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How can I practice speaking in Finnish? 42 The best way would be to participate in a Finnish course or a Finnish Club. You could try to find out if there is such activity in your home region. Here is a list of Suomi-koulut, your can check if you find help there,…. You could also search for Finnish Courses online. Here is a collection of webmaterial for Finnish Studies,…. 
Are there violins to practice or barrow in any of the metro region libraries? 15 Unfortunately, no libraries in this area have violins in their collections.
I was lookin for some Info. on Emily Jane Bronte she died on Dec.19,1848 and I want the report of how she died? and was asking you if you can look back and… 630 Emily caught a cold at his brothers funeral and never left home again. She died of tuberculosis on December 19, 1848, also at the age of thirty, and never knew the great success of her only novel Wuthering Heights, which was published almost exactly a year before her death on December 19, 1848. for further information please use Google and type "Emily Jane Bronte" +died.
Where can I find the following book? Hansen and Nielsen "The Economic Analysis of the EU" McGrow-Hill, 1997 184 There is a book "An Economic Analysis of the EU" by Drud Hansen, Jörgen available in the library of Turun kauppakorkeakoulu. I suggest that you visit the library in Pasila and ask them to borrow the book for you from Turku. You can also ask the book from the library of Yleisradio, open mon-fri 9 am-6 pm, tel (09) 148 015 619, but they might not want to help you.
My Cardiologist, Dr. Karpenos of Westport, CT, USA prescribed Benecol powder to reduce chlorestol. He said to check the finnish web to find a source, He… 673 Benecol international Internet address is There is information about Benecol, eating well, chlorestol and your healt. There you can also contact Benecol for your comments and questions
All I need is information on "Immigration policies." I have to write an 800-1000 word essay using research to back my argument. 859 The Finnish Ministry of Labour migration affairs briefly on immigration to Finland and migration affairs links The Finnish Ministry of Finance Citizen's guide for immigrants and emigrants Metropolis - Journal of International Migration and Integration You can search items in the Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries' common bibliographics database Plussa here are some examples: Matinheikki-Kokko, Kaija: Challenges of working in a cross-cultural environment University of Jyväskylä 1997. Segal, Aaron: An…
I'm searching for reference material on Sewage, concerning treatment methods, environmental implication and monitoring methods 658 There's a link from the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission's webbsite to the OceanPortal. The address is When you search the sites using the word sewage as searchword, you will find several interesting articles on your subject. There are also some articles to be found in the Ebsco database that might be of interest to you, but I think you will find the links from OceanPortal superb. You can use the Ebsco database for instance in the public libraries in Helsinki.
I need electronic copy of few pages of finnish magazines. Could you advise me library which can provide this service for me. Thank you in advance, 180 Unfortunately we do not have magazines in electronic format. However, you can check the following web address to see whether the magazines you are looking for are available in any of the Helsinki City libraries: In case you find the magazine you are looking for, you can visit the library in question and photocopy the pages you are interested in. In case you are living in another country, you should contact your local library and ask if they can make an interlibrary request for the articles you are looking for.
How is Finnish Ask a Librarian service organized and how it functions (including technical aspects)? 1208 Ask a Librarian is a joint online reference enquiry service with a trilingual user interface. In its present form the service was started in 1999. Use of the service is free of charge. At the moment, 27 public libraries, Parliament library and Library of Statistics are available for answering questions. More libraries are expected in join in. Answers are given within 3 working days. The answer is sent to the e-mail address given by the customer in the question form. 2569 answers were given in 2002 and 2647 in 2001, with very positive feedback from users. Most of the answers are stored in a public archive. In the archive the answers can be searched by free-text, date or keywords. All public answers are stored in the The Finnish archive,…
I'd like to know if there where in Finland any publications of books written by Polish author Boleslaw Prus? 497 You can find two titles written in Polish by Boleslaw Prus: Faraon and Lalka. The books are available in Helsinki City Library. (HelMet database : ; database of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries). There are also some publications at Helsinki University Library. You can find more information about these books at (choose "search" and then "basic search", write Prus Boleslaw and choose "author", you'll get 18 books plus some different editions of same books).
