I see that helmet library tamil books collection is very limited. I would like to donate modern new tamil books written by modern writers like Jeyamohan,… |
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Thank you for your kind thought and offer! I suggest to contact Multilingual Library, which locates in Pasila Library, and offer donations there.You can contact Multilingual library directly via e-mail: monikielinen.kirjasto@hel.fiYou can find more information about Multilingual library here:https://www.libraries.fi/multilingual-library?language_content_entity=en https://helmet.finna.fi/OrganisationInfo/Home?lng=en-gb#84923 |
I’m a foreigner, I would like to visit a library here in Finland. And the thing is if I use a space or a table and have my own art materials with me to do some… |
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Hello,starting point is that all services in public libraries are free of charge. Still here in Finland there are little differences how libraries run their space etc. reservation policy. This is due every city, county or region have more or less their own library networks and therefore their individual ways to organize services. I suggest you to contact the library where you want to work at and ask about their services and space etc.. Give a call or contact service desk for some libraries don't have space to be reserved. In some libraries card is needed and in some it´s not, I´d guess depending nature of necessity and type of the space. For a library card photo identity card is needed.Since you addressed your question here in… |
We have a lot of children's books in Chinese language. When our kid grow up, I would like to ask if it's possible to donate to the library if they are in good… |
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Libraries accept donations but there are library-specific policies. You should contact the library where you want to donate books. |
I need any book about the emotional intelligence of kids (in arabic language). Is it available in Helmet? |
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Hi, Helmet-libraries have two books about the emotional intelligence of kids in arabic language. You can find them here: https://helmet.finna.fi/Search/Results?limit=0&lookfor=tunnetaidot&type… |
I loved doing the 2022 & 2023 reading challenges and was hoping to see 2024 released soon, do you have a release date? Thanks for providing it in English! |
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If you are asking about Helmet Reading Challenge, we don't have an exact release date yet, but it is most likely between Christmas and New Year (Dec 27th to Dec 29th). |
I can only see one book on my "Reading History" list in my Helmet account. However, I have definitely borrowed more than one book from the Helmet libraries in… |
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The Helmet library reading history can list only those items that you borrow after you activate the reading history.
Unfortunately items that had been borrowed before the activation cannot be recovered. |
I have so much books in my language “sinhala” . I’m from Sri Lanka. How can I donate my books |
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Please contact to Multilingual Library
Contact info:
Email: monikielinen.kirjasto@hel.fi
Customer service: 09 3108 5402
https://www.helmet.fi/en-US/Libraries_and_services/Multilingual_Library… |
I live in Korso, Vantaa. Does anyone want good used (mostly) novels in English? Soft- and hardback. |
85 |
The Lumo library in Korso has a book recycling point in the Lumo building's lobby.
The instructions are as follows:
"Recycling point for books brought in by customers. Bring up to five books at a time. You can take as many as you like."
There is also a book recycling point in the lobby of the Korso shopping centre (the one with the S-Market, a flower shop and others).
In addition to these, the capital area recycling centres often take books.
Contact information:
Lumo Library
Capital area recycling centre (Kierrätyskeskus)
https://www.kierratyskeskus.fi/in_english |
My family has recently arrived in Finland and we do not yet have personal identification numbers. The library registration form asks for this number - is it… |
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If you do not have finnish personal identification number your library card will be valid for one year. |
Error when placing a reservation on a book. Only today. Last week the function was fine. Varaa Toiminto estetty. Ole hyvä ja ota yhteyttä kirjaston… |
54 |
I recommend giving feedback about this situation via Helmet Libraries feedback.
I used to live in the Helsinki area but in 2020, I moved to North Karelia. However, I kept my Helsinki library card in order to access ebooks and audiobooks,… |
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E-books don't show in your reading history since the e-book services are not fully integrated to Helmet database. They will however keep you library card active, so there is no reason to worry about your card being cancelled. Logging into your Helmet account will keep your card active also. |
Can I get a library card even though I don´t have a finnish personal number? |
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You can get a library card if you have an address in Finland. Without Finnish personal identity number your card is valid for twelve months at a time.
