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How can i get more information about ROLE OF LIBRARIES ON WOMEN EDUCATION ? 139 here are some www-pages: (Centre for the History of Women's Education) and (American Women's history:education) Eric database ( is an important database for educational history.
Please do me a favor and let me know where to find an online (or offline) list or directory of Finnish libraries that might be interested in buying books,… 952 You can find lists of Finnish libraries (public libraries, research libraries, special libraries) in the -site. Information about libraries can be found in the Libraries-channel. contains also other information about Finnish libraries and the library system in Finland.
What are the most popular books in your library this month? 127 You will find the list of the most popular books at Helsinki metropolitan area public libraries in November 2004: . The first group is fiction and the second one is non-fiction.
In wich it dates is celebrated the Ramadan in 2006? 879 In the year 2006 Ramadan is from September 23 to October 22.
I would like to know what's the History of Art's most expensive work, and what are the circumnstances surrounding it. 158 Perhaps you can find a suitable answer to this question in an article in portal, address . The Articles address is In this Article (May 06, 2004) it is said that the most expensive piece of art ever, a painting by Picasso, namely "Boy with a Pipe", has been sold for a new record price, for $104 million at an auction at Sotheby's in New York. In this Article you will also find information about the circumnstances surrounding this painting.
What does employed population mean in your country? 182 Employed person in Finland is a person who gets salary or wage of his/hers job and who pays taxes. The number of employed persons does not include home mothers, students and workless job seekers and of course the grey economy, too. You can get more information on the web sites of our Ministry of Labour:
Where may I find information about virtuals courses to learn mathematics and physics? 158 You can find information about these virtual courses by using a search machine like Google and writing in the search box "learn mathematics and physics" (note the quatation marks - they determine, that the search will look for a phrase).
Who was the Nobel prize of literature in 1974? 278 Hello, In the year 1974 there was two Nobel literature prize winners: Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson (both from Sweden)
Who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1974? 808 In 1974 the Nobel Prize in literature was shared to Eyvind Johnson and Harry Martinson ( ). Both of them got 1/2 of the prize. You'll find all the Nobel Prize in literature laureates in
How many articles have been issued in your country about the last Presidential Elections in the USA and what is your overall opinion regarding Bush's… 644 In Finnish Aleksi- article database nearly 60 articles were found concerning this topic. Besides, the newspapers and periodicals published hundreds of news reports. Unto Hämäläinen claims in his article (Helsingin Sanomat 2004-11-06) that according to opinion polls, about 90% of Finns were on Kerrys side before the Presidential Elections in the USA. We did not find usable information concerning the attitudes in Finland regarding Bush's reelection after the Presidential Elections.
I want to got information about the international affairs between Cuba and United States during the Castro´s Government. 856 Here are some references that I found from different databases. I searched references to your question from Linda and Ebsco. LINDA is the union catalogue of Finnish University Libraries. LINDA contains references on monographs, serials with summary holdings information. EBSCO Information Services provides information access and management solutions through print and electronic journal subscription services, research database development and production, online access to more than 100 databases and thousands of e-journals, and e-commerce book procurement. References to Monographs from LINDA: Searchwords: Cuba and U.S.A Kaplowitz, Donna Rich : Anatomy of a failed embargo : U.S. sanctions against Cuba / Donna Rich Kaplowitz Boulder, Colo.…
I am writing a paper on multiculturality in Finnland. I am especially interested in the role of the Finnish public libraries in promoting the multiculturality… 540 The Helsinki City Library has created, in cooperation with the International Cultural Centre Caisa, the information service called "The Infopankki" or "The Info Bank". The website is . The pages of Info Bank contain important basic information for immigrants on the functioning of society and opportunities in Finland. The links take you to information on the services of authorities and organisations. There is not much written information in English (books etc.) about the role of the finnish public libraries in promoting the multiculturality and helping the immigrants. I found only one article about this subject: Virtanen, Kristina: Finland's library service for foreigners Scandinavian public library quarterly. -…
