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I am seeking information about the etymology of finnish words. I expect that the infomation available will be in finnish. Do you know of any material that is… 255 Professor Ulla-Maija Kulonen has written some information about the etymology of finnish words. Her material is available on-line. Verbs saapua and saavuttaa are derived from the verb saada. They are native words. Saapas is a loan word from Russian. ---- Many libraries have etymological dictionary: Suomen sanojen alkuperä : etymologinen sanakirja. 1 - 3. -Helsinki : Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus, 1992 - 2000.
Where do I find a RELIABLE list of the top 500 companies operating in Finland (all industries) listed according to earnings/year? 826 The central Finnish journal of business economics called "Talouselämä" traditionally publishes a list of 500 Finnish top companies. The web address of the journal is The third link from the left on the main page, YRITYSTIETO, gives you the list, which is also available in English. Contact information for the companies is not shown, so you should look for it in some company register, for instance
I am an Egyptian student , I am doing my master in Library and Information science, My theses is about (Egyptian public libraries web sites on Internet). In my… 901 I assume that your question concerns the site ( , , ). This website was originally the website of Finnish Public Libraries. Presently there are also other Libraries in the service, that is why it now is the Website of Finnish Libraries. It was published for the first time june 1995. The first problem that you face is the fact that our english website is only a very much shortened version of the finnish and the swedish websites. So if you want to compare your Egyptian website with the Finnish one, you would have to explore the finnish version of the site. Some information about can be read in the infopage, http://www.…
I like to know building's name and adress where peace treatment will be held in 15th August between Indonesia and Free Aceh Movement. 778 The peace treatment was signed in the Government Banquet Hall in Helsinki. For further information, see .
I am looking for information on dr.Allan Lassus of the university of Helsinki and the product he invented called viviscal. 675 Contact Information about Allan Lassus you can find here:,com_mtree/Itemid,59/task,viewlink/l…. The homepage of the clinic where he has his consulting hours is in address And then some publications of Allan Lassus (some are published only in Finnish): - Boston laser-käsittely yhdistettynä joko Viviscalin tai placebon (lumelääke) kanssa kaljuuden käsittelyyn miehillä sekä naisilla placebo-ohjattu, satunnainen vertaileva tutkimus päänahan biostimulaatio (5) Boston HeNe 632,8 nm laserilla -Epidemiological survey of psoriasis in the Greater Helsinki area -Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test as a serological test for syphilis -Treponemal and lipoidal tests…
I am undertaking research into printers and publishers of early Finnish picture postcards from 1900 to 1930. One particular publisher, S& K Kouvola, reproduced… 916 Information of this kind was difficult to find, i tried to look in books about finnish postcards, but did'nt find your publisher on the publishers list (it contained only the most important publishers). Maby these addresses could be helpful, the first one is a club for stamp and postcard-collectors in Kouvola, Kouvolan Postimerkkikerho ry, , the second one is the society for the finnish postcard collectors, Suomen Postikorttiyhdistys Apollo ry, . There is a Postmuseum in Finland, and they have a special library, Postimuseon kirjasto, address: Postimuseo, Kirjasto, PL 167, 00101 HELSINKI Telephone: 0204 51 4771, or 0204 51 5262 Telefax: 0204 51 5263 email:…
I'm looking for information about the values in librarianship in Finland, especially the values in reference services. Perhaps there's even some information… 672 The Helsinki City Library has published Values of library work in it's pages, . I suppose the same values concern the Reference Services, too. About the Ask a Librarian you can read some guidelines on our infomation page, . Our main values are the same as usually in the libraries, specially i could name equality, confidentiality, and of course quality (relevant answers) and delivering the answer within the time rate, as quickly as possible. For more information on finnish Digital Reference Services (Libraries), see… .
I need information about Reading Research in Finland. 289 It has been quite hard to define what kind of material You actually need. Reading research is a vast area and the links provided here may or may not be useful. First, the links to the Internet where You should have a free access from any Internet account: "The finnish success in PISA and some reasons behind it PISA 2000" Authors and Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä "Literacy Skills for the World of Tomorrow: Further Results from PISA 2000 - Publications 2000",2340,en_32252351_32236159_336886… "Summary of “Finland Reads” studies from 1989, 1995, and 2003" Drafted by Yrjö Repo from the reports of Taloustutkimus Oy http://www.skyry.…
I am researching the Swedish-speaking population in Finland and need sources in English. 145 Please contact the following sources for additional guidance, since you already have visited the Helsinki University Library: -The Swedish Information and Culture Centre. Their address is They have some fine links on the page Don't miss the most important link: When you click on Organisationer & föreningar and on Medborgarsamhället you'll find lists on nongovernmental institutions. -The Swedish Assembly of Finland -The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland
Can I somehow send a fax from your library? 242 Hello! In Helsinki you can send a fax eg in Töölö library, Topeliuksenkatu 6, tel. 09-31085025. You can send a fax only in Finland region. Also in following libraries: Herttoniemi, Itäkeskus, Jakomäki, Kannelmäki, Kontula, Käpylä, Laajasalo, Malmi, Munkkiniemi, Oulunkylä, Puistola, Pukinmäki, Rikhardinkatu, Suutarila, Tapanila, Tapulikaupunki, Töölö, Vallila and Viikki. If you want send a fax to abroad, you can do that in Tikkurila library (main library in Vantaa), Stockmann department store or Elisa shops.
