I am looking for a friend of mine. She attended Indiana University, Indiana USA 2 years ago. She lives in Helsinki and attends Sibelius Academy. Do you…


I am looking for a friend of mine. She attended Indiana University, Indiana USA 2 years ago. She lives in Helsinki
and attends Sibelius Academy. Do you know of any webpages which may have the Helsinki phone book or any
other way I could try to find her address? Thank you very much for your help.


Last updated

Vaestorekisterikeskus (Population Registry Centre) can possibly help you in locating your friend. The address is: Kellosilta
4 00520 Helsinki PL 7, 00520 Helsinki Web-address: http://www.vaestorekisterikeskus.fi
You may try to find her email-address on web-pages of Sibelius Academy: http://www.siba.fi/

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