I want to know about the inter-library loan for Russia. 246 Helsinki City Library Interlending Department delivers loans to libraries abroad. In order to send material we need an interlibrary request from your local library. Please visit your nearest library and ask about the possibility to make the request. The payment depends on the type of the material. Our email-adress is Helsinki City Library / Interlibrary loans Box 4100 00099 THE CITY OF HELSINKI Phone +358 9 310 85433 Fax +358 9 310 85434
Olen 'Inkerilaisten Viesti' aikauslehden etsimassa. I need a number of articles copied & will be in HKI one day next week to do so, if I can find the series! 144 The latest five numbers of Inkeriläisten viesti can be read at the link below: Also, do cantact the Inkeri society for futher information at The Inkerläisten viesti can be found at the Leppävaara library in Espoo in the Helsinki metropolitan area, and you night also find it at the publisher's office
Hella Wuolijoki's "Niskavuoren Heta" - all about this female Finnish writer. 568 There are some articles about Hella Wuolijoki in English. I found these: Lounela, Pekka: Hella Wuolijoki : a woman of contrasts. In journal Books from Finland. 1979 p. 120-183 Tarkka, Pekka: Open wide gates. In journal Books from Finland. 1991: 4: 226-227. Hawkins, Hildi (transl.): Hella Wuolijoki : a versatile talent : 1886-1954. In journal Books from Finland. 1986: 2, p. 90-95 Koski, Pirkko: Hella Wuolijoki, 1886-1954. In Modern drama by women 1880s-1930s : an international anthology. London, Routledge 1996 Koski, Pirkko: Introduction. Portraits of courage : plays by Finnish women. Helsinki, Helsinki university press, 1997 There is also a monograph concerning films based on Wuolijoki's plays: Koivunen, Anu: Performative histories,…
Hella Wuolyoki's "Niskavuoren Heta" - all about the female finnish writers. 458 Below please find information on Hella Wuolijoki
I am looking for a video on the French Revolution to show to my high school students in Parola. Do you have any to loan? Please let me know if there may be… 610 If you search the PIKI-database with the keyword Ranskan vallankumous, you will find all kinds of material on the subject, . Unfortunately, it seams that there are no videos in English about the topic. I found one video about the French revolution in Finnish in Tampere city library, an animation of the series Olipa kerran ihminen...: aikojemme seikkailut = Il etait une fois... l'homme, osa 8: Ranskan vallankumous 1997. There is also anohter videocassette in finnish, Vapauden bulevardit / toimittaja Erkki Toivanen, YLE Tallennepalvelu, 1995. Since the video does'nt include the Tampere city library collection, you should contact the library e.g. by email and ask if it is possible to borrow it from another…
Dear Sir or Madam, I am a French librarian currently employed at the Public Library of Information. I am working on the organization of libraries as far as… 662 In reference to your inquiry concerning the Helsinki city library and its organisation, I hope that the following provides sufficient answers to your questions. - Who writes the site's contents? The librarians of each department? Editor-in-chief writes most of the contents with the help of some other librarians. - Who brings the site up to date, technically speaking? Is there a unique webmaster or do several employees act as webmasters? The main webmaster from the Online Library Unit is in charge of the overall technical administration of the Helsinki City Library’s web site, but some libraries also have their own assisting webmasters. - Is there an editorial committee which decides on the outline of the website? Yes, we have an editorial…
I reside in Russia.Do I have a possibility to use the funds of a Finnish research library using the Internet? 609
Iam working on a thesis about Tove Jansson as a Swedish.finnish author. Do You know a library or archiv speziallised on her? 559 There is no special library dedicated to Tove Jansson, but in Tampere You can study Tove Jansson's Moomin works in a special museum called The Tampere Art Museum - Moomin Valley. The Museum is situated in the Tampere main library and it has a collection of Tove Jansson drawings and miniature works. More info on page The Exhibition even has a small database (in finnish) of the contents of Moomin books. The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature - Documentation and Information Centre for Finnish Children's Literature collects the works of finnish children's authors and also the studies and reference works. This Institute is also here in Tampere (…