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This list reminds me of what Peter von Bagh once said. He'd been invited to Japan, and asked which particular films he… 9.4.2024
Kysytty 17.1.2012: Miksi vaaleissa ei ole ehdokasta numerolla yksi?… 4.2.2024
The same question (why no candidate with No. 1) was asked in Finnish at this very same Libraries service at around the same… 16.1.2024
Now that HelMet has moved to, the app is no longer in use. 7.1.2024
There are no Number 1 caodidates in Parliament or local elections either. 18.9.2023
Hi , I have recently relocated to Helsinki. Have done my Master in Library Information from India. I am in search of a job.… 30.8.2023
Kahta edellistäkään Booker-palkittua kirjaa eiä ole suomeksi. 26.5.2023
Nyt varmaan on syytä kääntää ainakin yhden Georgi Gospodinovin kirjan suomeksi, kun hän sai Booker-palkinnon romaanista Time… 24.5.2023
The first postal codes in Finland were introduced in Helsinki in mid-1960s. The city center post office became "Helsinki 10… 24.5.2023
Do you have this song (lyrics and piano accompaniment)?: Ei rakkaus yötä pelkää Also, do you have this (lyrics and piano… 5.5.2023
What about participatory practices? about educational programs? are citizens participating? thank you 21.4.2023
Einstein said it in 1939 when presenting the annual Albert Einstein Award to Thomas Mann. His remarks were reported in the… 26.1.2023
the PEARL libraries? 9.12.2022
Is there a search engine to look up someone's address in Finland? 7.4.2022
In 2022, there are 33 living persons registered in Finland with family name (former or present) Leija. No Finn born and… 28.3.2022
Not to mention additional factors such as it being unclear whether "Set and maintain boundaries" is supposed to be an… 24.3.2022
The proposed translation is a good example of what happens when the context is unknown. The word "ylläpitää" is based on… 24.3.2022
Iran have four season at same time on February west and north of Iran are winter center & east spring autumn and south… 6.2.2022
Hello, As a 14 year old, I am very interested to work in a library in Espoo (Sello Library perhaps). Is that possible? This… 5.2.2022
Voisiko Helsingin kirjastonhoitaja vastata: Mihin ja missä julkaistuihin ohjeisiin perustuu tapanne kirjoittaa ENGLANNIN… 16.12.2021