Please could you tell me whether there are English books, fiction and drama, to loan in the library at Sello? If not, could you please let me know if there is…


Please could you tell me whether there are English books, fiction and drama, to loan in the library at Sello? If not, could you please let me know if there is a library nearby that does loan English books.


Last updated

We have some dramatic literature in English (especially classic plays by Shakespeare and others) at the Sello library, plus, of course, lots of non-dramatic fiction in English language.

For a complete list of drama available in the Helsinki region public libraries, you can use the English-language HelMet Web Library at . Choose "Other searches", select from the search menu: "Espoo class" and then type into the search box the library class for English-language plays: "5.3". Or you could use this direct link…

You could also use the advanced search option, use a keyword *näytelmät" (meaning plays and drama in Finnish) and choose the language of the material as English.

We will also gladly help you, so you can ask for assistance from our personnel at the Sello library.

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