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I saw a kantele on the shelf in the main library but I didn't find this instrument listed in the borrowing list of instruments. I'd like to ask whether there… 66 There are four kanteles available for borrowing in the Jyväskylä main library. The list of instruments to borrow is here: Lainattavat soittimet | Keski-Finna The list includes two pages and you can find the kanteles on the second page.The loan period is two weeks. 
Is it true that Karhuso kirjasto was expanded from a small school library to the public library inside the school in 1998? I would like to know more details… 102 According to the history of the Espoo City Library, Kun pienestä tuli suuri (Tuovi Määttänen, editor, Espoon kaupunginkirjasto 2006), the library in the area was first a room in the school. In the end of the 1980's school needed the room and 1988 a building for the Karhusuo library was built. Now library is again in the same building as the school when a new school was built in the area in 2020.   This video is from the 1988 building:  
In Turku public libraries, do teachers have to take 1st grade school children to the libraries to make children their library cards? In Helsinki, I think so… 81 A first grader can get a library card with a library card application form that one of the parents/guardians has filled in and signed. A teacher can not sign the form on behalf of the parent/guardian. The form can also be found online on our website A child can get a library card when visiting a library with a teacher if they have the signed form with them. The card has to be retrieved from a library, we do not deliver them to schools.
I work at a nursing home and most of the residents have got memory illness. I need help finding materials that would be useful with them for daily activities… 30 There is activities for seniors with memory disorders online e.g. on Muistiliitto´s website: Library materials you can search from . Keywords: ikääntyneet, virikkeet, muistisairaat, muistisairaudet Library´s Lukulähettiläs project team has produced book tips and lists of literature suitable for elderly and others with disabilities: Easy reads for different purposes you can search with keyword "selkokirjat".   
I have so much books in my language “sinhala” . I’m from Sri Lanka. How can I donate my books 44 Please contact to Multilingual Library Contact info: Email: Customer service: 09 3108 5402…
Guidelines for services to teens (12-18) in public libraries in Finland. 111 Services for teens differs between Public libraries in Finland.  In the Public Libraries Act (1492/2016) it says, that public libraries are tasked with: 1) providing access to materials, information and cultural contents; 2) maintaining versatile and up-to-date collections; 3) promoting reading and literature; 4) providing information services, guidance and support in the acquisition and use of information and in versatile literacy skills; 5) providing premises for learning, recreational activities, working, and civic activities; 6) promoting social and cultural dialogue. These services are of course aimed at teens also and very often libraries co-operate with schools to provide these services for teens. It is very common that a librarian…
I'm Vietnamese and I'm living in Jyvaskyla. I would like to request some books in vietnamese but I don't know how to search the list of them. Could you please… 52 Good morning! There is Multilingual Library in Helsinki. Multilingual collection contains library material for adults, young people and children in more than 80 rarer languages. Here is the link to the library: You can browse the collection yourself and choose the books you want. Then you can send the list of those books as a request for interlibary service . Email address of interlibrary service  is    
I live in Korso, Vantaa. Does anyone want good used (mostly) novels in English? Soft- and hardback. 81 The Lumo library in Korso has a book recycling point in the Lumo building's lobby. The instructions are as follows: "Recycling point for books brought in by customers. Bring up to five books at a time. You can take as many as you like." There is also a book recycling point in the lobby of the Korso shopping centre (the one with the S-Market, a flower shop and others). In addition to these, the capital area recycling centres often take books.   Contact information: Lumo Library Capital area recycling centre (Kierrätyskeskus)
Dear librarian, Hope you are having a nice day! I'm Owein, a third year bachelor student at Aalto University in the department of Design and architecture. I'm… 61 Helmet-libraries have the following books about Tapiola in English: Tapiola : life and architecture / Timo Tuomi (editor), Rakennustieto, 2003, isbn 9516827195 Tapiola : a history and architectural guide / Timo Tuomi, Espoo City Museum, 1992, isbn 9518572046 Building a new town : Finland's new garden city : Tapiola / Heikki von Hertzen and Paul D. Spreiregen, MIT Press, 1974, isbn 0262220180 (only available to use in the Pasila library) Tapiola : the garden city = Tapiola - puutarhakaupunki / Uolevi Itkonen, Liisa Immonen, Kirjayhtymä, 1986, isbn 9512630214 When searching other libraries databases, for. ex., I recommend you use search words arkkitehtuuri or kaupunkisuunnittelu and Tapiola. Espoo City Museum may have other…
Is there any place for the citizens to borrow the books in addition to the public/school libraries? For example, Japan, is a bit complicated. Most of community… 69 Many other libraries in Finland are also open for general public: National Library, University libraries, many special libraries (e.g Library of Parliament, Library of the Genealogical society in Finland - though only refence, Migration Institute of Finland etc.), so, no, it is not correct to say that people lend books only in public or school libraries, many use the services of other libraries too. In addition it is of course possible that you can borrow books in clubs and organisations you are a member of (e.g. student organisations). You can browse Finnish Libraries in our Library Directory.
