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Is the brand HAIMI or the designer Yrjo Kukkapuro famous for furniture in Finland? 704 Yrjö Kukkapuro is one of Finnish classics in furniture design. The book Scandinavian Modern Design 1880-1980 (New York, Harry N. Abrams, 1982, p. 151) says about him: "Nurmesniemi's high-polished steel and leather chairs and Yrjö Kukkapuro's bold swivel armchair made of metal and welded plastic turned Finnish furniture design toward a decisively international style." The book Finnish reflections (Finnish title Heijastuksia Suomesta, Helsinki, Kirjayhtymä, 1981, p. 86-88) presents Kukkapuro's armchairs in a large two-page colour photograph, with the text "Yrjö Kukkapuro is one of the best-known Finnish furniture designers; his creations have virtually achieved the status of classics. …" Periodical articles in English: Helkama, Iris: The…
I am looking for a copy of A book by Risto Vilmusenaho. The name of the book is Siikajokilaakson historia. Can you help Me find A source where I can buy A copy? 268 You can buy the book by Risto Vilhusenaho Siikajokilaakson historia 2 in the Local Government Office of the municipality of Siikajoki. The price is 216 mk. I'd advise You to contact directly the office, , e-mail: , tel. (08) 2113411, fax. (08) 2113403.
Mistä saa perukirja-lomakkeen (Netin kautta)? 85595 Tässä muutama Internetistä löytyvä perukirjamalli ja -lomake. Suomen lakioppaan malli (rtf) Helsingin Perunkirjoitustoimiston malli (html) Lisää tietoa ja malleja: Esimerkiksi seuraavissa kirjoissa annetaan neuvoja perunkirjoitusta varten: Puronen, Pertti: Näin teet perukirjan itse, 1999 ja Aarnio, Aulis: Perunkirjoitusopas, 1997. Lisäksi kirjakaupat, Jämsänkoskella Rusetti, myyvät perukirjalomakkeita. Seuraavissa asiakirjamallikirjoissa on hyvät esimerkit: Asiakirjamallit, Petri Järvensivu - Jussi Kalliala - Pekka Kolppanen - Kalle Kyläkallio - Mari Lampenius - Heikki Uotila. Alma Talent 2018 (up) ja…
I am seeking a book written by Arvi Makkonen in 1963 titled "Moottorisahaopas". If you have this book, I would like to learn how I could borrow this book… 220 "Moottorisahaopas" by Arvi Makkonen is available in the stacks of Helsinki main library.You can come to the main library or ask in the nearest library. You need a library card or if you don't have one, please take an identity card with you.
Etsin tietoa seuraavista aiheista:e-business, e-commerce ja business-to-business commerce. Löytyisikö näitä koskien mitään materiaalia? 648 Suomen kielen asiasana aiheillesi lienee verkkokauppa. Pääkaupunkiseudun aineistotietokanta antaa asiasanalla verkkokauppa rajattuna suomen kieleen kolmisenkymmentä viitettä. Libplussasta näet myös teosten saatavuustiedot. Helsingin yliopiston kirjastojen tietokanta HELKAsta löytyy verkkokauppa asiasanalla kymmeniä viitteitä. Haukuja voit itse tehdä osoitteesta: Yliopistokirjastojen yhteistietokanta LINDA antaa samaisella verkkokauppa asiasanalla yli 60 suomen kielistä viitettä, joista osa on tutkimuksia: esim. Elektronisesta kaupasta eLiiketoimintaan, toimittaneet Pirjo Järvelä ja Markku Tinnilä, Tekes, 2000 tai Verkkomainonta Suomessa / Pirjo Järvelä, Mika Raulas LTT-…
I am looking for borrowable books in English about Word for Windows 3.1. 233 I assume you want to use Word for Windows word processor software with Windows 3.1 operating system and that you are using the version 6 or earlier of Word for Windows, so the proper guidebooks should cover these earlier versions of Word for Windows: Word for Windows 1.x, Word for Windows 2.x and Word 6 for windows. Notice that there isn't any version 3.1 of Word for Windows, whereas windows 3.1 was a major operating system still used by many people including you. These books are still available in public libraries of the capitol region and match your requirements: PERSON, RON: USING WORD FOR WINDOWS 2 Lichty, Tom: Desktop publishing with Word for Windows for version 2 Tyson, Herbert: Microsoft Word for Windows revealed BEASON, PAMELA:…
Need information on construction industry in Finland under following headings. structure of industry. types of contract. methods of obtaining tenders… 514 I'll give you two internet addresses where you'll find information on construction industry in Finland. On those sites you can also contact directly associations in question. The first one is Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries and the second is Finnish Association of Construction Product Industries .
I am from India . I have seen many Indian Music CDs in Libraries here. Still I want some other good India film music CDs which are not available in libraries… 337 Yes libraries are happy to receive requests for possible acquisitions (for CDs or any other material). You can make these requests in several ways. First there are special acquisition request forms in libraries that you can fill out and return either to a special box recerved for these requests or directly to library personnel. Second you can, of course, go to a library and make a verbal acquisition request. Finally you can contact libraries by e-mail and make your request in that way. Please note that it is important that you specify your request as well as possible. Also in your case the request is best to direct to a library with a music department. In Helsinki the Itäkeskus library's music department specializes in film music so…
I am working on an extended essay for my high school and would like to base it on the Finnish revolution (where it was freed from Russia). I am also… 775 I recommend these web sites for you: In English: History of Finland This site is part of Virtual Finland, which is produced by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. A Web History of Finland by Pasi Kuoppamäki In Finnish: Suomi 80 : Itsenäistymisen vuodet 1917-1918 This site is maintained by Department of History at University of Tampere Suomen historian kronologia Vuoden 1918 sota These two sites above are part of the Project Agricola, which is produced by Finnish universities, archives, societies, museums and…
Which library in Espoo or Helsinki I can get ISO 8583:87,93 standards? 242 In this case I would recommend You to ask about the standard at Helsinki University Library, Main Library, entrance Unioninkatu 26, Telephone Service 358-9-191 23196, Information Retrieval, tel. 09-191 22740, e-mail , opening hours Mon - Fri 9 - 20, Sat 9 - 16. You can also get information on this task of Finnish Standards Association SFS, , Information Service, e-mail:
What does Helsinki mean? 1743 The oldest form of the name Helsinki is Heelsingha. It's thought that it means the oldest population living on riverside of Vantaa River. They were swedish-speaking and were coming from Hälsningland. Later Helsinki was the name of Helsinki parish, foregoer of Vantaa city.
I am looking for a friend of mine. She attended Indiana University, Indiana USA 2 years ago. She lives in Helsinki and attends Sibelius Academy. Do you… 1028 Vaestorekisterikeskus (Population Registry Centre) can possibly help you in locating your friend. The address is: Kellosilta 4 00520 Helsinki PL 7, 00520 Helsinki Web-address: You may try to find her email-address on web-pages of Sibelius Academy: