You can contact a Helmet Russian library and offer books to them.
043 825 7993
Current instructions for self-service printing in Helsinki City Library:
The PaperCut self-service printing is available for your own device and the library computers. Both allow you to print 5 pages in 3 months free-of-charge - subsequent printouts cost €0.40 each. You can load credit to your card for the additional printouts at the customer service point.
Printing from the library’s customer computer ASKO: log in with your library card number and PIN code. Please save the printable files from your USB stick or email to the ASKO computer and double-click them in order to open them in their native programs to print. After you've pressed "print" (you can lock your ASKO to continue working after printing) log in to the light-blue-…
The loan period is fixed at 28 days for books, excluding Bestsellers which are 14 days. However, you can renew your loans online before they are due, thus extending the loan time another 28 days. You can renew your loans five times, provided no one else has reserved the books in question. Note that Bestsellers cannot be renewed online.
To manage your loans, go to and choose LOGIN. Login with your library card number and PIN code. Choose the loans that you want to renew under Checkouts and click RENEW MARKED.
Modern libraries in Finland, the Helmet area, and Helsinki specifically, have been described as living rooms for the citizens. We loan out various material, but also offer services on location, and organize events for and by the city residents. At a Helmet library one can loan out a blood pressure monitor, a radon meter, or a power drill. At the library you can use a computer, a 3D printer, or a sewing machine. Events vary from reading fairy tales for children, to reading groups, to music and movies.
This development has been gradual. While library concerts organized by the library music clubs were crowd magnets already in the 1960s (Laakso 2010, 375), and listening to music with headphones became the most important form of activity in…
Translation isn't easy. In most cases, you need to know more how and where the sentence is used. Like in this case: what kind of boundary is being set and maintained? A literal boundary line between neighbours or countries? More abstract concept, like personal boundaries in a certain situation?
Perhaps "Asettaa ja ylläpitää rajoja" would work in both cases? If this is about personal boundaries, I might add a possessive affix.
Contact your nearest library. Bring the library card that borrowed the book.
The book can be replaced by paying the purchase price. You can also bring a new copy of the same book to the library.
(You can renew a book five times if you still think it will be found.)
You can obtain a library card and PIN code from any Helmet library by providing your address and presenting a valid photographic proof of identity with your personal identity code approved by the library. You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. Library card and loans.
E-books don't show in your reading history since the e-book services are not fully integrated to Helmet database. They will however keep you library card active, so there is no reason to worry about your card being cancelled. Logging into your Helmet account will keep your card active also.
Maybe you mean the rhyme "Tii tii tikanpoika", which is also sung. There are a few different versions of it. "Tikka" is a bird, a woodpecker, "tikanpoika" is a young woodpecker. "Nauris" is a turnip. "Paimenpoika" is a shepherd. Sometimes it is "talonpoika", a peasant, who eats the turnip.
Here are some versions:
Tii tii tikanpoika kylvi tielle nauriin. Tuli paha paimenpoika, söi sen tikan nauriin. Tikka se itkeä tillitteli, paimenpoika nauroi.
Tii tii tikanpoika teki tielle nauriin. Tuli tuhma talonpoika, söi sen tikan nauriin. Tikka se itkeä tillitteli, mutt' talonpoika nauroi., Meidän lasten aapinen / Aukusti Salo ; kuvittanut Rudolf Koivu, Otava, 1935, s. 26. Kansalliskirjaston digitaaliset aineistot…
You can get a library card if you have an address in Finland. Without Finnish personal identity number your card is valid for twelve months at a time.
To receive your card take a valid photo ID with you when you visit a library. Libraries in Helmet-area accept the following ID cards:
I.D. cards from EU countries
Finnish driving licences
Finnish SII cards with photos, for those under 18 years also without photos
resident cards issued by any reception centre in Finland
residence permit card issued by the Finnish Immigration Service.
You can find information about working in Finland for example here:…
If you are interested particularly in library jobs, here's one earlier answer to question about library education:…
If You cancelled Your reservation in HelMet online, that is all You need to do.
In case You cancel Your reservation before the pick-up date, You don't have to pay the fee for the uncollected reservation.…
Unfortunately we don't have CD players or DVD players that you can check out to use at home etc. But for example there are DVD drives at the Helsinki Central Library Oodi and Pasila libraries in Helsinki that you can use in the library premises.
Unfortunately we don't have puzzles in the Helmet library collection at the moment. But we do have many different types of board games in the collection that you can check out with the Helmet library card. The collection covers all the public libraries in Helsinki City Area: Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa libraries. You can try for example Puzzle Battle board game where your goal is to be the first to complete the puzzle.
You can find more board games from making a…
To pay the fee online, go to At the bottom of the page, you will find Pay online. Click it, then login with your library card number and PIN code. Select the outstanding payment on the list and click Proceed to payment.
Alternatively, you can pay the fee in your nearest Helmet library.
If you do not pick up the reserved book in time, the reservation is cancelled and the book is returned to its place. You can check the book's current status at and make a new reservation.
You can request an article through an interlibrary loan.
Interlibrary loan service orders are accepted in all Satakirjasto. You can also place an order by sending a request by email to your own library. Orders are also accepted by phone, but a written request is preferable for clarity.
Public libraries in Finland usually issue cards also to people who are not permanent residents. You need to have address in Finland.
If You are studying in the metropolitan area You can use the services of the HelMet Libraries. You can obtain a HelMet library card and PIN code from any Helmet library by providing your address and presenting a valid photographic proof of identity with your personal identity code approved by the library. You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card.
If You don't have the Finnish social security number, the card will be valid for one year.
Welcome to HelMet libraries.
HelMet library card
Accepted identity cards
There is a few board games in Helmet Libraries which help you to study Finnish. For example:
Suupaltti : lautapeli suomen opiskelijoille / pelin suunnittelu Krista Keisu & Hanna Paloneva ; ulkoasu ja kuvitus Matti Mitroshin
Suomen mestarin sanapeli : sanastoa kasvattava korttipeli kielenopiskelun tueksi
During the self-service hours, there is no staff in the library but the premises are monitored using technology like cameras. In a self-service library, you can borrow and return materials, use customer computers, read magazines and newspapers, work or have meetings. A wireless network is available. The staff service hours and self-service hours are listed on each library’s website.
Hämeenlinna main library, Hauho and Nummi libraries in Hämeenlinna and Tervakoski library in Janakkala have self-service hours. You will need Vanamo library card and pin code to get into these libraries. You have to log in with the entrance unit at the main door.
All our customers over 15 years of age are able to use Hämeenlinna main library during the self-…