I need games that help me to study Suomi language, like 'missä, mistä, mihin' or any game like this, how can I find them in the library?or request them from…


I need games that help me to study Suomi language, like 'missä, mistä, mihin' or any game like this, how can I find them in the library?or request them from the library? Any game is welcomed



There is a few board games in Helmet Libraries which help you to study Finnish. For example:

Suupaltti : lautapeli suomen opiskelijoille / pelin suunnittelu Krista Keisu & Hanna Paloneva ; ulkoasu ja kuvitus Matti Mitroshin

Suomen mestarin sanapeli : sanastoa kasvattava korttipeli kielenopiskelun tueksi


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