Dear librarian, Hope you are having a nice day! I'm Owein, a third year bachelor student at Aalto University in the department of Design and architecture. I'm…


I've visited quite a few libraries in Espoo and Helsinki and have struggled to find some information/books/papers to do with Tapiola in English as my thesis has to be in English (direct quotations).

I was wondering if there is a chance you could potentially find any information about Tapiolan Garden City architecture/city planning from 1950s - onwards?



Helmet-libraries have the following books about Tapiola in English:

When searching other libraries databases, for. ex. Finna.fi, I recommend you use search words arkkitehtuuri or kaupunkisuunnittelu and Tapiola.

Espoo City Museum may have other sources available - see https://www.espoo.fi/en/kamu-espoo-city-museum/contact-us

Also Espoo City City Planning department https://www.espoo.fi/en/housing-and-building/city-planning/contact-information-city-planning

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