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My family has recently arrived in Finland and we do not yet have personal identification numbers. The library registration form asks for this number - is it… 35 If you do not have finnish personal identification number your library card will be valid for one year.
Where can i find the location that shows all available playstation and switch games? 35 You can search console games in Helmet catalogue Use Advanced search and as keyword * and select as format console game. In the result list selection At the library shows You games which are at the moment available in some Helmet-library. By logging in with Your library card number and pin code You can make reservations to get games into Your nearest library.
Onko P. Mustapäällä runoa nimeltä Muisto? Vai kenen se mahtaa olla? 34 Hei, P. Mustapäällä on runo nimeltä Muisto. Se ilmestyi kokoelmassa Linnustaja (1952). Runo löytyy myös Kootut runot -teoksesta.
I have got a card Helmet, but have not got at the same time pin-code. How I can get pin-code and start to use my card? 34 You can get the PIN code by visiting the library or mobile library in person. A valid ID card with a photograph and personal identity number is needed.…
I plan to visit Helsinki for a couple of weeks and I'd like to use the Oodi library then. But I don't have an address in Finland and I'll be staying at a Hotel… 33 According to the Helmet website you need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. If you want you can ask for more information directly from Oodi (contact-information). Even if you don’t get a library card, you can visit Oodi and use the facilities (some facilities are bookable, you can get more information from the website). There are also customer computers on the first and second floor that you can use without booking. I hope this answered your question!
I would like to get information about school libraries in Findlandia. If their function is performed by the public library I would like to know how this… 32 School libraries in Finland are not regulated by the law. School libraries are often very small and most of the services provided to schools by libraries are delivered by the public libraries. Due to the decline in literacy, schools have been offered money, for example by The Finnish Cultural Foundation, to develop school libraries and purchase books. For further reading (in finnish): see also:Sinko, Pirjo. School libraries in Finland : The heart of school seldom beats Scandinavian library quarterly 2013 : 1, s. 16-17  
Can I become library member to borrow online book? I am Indonesian citizenship. I would like to expand knowledge by reading and My son also like to read math ,… 31 You need a libray card in order to borrow ebooks.  You can get a library card if You live in Finland. Or at least You need to have an address in Finland. You do not need to be citizen of Finland. For example, if you do not have a Finnish personal identity number and you live in Helsinki metropolitan area, your Helmet-library card is valid for twelve months at a time. It is not possible to get a library card without visiting a library.  You will get the library card when you state your address and present a valid ID card with a photograph  in a library. Library card in Fnland is free.
What steps should I take if a book I loaned out is now damaged and cannot be returned? 31 Hi! Contact a Helmet library directly to discuss how to proceed. If the book is damaged and no longer viable for returning, it must be compensated with the purchase price. Usually it's also possible to arrange compensation with a new copy of the book.  You can find instructions in the Helmet Troubleshooting FAQ.
I have so much books in my language “sinhala” . I’m from Sri Lanka. How can I donate my books 30 Please contact to Multilingual Library Contact info: Email: Customer service: 09 3108 5402…
I can only see one book on my "Reading History" list in my Helmet account. However, I have definitely borrowed more than one book from the Helmet libraries in… 27 The Helmet library reading history can list only those items that you borrow after you activate the reading history. Unfortunately items that had been borrowed before the activation cannot be recovered.
Will there be ukulele class in Eastern Helsinki? 24 At the moment there are no ukulele classes or ukulele groups in East Helsinki helmet-libraries. In Espoo libraries you can find ukulele groups at different levels:……  
Are there violins to practice or barrow in any of the metro region libraries? 23 Unfortunately, no libraries in this area have violins in their collections.
I need any book about the emotional intelligence of kids (in arabic language). Is it available in Helmet? 21 Hi, Helmet-libraries have two books about the emotional intelligence of kids in arabic language. You can find them here:…
Good morning. I would like to use library in the weekends but it was close. How can I go inside? 21 Pihtiputaa's library belongs to Keski libraries, so the rules for using the Jyväskylä city library's self-service libraries are the same at Pihtiputaa's library. The rules of use state: Self-help library is a library that customers can access even when the staff is not present, for example in the evenings and on weekends. Information on the opening hours of self-service libraries in Jyväskylä can be found in libraries from the website. Logging: Log in to the self-help library with a valid Keski library card and PIN code. You can get a library card and PIN code from all Keski libraries during their service hours. The library card and PIN code are personal. Each customer logs in with their own card, with the exception of a child under…
God morning,I have a library card from Forrsa,but I moved in Vaasa,If I want to apply for Vaasa library's card, How can I do it? My son was 9 years old; he… 21 Unfortunately the library card you have for Forssa doesn't work in Vaasa. You can easily apply for a library card at any of our libraries with a valid photo ID (for example, a passport or a driving licence).All Vaasa city library locations have a wide range of materials for children, young people and adults. All of the libraries have "Opi lukemaan"-books (learn to read) for children. Those books could be a good start for your child as well. Also selkokirjallisuus (easy to read) could be a good option. Both of the categories have different reading levels, so it's probably easiest if you come to the library to see these books in person. The "Opi lukemaan" category has book series such as "Punainen banaani", "Sininen banaani", "Lukuavain" etc…
We have a lot of children's books in Chinese language. When our kid grow up, I would like to ask if it's possible to donate to the library if they are in good… 19 Libraries accept donations but there are library-specific policies. You should contact the library where you want to donate books.
Onko sulla tämän kirja 1. Berman,A., Synder., Kozier B. and Erb G.2008. Fundamental of Nursing 2. Evaluation of clinical competence 2nd Edition, Eric S… 19 Hi! You should  ask  about these books at JAMK University of Applied Sciences Library  or  you can search these books  yourself  by Jamk University of Applied Sciences Online Library Kind regards
I work at a nursing home and most of the residents have got memory illness. I need help finding materials that would be useful with them for daily activities… 18 There is activities for seniors with memory disorders online e.g. on Muistiliitto´s website: Library materials you can search from . Keywords: ikääntyneet, virikkeet, muistisairaat, muistisairaudet Library´s Lukulähettiläs project team has produced book tips and lists of literature suitable for elderly and others with disabilities: Easy reads for different purposes you can search with keyword "selkokirjat".   
We are collecting library usage statistics from different cities and hope you could help us with following question: As of the… 18 The Finnish Public Libraries Statistics can be read online, Here is the table created with choices Helsinki City Library, Collections, 2023,
I'd like to know ablout the Irish great famine in the 1840s. Also, I want to know about the causes and symptoms of potato blight. 15 The great famine of Ireland took place in 1845-1849, and it is said that about a million people died of hunger during those years. In the early 1840's around a third of Irish people depended on the potato as their main source of food, and thus the destruction of the potato harvest because of potato blight in 1845 launched a catastrophe. More information about the famine: Potato blight is a potato disease caused by a fungus. Its origins are in America, from where it spread to Europe by a shipment of seed potatoes destined for Belgian farmers in 1845. Potato blight first affects the leaves and later the actual…