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Do you have any piano to practice? 710 There is a piano and a grand piano in the Sello Library. You can reserve a time to practise tel: 09-8165 7615. There is also a digital piano in the Kirjasto 10 at the center of Helsinki. Reservations tel: 09 3108 5000.
Is there any possibility that I can use musical instrument in the library? 673 Hello! There is in fact a possibility to play a instrument in library. The music library has a playing room, that you can reserve for a hour at a time. In the room there's an acoustic and an electric piano. But you are free to bring your own instrument as well. You can visit the music library at the 2nd floor of the old building at the main library, or call the music library's customer service number 02-262 0658 to make the reservation.
I was wondering if the University of Helsinki Library carries "Baiki" the International Sami Journal? I am hoping to get some articles from it without having… 769 Unfortunately I did not find Baiki in the collections of the Helsinki University Library. However, the journal can be found in the Oulu University Library, the Lapland University Library and the Library of Rovaniemi. The only way to get these articles is through the interlibrary loans system. The request form is here:…
Dear responsable i like ask you about if i can occuped a poste on your library please send me if you are intersting my regards 826 Here are websites that lists (in Finnish) open library vancancies and jobs in Finland: You can also approach libraries directly:
Good morning, I'm looking for results of these cross country skiing races: -15 km men Davos (22nd of January, 1975): only placements of Finnish skiers - Final… 1457 World Cup 1975: 3. Juha Mieto, 107, 6. Juhani Repo and Vasili Rotsev (USSR) 84 World Cup 1976: 1. Juha Mieto, 133, 2. Arto Koivisto, 131 World Cup 1977: 2. Juha Mieto, 93, 16. Matti Pitkänen, 40, 19. Arto Koivisto, 37, 20. Juhani Re-po, 32 World Cup 1978: 5. Juha Mieto and Giulio Capitanio (ITA) 84 Source: Mitä Missä Milloin 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979. I couldn´t find information about two other races you metntioned. Maybe you could contact Sports Library of Finland e-mail:urheilukirjasto(at) Other links:…
Please, advise if Pertunmaa library has WiFi? 902 Do you mean WLAN? In all libraries of Mikkeli city library (including Pertunmaa) have it. For using it you need a code from library.
I'm interested in contributing an article on Library buildings(IFLA 2012). Could you please inform me of the topics in this section/area? Lydia 882 Hello, i send you here the address you should follow, . There you can find information and the Call for Papers will be published there during this fall. Each section decides about the program independently.
I was wondering, which Helsinki library has the widest selection of English periodicals? As in magazines and newspaper? Kiitos! 693 The widest selection of magazines and newspapers in english language is in the Helsinki City Main library in Pasila. The address is Rautatieläisenkatu 8. In the summertime the library of the University of Helsinki has a wide range of newspapers and magazines in the student library and Minerva.
I'm looking for these books. Could I find them in a library? - Silfverberg Leena, Suomen kielen jatko-oppikirja - Silfverberg Leena, Harjoituskirja suomen… 1104 You can search our catalogue here where you find the availability of the books in question. Suomen kielen jatko-oppikirja Harjoituskirja suomen kielen jatko-opetusta varten At the moment there are several copies available in different libraries in Espoo. Opening hours Welcome to the library!
I am doing a project on Programs offered by Finland Libraries that are geared towards improving reading skills (And sponsored by the government). However I… 1044 First, I would like to refer to a question answered in this service some years ago about Luku-Suomi ("Reading Finland") project (2001-2004):… A leaflet in English has been published about the school libraries development project, a part of Luku-Suomi program: A Good School Library. Authors: Hannele Frantsi, Kaarina Kolu , Seija Salminen. Year: 2006. Available as a PDF: Articles concerning reading promotion among children and youth by public libraries in Finland: Selesniemi, Jaana: "Creative writing and book recommendations." Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly; 2009, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p18-19 Kull-Poutanen,…
Good afternoon, Searching for biographical information about Herbert Cornell I came upon this page:… 1071 It seems that not. We could not find any references about that. We checked some databases: Fono, Suomen äänitearkisto, Viola. Although Harry Bergström (1910-1989) has several pseudonyms: Gerald Beach, Harold G Burgess, Leonard Fleuvemont, Sointu Karikas, Lenny, Jorge Monterio, Tintti-Kalle And unfortunately we couldn't find any information about that whose pseudonym is Herbert Cornell. Hope you will find what you are looking for!
