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Tietoja kirjojen lainausmääristä löytyy, mutta onko mihinkään koottu tietoja kirjastojen varattavien esineiden lainausmääristä kunnittain? 125 Esineitä ei tilastoida erikseen Suomen yleisten kirjastojen tilastoihin Suomen yleisten kirjastojen tilastot ( vaan ne sisältyvät muut aineistot -kategoriaan, johon sisältyvät myös esim. digitaaliset pelit ja moniviestimet. Vaski-kirjastojen osalta voimme antaa seuraavat luvut: kaikkien Vaski-kirjastojen esinelainaus: 2018                    10851 2019                    11527 2020                    7727 2021                    2964 Vaski-kirjastoihin kuuluvat Kaarinan, Kustavin, Laitilan, Liedon, Maskun, Mynämäen, Naantalin, Nousiaisen, Paimion, Pyhärannan, Raision, Ruskon, Salon, Sauvon, Taivassalon, Turun, Uudenkaupungin ja Vehmaan kirjastot. erikseen Turku: 2018                    8396 2019                   …
I have a 13 year-old girl who seems to be interested in history. Do you have any recommendations for good titles in Finnish? 123 Kirjasampo-service has made a list of historical novels for youngsters in 2017, which concentrates on books about Finnish history and only has titles published after 2000. It has some titles from authors like Maijaliisa Dieckmann and Leena Laulajainen, who have written several books on different periods of history even before that date. Espoo city library librarians Hakala and Valtonen have made the included pdf-list of books about history this spring. Hope she finds interesting reads from these!      
How many Finnish people use the mobile library for a year in 2019? Or, what is the usage rate of the mobile library for a year in 2019? Please let me know only… 122 The mobile library in Helsinki had 91322 visitors in 2019 according to newly computed statistics. For detailed information please contact the Mobile library.… Nationwide library statistics can be found at 
I would like to ask whether I can use SPSS in any of the computer belong to Helmet? 120 It’s not possible to use SPSS – data via Helmet system, but you may  free download SPSS latest version from internet You can also contact Helsinki University Libray whether it’s possible to use SPSS  there. e-mail: phone: 0294123920  
I would like to know the statistics of the Newspapers and Magazines in the system are the the the number of title? or the unit ? 118 In the Finnish Public Library Statistics the number is the number of titles, that is different magazines and newspapers that are offered to the customers,,375&years=2019&stats=108
Is that possible for kotka library to borrow book from helsinki area? I like to borrow a book Waters, Donald: "Supply Chain Management - An introduction to… 117 Thank you for your question. Yes, it is possible for libraries to loan physical books from other libraries. We call it interlibrary loan. From city libraries our charge of an interlibrary loan is 4 euros, from university, university of applied sciences or special libraries the charge is 13 euros. The book you need is in collection of Helsinki city library. However the book is now on loan. If you want to have the book as soon as possible, we need to order it from university libraries. If you are studying in Xamk (South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences) the easiest for you is to order the book from Kouvola library campus. The Kotka library campus will do it for you. If you want us to make an interlibrary loan request, please…
,I have one book that want to be renewed online but 117 Unfortunately, you cannot renew the loan, because another customer has reserved the book. But luckily for you, because of the corona epidemic, the due dates of all loans expiring today have been postponed by two weeks. So, now the due date of your loan is 30.03.2020.
I used to live in the Helsinki area but in 2020, I moved to North Karelia. However, I kept my Helsinki library card in order to access ebooks and audiobooks,… 117 E-books don't show in your reading history since the e-book services are not fully integrated to Helmet database. They will however keep you library card active, so there is no reason to worry about your card being cancelled. Logging into your Helmet account will keep your card active also.
I lost my libary card. Is it possible to have a new one and how is the fee? Thank you 114 It is of utmost importance that you report the loss of your library card immediately to any Helmet library. For information see You are not responsible for the loans that have been checked out on your card after you have reported the card lost, but until you report the loss of your library card you may be held responsible. A new card is liable to charge. Information on libray cards and all costs can be found on>Info>Using the library.  
