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Why is there not a FREE telephone directory for Finland ? I can not pay the Fee for a search because it's impossible to do so from where I am. 188 Providing a public list of telephone numbers (a telephone directory) is a commercial business. There has never been one free catalog for whole Finland, but the local telephone companies did make their own catalogs for a long time and these were given free to the people who owned a share of the company. The last printed catalog in Helsinki area was pubished 2017. Heikki Poroila
Last year one person told me that some library (or may be all) can provide service with checking a documents (for example job application, that what I need) in… 255 You can ask if Forms assistant services can help you. Or you can leave The Loan to the Librarian -service for a help request. Choose  library and "Tiedonhaku: vaativa aineistohaku, tietokannat, kirjallisuus, musiikki, internet-tiedonlähteet"
What is the origin of the family name Liimakka? 348 Family name Liimakka is an unusual name in Finland. According to the name service (Nimipalvelu)  of The Digital and Population Data Services Agency service there is or has been only 79 people named Liimakka in Finland: Unfortunately we didn't find the origin of the name.
Dear librarian, A few years ago the Helmet library system had a fantastic collection of books on Russian and Soviet film in both English and Russian. I can't… 170 Books about Russian or Soviet films can be found from shelf 77.4971 in Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen libraries and from shelf 777.951 in Helsinki.  All libraries but Kauniainen have a floating collection now, which means that when a book is returned to a library it stays there, instead of being sent to a home library. So if you mean that a certain library used to have a great collection, it may now have been spread between several libraries. 
A book combining fact and fiction 38 Vastattu myöhemmin tulleeseen kysymykseen.
What is a good source of news, travel and other current information (in English) about Finland? 354 Dear Sir First about good websites. A good place to start is There You can find a link to Virtual Finland with lots of information about Finland in english. The Virtual Finlands Picture Book of Finlands offers You panoramas, videos and photographs about finnish nature, culture and seasons. Other quite interesting sites are (only in finnish) (here's a linklist called Photo Albums of Finland Category : Webcams and photographs)
How can I find Ville Valo's email address?? Or HIM email?? 4740 I suggest you should check Ville Valo's and HIM's homepage , and maybe register yourself as a Heartagram member to get further information about the performers. Their email address was not to be found, unfortunately.
Which library in Helsinki's city center has the most material in English? 2309 The National library of Finland has the largest collection of material in English. Undergraduate library has also quite a good English collection. Both of these are open to all the customers, you don't have to student or scholar to borrow books from them. Their material is mostly scientific. The Helsinki city center has also city libraries, which have English material also. The largest English collection in city center is in Rikardinkatu library. Pasila's library has larger collection, but it is situated a couple of kilometers from the city center. Is you are searching for music…
How can I extend the time of borrowing books? 454 You can renew your loans in Helmet web library, if your loans are from Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen libraries. You need your own PIN code which is attached to your library card number. You can get your pin code from your library. 1) go to (choose from the upper right corner language "in English") 2)The upper right corner: Your Record 3)Now write your library card number and pin code and then log in. 4)You can see your loans and choose what to renew. You can renew your loans three times, if there are no reservations. If you have payments of 5 euros or more for library then you can renew your loans only after you have paid so that your fee is under 5 euros.
Are the toilets in Oodi Library for both genders or are there different toilets for different genders. 653 The public toilets at Oodi are unisex. In other words they are gender neutral. There isn´t different toilets for different genders. The meeting and collection facilities of the Helmet libraries will be closed to customers between 30.11 and 20.12.2020, but the libraries will remain open in limited form for short-time visits. Also the toilets in Oodi will be closed until 20.12.2020.  Oodi - world-class library and architectural attraction | My Helsinki
Can books borrowed from sello be returned to entresse? 482 Yes. You can return Helmet-book to any Helmet library in Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen or Vantaa.
