My question is this. Are there any scientific articles about risks, dangers or hazards especially to nature when building cable car projects? Kiitos :)



My question is this.

Are there any scientific articles about risks, dangers or hazards especially to nature when building cable car projects?

Kiitos :)


Last updated

In public libraries we have few books and articles about cable cars. Our books considers nearly how to build cable cars to playgrounds. Perhaps you can ask from nearest university libary.

Finnish standard, published Suomen standardisoimisliitto
SFS-EN 1709
Henkilökuljetukseen tarkoitetut köysiradat. Turvallisuusvaatimukset. Ennen käyttöönottoa tehtävä tarkastus, kunnossapito ja käyttötarkastukset/ Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons. Precommissioning inspection, maintenance, operational inspection and checks
https://sales.sfs.fi/fi/index/tuotteet/SFS/CEN/ID2/1/8909.html.stx . Also available in libraries

Finnish law: http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/alkup/2002/20020253

Eur-Lex: köysiradat: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/search.html?textScope0=ti-te&qid=1479116981187…

In Helsinki they have planned cable car to Kruunuvuori: Köysirata Kruunuvuorenranta – Helsingin kantakaupunki. Report in Internet https://www.hsl.fi/sites/default/files/uploads/15_2011_koysirataselvity…

One article: http://www.building.co.uk/rope-trick-thames-cable-car/5037302.article

You can search free articles from https://doaj.org/ . I found six articles in key word "cable cars". Here one example http://www.tema.unina.it/index.php/tema/article/view/523

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