find The Times in the following branches of the Helsinki City Library: Itäkeskus library, the main library and Rikhardinkatu library. Of these libraries, Itäkeskus keeps the periodical one month and both the main library and Rikhardinkatu library three months. You can request yourself more than 3 months older copies at Rikhardinkatu library. You can search any periodical or newspaper in the Helsinki City Library from the Lib-Press periodicals database at also in English.
Please visit the site of Network of Finnish Cycling Municipalities: . There are some useful addresses at the end of the page. Email address of the co-ordinator Tapio Linna is .
In Helsinki the municipal organ is Traffic Planning Division in City Planning Department. The pages are unfortunately only in Finnish and Swedish: . One of the contact people is Antero Naskila
According to the site The history of eating utensils, the forks were introduced by the Greeks, atleast to the western history of eating utensils. See,
These following books could give you more information:
Petroski, Henry. The Evolution of Useful Things. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992.
Giblin, James Cross. From Hand to Mouth: Or, How We Invented Knives, Forks, Spoons, and Chopsticks & the Table Manners To Go With Them. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1987.
Finnish Ask a librarian- service has an open archive. You can find it on the page, on the top on the right there is a link to Ask a librarian-service and right under that Archive. There are links to several online services from the page (Finnish version > Kirjastoala (on the top on the right) > Verkkotietopalvelu (on the bottom on the left) > Kirjastojen verkkotietopalveluita (or direct address )You can also find several European libraries from this address You can search for online-services from each library’s own page. It is possible to find several Ask a librarian-services around…
Purpose of Helsinki City Library
The Helsinki City Library provides a fundamental civic service available to everyone. As a part of the worldwide network of libraries, we offer customers unrestricted access to sources of culture and information.
On an interactive basis, we develop the library services Helsinki residents need so that they can be
active members of society and enjoy life more fully.
On an interactive basis, we develop the library services Helsinki residents need so that they can be
active members of society and enjoy life more fully.
The Helsinki City Library acts as the Central Library for public libraries. We also serve as a multilingual library. Library network consists of the main library, 30 branch libraries, a number of…
Hi Sulaymon,
Yes, there is a scanner on the 3th floor in the main library (Vapaudenkatu 39-41). If you want to reserve it, the number is 014 266 4123. Welcome to scan!
You can find information about bookboats via Internet. In Finland there is only one bookboat (in Parainen commune). Here are some links about bookboatservices in Norway (N.B. e-mail address in last one):…
Bookboats can be found also in some other countries around the world:
I searched from Helsinki City Libary's database and found only one book on overtone singing. The book is called "Overtone singing: physics and metaphysics of harmonics in east and west" and it is written by Marc C. van Tongeren:*fin
Wikipedia has a very fine article about overtone singing. The article has an excellent list of external references. Many of these refenrences have audio clips.
Overtone singing links:
Jyväskylä City Library does not arrange language courses. Please, take contact
Jyväskylän kansalaisopisto, Adult Education Centre
or Monikulttuurikeskus Gloria, Multicultural Center Gloria
Mikäli kysymyksesi tarkoittaa, että haluat tietää, mitkä ovat Suomen suurimmat kaupungit, on vastaus: 5 suurinta kaupunkia väkiluvun perusteella ovat: Helsinki, Espoo, Tampere, Vantaa, Turku. Voit lähemmin tarkastella asiaa nettiosoitteesta . Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja on hyvä lähdeteos. Siinä on myös mm. kaupunkien ja kuntien pinta-alat. Suomen eri läänien tärkeimmät kaupungit ovat lääninhallituksen sivuilla osoitteessa .
You can provide information about working on Finland from the website of Ministry of Employment and the Economy (Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö):
If you search the PIKI-database with the keyword Ranskan vallankumous, you will find all kinds of material on the subject, . Unfortunately, it seams that there are no videos in English about the topic. I found one video about the French revolution in Finnish in Tampere city library, an animation of the series Olipa kerran ihminen...: aikojemme seikkailut = Il etait une fois... l'homme, osa 8: Ranskan vallankumous 1997. There is also anohter videocassette in finnish, Vapauden bulevardit / toimittaja Erkki Toivanen, YLE Tallennepalvelu, 1995. Since the video does'nt include the Tampere city library collection, you should contact the library e.g. by email and ask if it is possible to borrow it from another…