I would like to know about the program "Luku-Suomi", it ended in 2004, right? However, there are not many papers or reports about it in English. I need to… 3908 Luku-Suomi ("Reading Finland") project was in years 2001-2004. The municipal libraries took part in the project by doing different projects with schools. They did mainly book talks or something similar. For example in 2001 Helsinki City Library organized Reading October -event in which librarians did book talks in schools and libraries for children aged 7-10. Different libraries participated to the project in various ways. In addition to book talks, librarians worked closely with schools as consultants. I found a couple websites in English about Raading Finland: 1.;443;4160;4681;42165;51564 2.,65535,77331,77333,77341
I would like to find information on the Royal Family of Finland, like the members of the Family. 1394 Finland is a republic and therefore does not have a monarch but a president. Some people view the president as having a similar role in society as a king or a queen has in a monarchy. In case you are interested in the incumbent president, Tarja Halonen, and her family, you can find relevant information from the following web-site: Finland was under Swedish rule for c. 700 years during which time the country was ruled by a monarch. In 1809 Napoleon and Tsar Alexander 1st made a deal in which Finland was taken away from Sweden and became a Grand Duchy of Tsarist Russia for a little over 100 years. From 1809 to 1917 Finland was ruled by a Russian Tsar. There was a monarchist movement right after the independence in…
What is Finland's motto? 5222 Do you mean the competition "A motto for Europe", which was arranged by French journal Ouest France? Finland's suggestion was "Perheenä Eurooppa - kotina maailma". In English: Our family is Europe - our home is the world. Finland as a country has no official motto. Sometimes we use three words beginning with S :"Sisu, Sauna and Sibelius" . Sisu is hard to translate, it is something like courage and perseverance, sauna is the Finnish bath and Sibelius is the famous Finnish composer. But this saying is informal!
In june 2002 the Hanasaari Cultural Centre and the Helsinki City Library organized a conference titled A Space for the Future - Library Buildings in the 21st… 1350 You can find the programme and most of the proceedings in the conference webpages, published in the new webpages of Helsinki City library, . I wonder if you are familiar with the material of the IFLA satellite meeting in Järvenpää, Finland in th year 2005? The proceedings can be found here, .
My name is Renan, I'm from Brazil, i'll start to study Library degree in 2016, my goal since 13 years is work or study in Finland or Nordic Countries, I… 566 You can find very much information from the website of Finnish National Board of Education (Opetushalitus): Information about qualification requirements in libraries you can find here, but unfortunately just in Finnish and Swedish:
Is Pulla often pronounced Bulla? 669 If you mean the Finnish word pulla (‘bun,  coffeebread’), I think it can be pronounced as ‘bulla’ only if you have a flu or rarely in some Finnish dialects. According to Kielitoimiston sanakirja, the Finnish word bulla means also ‘papal bull’ -
What diploma do you need to become a librarian in Finland? Are a foreign bachelor + a M1 in Information and communication science enough? 882 You have to have a degree on information and libraries studies in university. In Finland you must be completed information studies about third of you examination. In Finland you can work in libraries without having degree in information studies, but to be librarian you should have those studies in university. We have been asked about working in libraries before.
Santa's birthplace and birth year 518 There are a lot of stories about Santa Claus´ history. It's known that there lived the bishop Nicolaus at the 300 century in Turkey who liked children and then Nicolaus´day 6.12. was the celebration day when kids got presents. Joulupukki/Santa Claus as an old man with grey and long beard began his journey to Finland´s homes during 19th century. Finland´s radio declared Korvatunturi as the home of our Joulupukki in the year 1927. He lives there even today with his family although he himself also spends a lot of time here in Rovaniemi at the Santa Claus village: In the old times (pagan times) Santa Claus was a different character from todays´s. He/she was more like an animal, a buck and called…
How are you? I'm pleased to know your city library because your library has a lot of wonderful qualities to be an excellent library. First of all, I'm not a… 1037 I am glad to hear that you are interested in Helsinki City Library. First of all, I wonder which page you were looking at to find the information you mentioned. Perhaps it was the home page of Helsinki City Library ( ) . This may sound a little complicated, but I will try to help you understand the points you mentioned. Helsinki City Library consists of the Main Library and 38 branch libraries. The Main library is situated in Pasila district about three kilometres from the city centre. It has the largest collections and also houses the administrative departments of whole Helsinki City Library. The branch libraries are situated in different areas all around the city. In addition to these, Helsinki City Library…