Do you any books in arabic language 1179 Yes we have books in Arabic, and in Helsinki the best collection of the those you will find at the Pasila library. To see Helmet’s entire collection of Arabic material please look at the selection listed under the Helmet-link**&searchscope=9&m=&l=ara&b=&Da=&Db=&S…. If you are interested only in books, use this link:**&searchscope=9&m=1&l=ara&b=&Da=&Db=&…. The book collection consists of fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, dictionaries, language courses,… If you click the name of the book, you will get more information about it and see where it is located. If you want the book to be moved to your own library you…
When an item says ,Work items 1, but - under borrowing possible, ordered and due date, does that mean it is available to be checked out or no? 834 In Kyyti-Library database search a line under Borrowing possible, Ordered and Due date means that the item is not free to be checked out. The reason can be the following: the item is either on the way to the customer or back to the library, or it is being handled by the library staff, or it is lost (and not yet withdrawn from the collection), or it is registered in the special local collection. Ask your library if you want to know the case of the item you are interested in.
Is National Library of Finland apart from pulic libraris in Finland? 954 Yes, The National Library of Finland is the largest scholarly library in our country, as well as it is one of the largest independent institutes at the University of Helsinki. But anyone can visit there! You can find more information here:
I have to write a paper about ask a librarian services and I have read the article written by the professor Vakkari about comparing Google and Ask a librarian… 1003 I'll send your question to mister Vakkari, hope you can reach him even thougt it's summer. If you are interested in any questions and answers in Ask a Librarian, you can read them in our public archive, (newest answers ). I presume that Prof. Vakkari has studied the finnish archive, and that he can send you the material, but the texts will be in Finnish language. The Finnish archive is here , the link to swedish material here, .
How to search for health services? 780 Here is link for Health services in Espoo:;37337;45340;36841;36852
What is Ask a librarian service? what is the relevance of the service Ask a librarian? where or what source can i find information regarding Ask a librarian… 1699 Ask a Librarian is the joint digital reference service of Finnish libraries. It’s situated in the site, the national library portal for Finnish libraries. is produced by the Central Library for Public Libraries in Finland, which is Helsinki City Library and it’s financed by the Ministry of Education. The Ask a Librarian started in the year 1999. Answers are given in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. Ask a Librarian has a public archive, where answers are stored and can be used by other information seekers. The archive also exists in three languages, . The question is sent in via a web form, the answer is delivered to the email-address given by the customer.…
I am a japanese student. I bought the book "suomea suomeksi" to study suomi. If it is possible , I want to join a suomi class where they use this textbook. If… 1269 Adult Education Centre in Jyväskylä (in the City Library building, Vapaudenkatu 39-41) has Finnish for foreigners courses. I am not sure if they have courses in the summertime, but they will have next autumn (enrolment in August). Last semester they used a book called Hyvin menee, but the book for the next semester has not been decided. Adult Education Centre: University Language Centre has also Finnish courses for students:…
I am looking for information about a specific activity within the Nordic Countries social security system. Some of these countries send their senior citizen to… 1306 In Finland there are certain links of our social security system for the seniors: 1.Finland…… (english)… (not in english, sw, fin) 2. Nordic countries (of Nordic countries, publications in electronic form)
Which library has the most comprehensive collection of books in English for children and teenagers? We live in the greater Helsinki area (i.e. Tapiola, Espoo)… 1342 Vastaan helpomman mukaan suomen kielellä, kun kysymyksetkin olivat myös suomeksi. Suurimmat englanninkieliset lasten- ja nuortenkirjakokoelmat pääkaupunkiseudulla ovat Sellon ja Tapiolan kirjastoissa Espoossa ja Pasilan kirjastossa Helsingissä.