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I,m looking for words to a children,s siong about a shepherd boy and his birch bark horn 1181 A song called "Paimenen laulu" (or Paimenlaulu = A shepherd's song) was translated and published by composer P.J.Hannikainen at the beginning of 1900's. It is said to be composed by A. Klauwell (though it might as well be a folk tune). The complete Finnish lyrics are available at Wikisource page http://fi.wikisource.org/wiki/Paimenen_laulu_(Hannikainen) Sheet music can be found for example in the songbook "Suuri toivelaulukirja 10". There are no Englis lyrics for this song, but a rough translation would go like this: 1. I am a young shepherd, happy as a bird. All day long I play on my birch bark horn. 2. When the cattle bells are ringin, and birds are singing too. I like to answer them on my birch bark horn. 3. When the evening comes, I…
Where can I find information concerning toypoodles? 715 Something about toy poodles(very little) is in the book Diane Morgan: The poodle : an owner's survival guide. In Amazon you can find more books concerning toy poodles http://www.suomi.fi/suomifi/suomi/tietopaketit/perustietoa_suomesta/vae… Something in Internet http://www.thetoypoodle.com/ http://www.poodlesavvy.com/toy-poodle-savvy.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poodle http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/reviews/toypoodles.html http://www.makupalat.fi/Categories.aspx?classID=23940b8e-c55c-4c74-ba00… http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/toypoodle.htm
Which are the seven most speaking languages in Finland? 863 The most spoken languages in Finland are Finnish, suomi 4 844 047 Swedish, ruotsi: 289 951 Russian, venäjä: 48 740 Estonian, viro: 22 357 English, englanti: 11 344 Somalian, somali: 10 647 Arabian, arabia: 8 806 Chinese, kiina: 6 458 Kurdish, kurdi: 6 455 Albanian, albania: 6 308 http://www.suomi.fi/suomifi/suomi/tietopaketit/perustietoa_suomesta/vae…
I am writing a master's work on the study of corporate virtual reference services of libraries of foreign countries! Help me, please, to find information about… 1047 First, more information about Ask a Librarian can be found in our archive by searching with the keyword Ask a Librarian, http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/keywords/ . In the Library branch channel of Libraries.fi, http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/library_branch/articles/, there is a powerpoint-presentation about Ask a Librarian (2007), some of the numbers are old, but otherwise it still contains valid information. As for your questions, I try to give you answers below. We have no other restrictions than those mentioned. The most important fact to remember is that we work in a library, we help find information, but we can not always provide ready answers, in for instance questions concerning health, sicknesses or law. In cases…
Could you recommend a book about dogs? 248 There are lots of books about dogs and pets in general, especially in English language, so it may be a bit difficult to recommend one book without knowing more details about needs and interests. Are you considering your first dog and needing some basic information about dog breeds and dog care? Most bigger libraries in Finland should also have some English-language books about dogs. Online bookshop http://www.amazon.com/ has many lots of book reviews written by customers and also lists by customers where they recommend the books they have found to be most useful. One such list is available online here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/richpub/syltguides/fullview/2TV1CE7DAW3GO/ref=… Amazon.com lists might be useful especially if you're looking for…
I am looking for biographical information on Gustaf Nybom, a Finnish sea captain, born in Oulu, who became a head of the Alaska Commercial Company in the late… 1013 Hello I could find this information about Gustaf Ferdinand Nybom (Niebaum). I am sorry, but he was not born in Oulu but in Helsinki on August 30th 1842. The source of information is NIEBAUM-COPPOLA WINEYARD HOMEPAGE and the adress is: http://www.niebaum-coppola.com/history.html I could find another article on the Internet and the adress is: http://www.genealogia.fi/emi/art/article101e.htm There is one publication about Niebaum-Coppola Winery. The title of the book is "A SENCE OF PLACE : AN INTIMATE PORTRAIT OF THE NIEBAUM-COPPOLA WINERY AND THE NAPA VALLEY" by Steven Koplan and Francis Ford Coppola. Routhledge, 1999. ISBN 0415920043. I hope, this information makes it possible for you to continue your work…
I want to find penpals in Finland,can you help me? I am working on my genealogy. 265 There are several services that offer penpals in Finland. You could try for instance http://www.penpals.com/ http://www.euro26.org/ http://www.iys.fi/ind2.htm You can find more useful links by Google http://www.google.com/ by entering search term "penpals". If you want to reach specially people who are interested in Finnish genealogy you could try the mailing lists of the Genealogical Society of Finland http://www.genealogia.fi/postlist/indexe.htm
Where can I find information regarding companies in an industry? 186 Oletko hakemassa tietoa teollisuusyrityksistä Suomessa? Vai etsitkö pelkästään hakemistoja, joissa olisi telekommunikaatio- ja elektroniikka-alan yrityksiä? Hakemistoja on olemassa useampiakin. Niitä löytyy Oulun kaupunginkirjaston tietokannasta http://www.ouka.fi/kirjasto/intro/index.html esim. yhdistämällä asiasanat yritykset ja hakemistot. Muutamia, joissa on myös toimialakohtaisia hakemistoja: - Sininen kirja : talouselämän suurhakemisto (on myös netissä ja demon saa ilmeisesti viikoksi käyttöön ilmaiseksi http://www.bluebook.fi/cms/index.html ) - Kompass - sarja, josta löytyy tietoa mm. Suomen, Baltian, Ruotsin, Saksan, Venäjän yrityksistä - Yritystele 2002 : valtakunnallinen yrityshakemisto. Mikäli etsit tietoa elektroniikka-alan…
Are Finland's telephone white pages soon to be available on the internet?Tnaks 1235 Here are a few Internet-links you can look. Some of them are in Finnish and you must register. Some of the information is free of charge and some isn't. http://www.numeronetti.fi/kayttoohjeet/index.html , http://www.0100100.com/ . You can look in English http://cc.inet.fi/cgi-bin/gwis/Site?26OAA3C47.k9lpQ_Xil7OeG2ypBryC8dCQ… .