I would like to know information related to YKI test validity period. Is there any time limit how long YKI test result is valid ? I have taken the test almost…


I would like to know information related to YKI test validity period. Is there any time limit how long YKI test result is valid ? I have taken the test almost 3 years before and I would like to know if its still valid applying for Finnish Citizenship.


Last updated

If you have completed the national language proficiency test in the years 2002-2011 skill level 3, it´s still qualified to apply for citizenship.

YKI test standard has changed 1.1.2012.
You can view the current qualification requirements of the Finnish immigration service website.


Carried out with sufficient skill level, the national language proficiency test is valid without a time limit.

You can ask for more information, call the Customer service of the Immigration Services. Customer service is available between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Monday to Friday on +358 295 419 600.

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