To receive your card take a valid photo ID with you when you visit a library. Libraries in Helmet-area accept the following ID cards:
I.D. cards from EU countries
Finnish driving licences
Finnish SII cards with photos, for those under 18 years also without photos
resident cards issued by any reception centre in Finland
residence permit card issued by the Finnish Immigration Service.
Do you have CD players or DVD players available to borrow so that we may enjoy the CD audio books and some movies that you have in stock at the library? Also,… |
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Unfortunately we don't have CD players or DVD players that you can check out to use at home etc. But for example there are DVD drives at the Helsinki Central Library Oodi and Pasila libraries in Helsinki that you can use in the library premises.
Unfortunately we don't have puzzles in the Helmet library collection at the moment. But we do have many different types of board games in the collection that you can check out with the Helmet library card. The collection covers all the public libraries in Helsinki City Area: Helsinki, Espoo, Kauniainen and Vantaa libraries. You can try for example Puzzle Battle board game where your goal is to be the first to complete the puzzle.
You can find more board games from Helmet.… |
I need games that help me to study Suomi language, like 'missä, mistä, mihin' or any game like this, how can I find them in the library?or request them from… |
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There is a few board games in Helmet Libraries which help you to study Finnish. For example:
Suupaltti : lautapeli suomen opiskelijoille / pelin suunnittelu Krista Keisu & Hanna Paloneva ; ulkoasu ja kuvitus Matti Mitroshin
Suomen mestarin sanapeli : sanastoa kasvattava korttipeli kielenopiskelun tueksi
https://www.helmet.fi/en-US |
Is it possible now to print documents in any library? |
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I am sorry but it's not possible in Vantaa libraries during covid -19. If you print official papers you can do it in Vantaa info https://www.vantaa.fi/administration_and_economy/vantaa_information/van…;
I would like to know about trips of " Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan" ( President of the UN General Assembly 1962-1965 ) to Finland from 1912 - 1980. |
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I found only one article called "The Reminiscences of Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan", in which at least one trip to Finland was mentioned. Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan visited Finland in 1913, and he went through all the lakes up to the north. He also shot rapids in Ulea river (Oulu-joki in Finnish). The link to the article is available here:
There is also this website https://zafrullahkhan.weebly.com/ but with the quick browsing I didn't find any mention of trips to Finland. |
What is the origin of the surname Moilanen? What is the meaning of the name? Thank you for your answer. |
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The origin of surname Moilanen is the first name Samuel. Moilanen is usual name today in Kainuu in Finland.
Source: Pirjo Mikkonen, Sirkka Paikkala: Sukunimet, Otava 1992 |
I used to have a helmet card, but I can't find it anymore. How can I renew it? |
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Unfortunately it is not possible to send any customer info via e-mail or phone due to confidentiality and privacy reasons.
You can obtain a temporary customer id for the access to e-library by sending a request to the address ekortti@helmetkirjasto.fi. Temporary customer id is valid until 31 May, 2020. Online courses and e-books for example contain some language learning material.
You can get a new permanent card from library customer service when libraries are fully open again in June. There is more information about the current situation on Helmet website.
I would like to have the statistics on 'How much Finnish people read?' how much they read books, how much they buy, how often they use library? in whole… |
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You can see the statistics about lending and library use on Libraries.fi website: https://www.libraries.fi/statistics?language_content_entity=en
In 2017, 77% of >10 year old Finns read at least one book in a 6 month period. More statistics about that in the Statistics Finland website (in finnish): http://www.stat.fi/til/vpa/2017/03/vpa_2017_03_2019-04-25_kat_001_fi.html
Yle has written an article in english about the above statistics: https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/more_people_read_in_finland__but_fewer_books_per_year/10755536
Book sales in 2017 was 549 million euros. Source: Statistics Finland https://www.stat.fi/til/jvie/2017/jvie_2017_2018-11-23_tie_001_en.html
I am looking for a book in english about the finnish plant. Any help would be appreciated. |
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These ones you can find from Helmet-libraries