I am studying globalization of Finland in my college class and was wanting some information about it. Can you provide me with some areas that I might be able… 747 I found two publications about the subject in a database called "WorldCat": Timonen, Virpi: Restructuring the welfare state : globalisation and social policy reform in Finland and Sweden. Cheltenham, UK ; Northhampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar Pub.,2003. Nestingen, Andrew K: Why nation? : globalization and national culture in Finland, 1980-2001. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2001. There are also some articles about globalization of Finland, that I found in a database called "Ebsco": Sipilä, Jorma: Opening Remarks, 1 July 2001, Tampere. Social Work in Health Care; 2004, Vol. 39 Issue 1/2, p7, 4p. Subjects: business enterprises congresses & conventions international trade globalization Measuring Economic Reversals, Forward…
Is there a way to look up information about someone that currently lives in Finland if I only know their name; that is in English and on the Web? 1523 To trace someone in Finland try to find that person's address on the Population Register Centre's database. Browse their homepages on Our data protection legislation permits everyone to to forbid the disclosure of his or her personal information by the population registration system for purposes such as direct advertising, so you might not find the information your want. The access to other public records is restricted also. You may still find the portal for public sector services useful. Try the index on the upper right side of the page. The address is
Information regarding painter Henrik G. Heinonen, commissioned by Royal Palace of Sweden to paint art works for the Palace. Also Russian body guard for the… 227 Please contact the Genealogical Society of Finland for guidance. Their address is
I am searching for an painter: H. Daalgard. He has painted among other thinds an oil painting with storymy sea and ships. Can I find any biographical… 233 The painter H.Daalgard is unfortunately unknown to us. Wenzel Hagelstam, one of our specialists on antique did not recognize the name either. He advised you to direct the question to the Bruun Rasmussen Auctioneers in Denmark.
I'd like to ask you about the publisher's website of the following book. Arttu Manninen, Wege nach Wiborg: zum deutsch-multilingualen Sprachkontakt in Wiborg… 5912 The book is a master's graduate thesis written at Tampere University, department of Germanic philology, 2000. The website of Tampere University is You can contact the secretariat of the department by email
Please could you write me, if there, in Finland does exist some association (or only a group of people), which could serve as Friends of library(ies) and… 743 One such association was founded in Käpylä, Helsinki in June 5th 2002 to protect the Käpylä branch of Helsinki City Library which then was threathened to be closed down along with several other small branch libraries in Helsinki. Local movements in different parts of Helsinki soon reacted against the threat of their local libraries to be closed. In the end, none of the libraries was closed but were given diminished opening hours. The local library association in Käpylä, Käpylän aluekirjastoyhdistys, is still active and co-operates with the library staff to arrange special events, such as literary evenings, and to develop the services of their local library.
I am a TaiK student. Please, I need to fin a book. I have looked a lot in library engines in Helsinki, and I can not seem to find it. I need help to find it… 225 It seems that the book you need isn't to be found in Helsinki. You may have to make an interlibrary loan to get the book or one of the articles from the book. You may want to check the fees on the page, or ask the personel on the interlibrary loan office before you fill in the interlibrary loans form at Copies of articles may turn out to be costly. The Social Indicators Research Series has in dept articles on subjects that are taken up in a journal called Social Indicators Research. The Library of Statistics has the journal. Their address can be found on
Pls inform which libraries in Finland possess a copy of IBM and the Holocaust. Thank you. 152 There are two university libraries which possess a copy of IBM and the Holocaust, Åbo Akademi and Tampere. Links to their websites are on this page… . It seems that none of the public libraries have the book in their collections. Links to the websites of public libraries are here .
I have a document (in very bad condition) from my Great Grandmother.The date is 1895. Its a small booklet. About 4" X 6" in size< and looks very official. At… 920 It seems that you have found your great grandmothers passport. The texts mean both passport, the first one in Swedish ( PASS FOR UTRIKES RESA.) and the second in Finnish(MATKAPASSI ULKOMAILLE). You will find information about genealogy and research in Finland in the Internetsite of the Genealogical Society of Finland, . Maybe the site of the Institute of Migration would also be of some interest to you, .
Can you tell me the best way to locate someones address and telephone number in the Helsinki area please? Is the telephone book available on the internet? 1835 The address of every person living officially in Finland is available in Väestörekisterikeskus (Population Register Centre). You can make inquiries in english by telephone or by mail. Contact information to address service,