My family has recently arrived in Finland and we do not yet have personal identification numbers. The library registration form asks for this number - is it… 49 If you do not have finnish personal identification number your library card will be valid for one year.
Do you have blood pressure measurement tools for borrowing? 102 Yes, in some Helmet libraries. You can search blood pressure measurement devices from Helmet with key word "verenpainemittari". Locations and availabilities you see from the results. It´s not possible to make an online request, but you can contact the library and ask the staff. More information you find online  
How can I practice speaking in Finnish? 71 The best way would be to participate in a Finnish course or a Finnish Club. You could try to find out if there is such activity in your home region. Here is a list of Suomi-koulut, your can check if you find help there,…. You could also search for Finnish Courses online. Here is a collection of webmaterial for Finnish Studies,…. 
Tietääkö kukaan vanha suomalainen tarina "KAUKAINEN SAARI" (Toivo Pekkanen), ja onko teillä Englanninkielinen käännös? Kiitos paljon! ?? 85 "Kaukaisesta saaresta" on ilmestynyt Lola Rogersin englanninnos "The Faraway Island" julkaisun Books from Finland numerossa 1/2007. Käännöksen voi lukea täällä.
How can I donate some to the Pasila library? 147 Libraries, except Central Library Oodi, accept material donations according to their needs. Libraries reserve the right to further channel the donations e.g. to recycling shelves from where customers can take books for themselves. Feel free to contact the Pasila Library on the matter.  You find conctact information online at Pasila Library | Helmet
When was Jyväskylä established or founded? Our family is coming for a sukujuhla from the USA on August 26th. 69 The City of Jyväskylä was founded on 22 March 1837, when Emperor of Russia and Grand Duke of Finland, Nicholas I of Russia, signed the charter of the city. Jyväskylä - Wikipedia
I am writing with a great request. I am looking for the author and the title of the book I was reading in the Helsinki library while preparing materials for my… 79 The pages are from Björn Collinders book The Lapps (Princeton University Press, New York, 1949).  You find the book in digital form in Internet Archive.
Is there an exclusive repertoire, catalog or repository of illustrated albums for adults? 96 Hello, I am afraid Vieremä library does not participate in the Ask a Librarian service. Try to contact the library directly by email or phone. Contact details: You can search for material in the collections of Rutakko libaries, which includes Vieremä, here.
Error when placing a reservation on a book. Only today. Last week the function was fine. Varaa Toiminto estetty. Ole hyvä ja ota yhteyttä kirjaston… 53 I recommend giving feedback about this situation via Helmet Libraries feedback.  
I have the plastic library card for the Helsinki library. I saw that some people have their library card on their phone. How does that work? Can I also get… 247 Taskukirjasto (Pocket Library) is a mobile application for customers of the Helmet library. Taskukirjasto does not replace plastic library card but can be used alongside it. Taskukirjasto has your library card's bar code. Taskukirjasto application is free of charge and available for Android and iOS mobile devices. You can download Taskukirjasto from app stores. This year Helmet libraries are renewing their online and mobile services. Taskukirjasto app can be used until a new system replaces it.