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My daughter is learning the piano. Would it be possible for her to play the piano at the library? 105 Yes it is possible to book the music room of Turku main library. The booking is made through this website:  You need to log in with your library card and password.
I would like to ask if its possible to return a book in Vaasa Vaasa library when i borrowed it in Helsinki. 72 Unfortunately it is not possible to return a book borrowed in Helsinki to Vaasa library. You have to send the book to Helsinki library by yourself.
I would like to know which classification system you use, and its the same as the other libraries in Finland? Thanks! 257 Tuusula library uses YKL - Yleisten kirjastojen luokitusjärjelstelmä, in English PLC - Finnish Public Libraries Classification System, It is used in all public libraries except the Helsinki city library, who has it's own classification system, HCLCS - Helsinki City Library Classification System,
I am new to Finland and got the information that the library has common closed spaces to practice dance. I was interested to know which room… 151 Unfortunately, libraries do not have closed spaces suitable for dancing. (We will be happy to take performances on our stages when Covid is over.) The facilities in Varaamo are for musicians and singers. Schools have bookable spaces to suit the wider movement. (This page is only available in Finnish.) You can ask more at
I recently saw an article discussing Helmet's plan to transition to bio covers instead of plastic book covers (… 172 The company which Helsinki libraries use to get bio covers for books is Pelloplast. (This is google translation from original finnish article) “Starting this spring, libraries in the Helsinki metropolitan area will use plant-based bioplastic, which does not contain fossil raw materials, to cover books. The use of more environmentally friendly materials will be introduced as new materials are coated and stocks of old plastic are used up.” “Coating books clearly extends the life of the book and thus reduces the burden on the environment. On the other hand, the use of plastic as a coating is an environmental problem. Until now, the difficulty has been to find a plant-based substitute of sufficient quality…
Working in Finnish Libraries 378 Thank you for message. I asked from my work colleague for information regarding this matter, as he moved from Australia to Finland many years ago.  As I work for Espoo Libraries, I can only speak on behalf of our libraries. However, the library systems in Helsinki and Kerava are very similar. It is quite difficult to work in Finnish libraries without at least a working knowledge of Finnish. However, it's not impossible. I would suggest that you contact the libraries directly that you are interested in working in, and see if you can organise a work placement there. That way, they can see your working ability without any risk to them, and may be able to offer you a contract afterwards. Also, if you move to Finland, then you will have the…
Team, Good Morning. We are new to Finland and am interested to borrow some story books from Library for my kids as they would like to go read stories etc. Can… 69 Here is what our rules say about the question: Wellcome!
I am an experienced librarian with masters qualification from abroad. I am moving to Finland. Is there a professional society for librarians in Finland? I am… 83 Hello When it comes to getting your degree recognized in Finland you need to be in contact with the Finnish National Agency for Education.  When it comes to your question about a professional organisation I suggest to look into the Finnish Library Association and ask for help there.
So I accidentally spilled coffee on the table and hit the book I borrowed from the library. What do I do? 544 Sounds like you have to replace the book. Each book has its own price and ranges from around 9 € to 450 €. Usually the price is around 25€. You can also replace the book with another similar one.
Multilingual military dictionary 156 Is this the book you mean: Brassey's multilingual military dictionary = Brassey's dictionaire multilingue militaire = Brassey's diccionario militar (1987)?…  This book is in the collections of some Finnish libraries. You can ask the possibility to make an interlibrary loan from your own library.
Tietoja kirjojen lainausmääristä löytyy, mutta onko mihinkään koottu tietoja kirjastojen varattavien esineiden lainausmääristä kunnittain? 127 Esineitä ei tilastoida erikseen Suomen yleisten kirjastojen tilastoihin Suomen yleisten kirjastojen tilastot ( vaan ne sisältyvät muut aineistot -kategoriaan, johon sisältyvät myös esim. digitaaliset pelit ja moniviestimet. Vaski-kirjastojen osalta voimme antaa seuraavat luvut: kaikkien Vaski-kirjastojen esinelainaus: 2018                    10851 2019                    11527 2020                    7727 2021                    2964 Vaski-kirjastoihin kuuluvat Kaarinan, Kustavin, Laitilan, Liedon, Maskun, Mynämäen, Naantalin, Nousiaisen, Paimion, Pyhärannan, Raision, Ruskon, Salon, Sauvon, Taivassalon, Turun, Uudenkaupungin ja Vehmaan kirjastot. erikseen Turku: 2018                    8396 2019                   …
I would like to borrow this item: DVD-asema [Esine] + USB-johto + ajurilevy… 103 This material cannot be booked online or borrowed for home use. Those items can only be used in libraries. The only items are in Oodi and Pasila libraries, but due to current Covid restrictions items are not available for use at the moment.
I have lost my library card, and Pin id, would like to get a new one. How can I get a new one? 85 It´s necessary in this case to visit your Library, you´ll get there your new card and PIN-code. Welcome to any of our Libraries. Take tour ID-card with you. 
Please do you have a twi language story books for kids? Thank you Gifty 139 We have a few. There are 6 children's books. Helmet
What services do you provide at home? 84 Your question is unfortunately hard to comprehend. Can you specify what you mean by services?  
Is it possible to borrow a photo / video camera for 2 or 3 days? 183 Unfortunately Tuusula libraries do not have cameras or video cameras in their collection. You can search for all Finnish libraries' services in the national library directory As all services might not be translated into English, you may have to search with the Finnish terms "kamera" or "videokamera". In Uusimaa the only library listed where you can borrow a video camera is Myllypuro Media Library in Helsinki. You can find their contact information here:….
I have a bunch of old "Nature" journals (2018-2019). Can I donate them to the library? 137 Unfortunately libraries usually can't take old journals. When the libraries will open again normally, You can leave the journals in any ot the libraries, which have a recycling shelf (Kirjakierrätyspiste). You find the list of those libraries here…
Meillä on japaninkielinen Kalevala, josta emme saa selvä julkaisuvuodesta. Liitteessä kuvia kirjasta. Morimoto, Y. (kään.) Kustantamo: Zen Nippon kateikyoiku… 227 Yasuko Morimoton japaninkielisiä Kalevala-käännöksiä löytyy jonkin verran Suomen kirjastoista, mutta tätä versiota ei näytä löytyvän:… Tämä on otsikkonsa "Karewara (bassui)" perusteella lyhennelmä ja sisältää vain otteen Kalevalasta. Lähettämissänne kuvissa ei ollut mainintaa vuosiluvusta. Ainoa kuvissa näkyvä vuosiluku on Yasuko Morimoton esittelyssä. Siinä kerrotaan että hän on syntynyt 3. maaliskuuta Meiji-aikakauden 35. vuonna eli vuonna 1902.
Is it possible now to print documents in any library? 87 Hi! I am sorry but it's not possible in Vantaa libraries during covid -19. If you print official papers you can do it in Vantaa info….       
We are parents with a 5-month-old baby. We are looking for books to read to her. Unfortunately we cannot go to the public library anymore, it would have been… 140 You can find books for babies in Helmet libraries by the term "paksulehtiset kirjat" (books with thick pages), and then choose books in English language, if you like. You can find them here:… Also a key word "toddlers" could be useful:…