I am very interested in libraries in Espoo, Finland and curious about why your library is so charming. How will you train your library staff?


I am from China, a postgraduate at East China Normal University, who are very interested in libraries in Espoo, Finland.
I am amazed at your library services, your libraries are so attractive. I am curious about why your library is so charming. How will you train your library staff? Do you have some training classes or some handbooks?


Last updated

Thanks for your positive feedback. I think the Espoo City Library is also a nice place to work. 

The library in Espoo has a wide range of employees. Some of us are library professionals, some are youth instructors or teachers, some are other professionals who have popped into the library. We also have a lot of short-term employees: trainees, apprentices and men performing civilian service. We are constantly getting to know new people, ideas and ways of working. In addition Library.fi organizes training for all librarians in Finland. 

We have to tell us a lot about our work as we guide new employees. At the same time, we can evaluate our ways of working and try to improve working methods. The different departments of the library have orientators and orientation plans for different employees.

We also have a lot of people who speak Finnish as their second language at work. Their mother tongues expand the library’s range of languages. It is nice to find information and help in the library in languages other than Finnish, Swedish and English. We have language cafes for customers and employees.

In Espoo, decision-makers have always let the library try new things. Library leaders have also been willing to take risks and develop services in new ways. We get to try, make mistakes and learn something new. Repair operations are always possible. https://www.espoo.fi/en-US/Culture_and_sport/Library/Espoo_city_library_is_the_best_in_the_wo(155642)

But we are not very different from other Finnish libraries. Here we tell you Why these Finnish libraries are the best in the world

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