Terve! I am taking part in Helmet Reading Challenge 2021 and would like to ask for assistance. Could you recommend a book about an LGBT+ family? Either fiction… 114 If you are in Helmet-region, following books could be of interest,  This is how it always is / Laurie Frankel. Headline Review 2018. Girl, woman, other / Bernardine Evaristo. Hamish Hamilton 2019. The guncle : a novel / Steven Rowley. G. P. Putnam's Sons [2021] (new book, available at present only as audio). Meet me in another life / Catriona Silvey. HarperCollins 2021 (also new currently only as e-book). These two are coming to the library printed book also. The problem is that if you are using the library in Kajaani, your choices are fewer. None of these books seem to be available in Kainet, I tried to find other material in English there, but did'nt find anything, not even biographies. Everything was in…
Maybe a funny question to ask here, but if there are any job openings at the library, where can I find this messages? Kind regards 113 Openings in the library are very often published in, The difficult part is that they are published in Finnish, but if you can read Finnish or translate the  messages, it's the easiest way to follow them. If you want jobs in Kouvola, you could follow Kouvola City jobs in their website, also in Facebook, . There are of course all vacancies, not only the library jobs. 
I would like to apply for an interlibrary loan. How can I do this? 111 If You want to get  interlibrary loan from Finland You must to go Your local library and ask them to send Your Interlibrary loan request to Helsinki City Library. Mail address is: You should ask from  library fees for interlibrary loans. In Finland fees from other countries is something from 14€  to 25 € / loan.
I have been studied about Finland's Mobile library. Do mobile libraries visit schools and daycare centers almost every day? Specifically, how often? Thank you… 110 Finnish libraries are in that way independent that their mobile libraries have own time tables and schedules. That means that they can have very different resources and that every mobile library does not circulate every day. If you want to study the activities or timetables of mobile libraries, you can find them here, It is possible however that not every library has included opening hours and routes of their mobile services here. In that case you can ask the library in question, the contact information can be found in the same directory. This kind of information can't be found in our statistic database,  Mobile libraries have an own site, …
I accidentally returned a game and forgot to put the SD card in the box. I need to return the actual game, how can I do that? 108 It is best to get directly in contact with the library that the SD card belongs to. Assuming it was borrowed from one of the Helmet libraries you could contact their customer service through their website or bring the SD card to the library from which it was borrowed in person. To find the contact details for your own library, if it is part of the Helmet group, go to this website Libraries and services | Helmet and choose your library, which will give you the contact details for that particular location.
My daughter is learning the piano. Would it be possible for her to play the piano at the library? 103 Yes it is possible to book the music room of Turku main library. The booking is made through this website:  You need to log in with your library card and password.
How can I book the recording studio for tomorrow for few hours? And is it free or how much dose it cost? I’m in Helsinki for only 24h and I don’t have a guitar… 103 The studios can be reserved via a system called Varaamo,, but these kind of services are very popular and it isn't likely that you can get a room at such a short  notice. You could visit Oodi in the city center and ask if they could help you in any way, since you only are here for one day and Varaamo perhaps doesn't help you. 
I live in Turku and do not come to Helsinki often. Can I still be Helmet´s customer? I want e services only? 103 You don't have to live in Helmet-area (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen), but You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. You can obtain a library card and PIN code from any Helmet library by providing your address and presenting a valid ID card with a photograph and personal identity number accepted by the library.  If you are 15 years old, you can save your own personal details in customer register in advance by filling the form by clicking the link below. You will get your library card quicker by filling the registration form beforehand. Once you have saved your personal details, you can pick up your library card from any Helmet library. Take a valid ID card with you. If you do not pick up your library card…
I would like to borrow this item: DVD-asema [Esine] + USB-johto + ajurilevy… 100 This material cannot be booked online or borrowed for home use. Those items can only be used in libraries. The only items are in Oodi and Pasila libraries, but due to current Covid restrictions items are not available for use at the moment.
I need games that help me to study Suomi language, like 'missä, mistä, mihin' or any game like this, how can I find them in the library?or request them from… 100 There is a few board games in Helmet Libraries which help you to study Finnish. For example: Suupaltti : lautapeli suomen opiskelijoille / pelin suunnittelu Krista Keisu & Hanna Paloneva ; ulkoasu ja kuvitus Matti Mitroshin Suomen mestarin sanapeli : sanastoa kasvattava korttipeli kielenopiskelun tueksi
I'm trying to reconnect with someone in Finland and I have his number. Can you help? 98 We do'nt in our service contact persons, but if you have a telefonnumber, the country code for Finland is +358. In you can find the number, you should dial to call abroad from your country,