What is the best book - in english - describing the Winter War of 1939 between Finland and Russia. Seeking volume describing heroic and brave efforts made by… 523 It's difficult to name the best one, but here is 3 newest ones that we have in our collection: Trotter, William R.: A frozen hell: the Russo-Finnish winter war of 1939-1940. Chapel Hill (N.C.): Algonquin books of Chapel Hill, 1991. Van Dyke, Carl: The Soviet invasion of Finland 1939-40. London: Franks Cass, 1997 and by an Finnish historian: Vehviläinen, Olli: Finland in the Second world war: between Germany and Russia. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2002.
How are organized the visits and the training on databases for students in finnish university libraries ? 709 University of Helsinki Undergraduate library would be an expert to answer your question. Ask A Librarian - The Online Reference Enquiry Service of Finnish Libraries is produced mostly by Finnish public libraries. Unfortunally Undergraduate library doesn't take part to this ask a librarian service. In the undergraduate library web page there is an library tutorial also in english, so library is teaching information retrieval skills for students very well. The tutorial is a part of the Academic Information Skills Project at the City Campus In order to get more information please contact the Undergraduate library. Contact…
As an American, I would like you to provide me with the lists of contacts publications you have in your country such as contact magazines/newspapers for… 162 Unfortunately I couldn't find any of those lists you required, but here are some useful websites for you:
Why does the reservation for computerstations not being followed? I always have reservations in one of the computers but everytime that I go someone is using… 226 If You have reserved a computer and someone is using it, You can go to him/her and say that You have reserved the computer and now is Your turn to use it. It often happens that the person who had reserved the previous time uses the computer until the next person comes. If You still have problems to access the computer You have reserved please approach the library staff.
Could you help me finding a site to look up my family history in Karstula, Finland? 493 You could try the site of the Finnish Genealogical Society at . You could also contact The Karstula Parish (usually the parish archives are the best source of information for genealogical studies), contact details at (unfortunately only in Finnish). There is also the site of Karstula commune at (mostly in Finnish again). Hopefully these are of some help!
I am oversee student. I need some information about Finland such as location, political system and current political events in Finland. 723 Finland is situated in northern Europe between the 60th and 70th parallels of latitude. A quarter of its total area lies north of the Arctic Circle. Finland's neighbouring countries are Sweden, Norway and Russia, which have land borders with Finland, and Estonia across the Gulf of Finland. Finland is a rebublic. More information is to be found for example from the homepage of Parliament of Finland ( ). In Virtual Finland ( ) You'll find among others a short history about finnish parliamentarism ( ) Current political event worth mentioning is the municipal election in October this year. Here are some more links that You might find…
I am interested in information about the work of Alvar Aalto. 1011 You could visit these webadresses: and and from you can find much more interesting info. - Naturally there are lots of books about Alvar Aalto, also in English. Some of them you can find from our Lapin kirjasto database, only write Aalto, Alvar to the subject heading in… Maybe part of them are no more available in bookstores.
Pls inform which libraries in Finland possess a copy of IBM and the Holocaust. Thank you. 152 There are two university libraries which possess a copy of IBM and the Holocaust, Åbo Akademi and Tampere. Links to their websites are on this page… . It seems that none of the public libraries have the book in their collections. Links to the websites of public libraries are here .
Where do I find a RELIABLE list of the top 500 companies operating in Finland (all industries) listed according to earnings/year? 826 The central Finnish journal of business economics called "Talouselämä" traditionally publishes a list of 500 Finnish top companies. The web address of the journal is The third link from the left on the main page, YRITYSTIETO, gives you the list, which is also available in English. Contact information for the companies is not shown, so you should look for it in some company register, for instance
I am a distant cousin of your former Prime MInister, Kalevi Sorsa. Can you give me Kalevi's grandfather's name, and place of birth? Thank you for your… 173 There is a Genealogical Society in Finland, with the best possibilities to answer your query. Please check